

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace PointerPlaygroubnd
    class Program
        static unsafe void Main(string[] args)
            int x = 10;
            short y = -1;
            byte b = 4;
            double z = 1.5;
            int* pX = &x; //指针指向x的地址
            short* pY = &y; //指针指向y的地址
            double* pZ = &z; //指针指向z的地址
            Console.WriteLine("Address of x is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is {2}",(uint)&x,sizeof(int),x);
            Console.WriteLine("Address of y is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is {2}",(uint)&y,sizeof(short),y);
            Console.WriteLine("Address of b is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is {2}",(uint)&b,sizeof(byte),b);
            Console.WriteLine("Address of z is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is {2}",(uint)&z,sizeof(double),z);
            Console.WriteLine("Address of pX is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is {2}",(uint)&pX,sizeof(int*),(uint)*pX);
            Console.WriteLine("Address of pY is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is {2}",(uint)&pY,sizeof(short*),(uint)*pY);
            Console.WriteLine("Address of pZ is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is {2}",(uint)&pZ,sizeof(double*),(uint)*pZ);

            *pX = 20; //更改只指针的值相当于改变指针指向地址的值,x的值对应发生变化
            Console.WriteLine("After setting *pX,x={0}",x);
            Console.WriteLine("*pX = {0}",*pX);

            pZ = (double*)pX;
            Console.WriteLine("x treated as a double ={0}",*pZ);


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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace PointerPlayground2
    class Program
        internal struct CurrentcyStruct
            public long Dollars;
            public byte Cents;

            public override string ToString()
                return "$" + Dollars + "." + Cents;

        internal class CurrentcyClass
            public long Dollars;
            public byte Cents;

            public override string ToString()
                return "$" + Dollars + "." + Cents;

        static unsafe void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Size of CurrentcyStruct struct is " + sizeof(CurrentcyStruct));
            CurrentcyStruct amount1, amount2;
            CurrentcyStruct* pAmount = &amount1;
            long* pDollars = &(pAmount->Dollars);
            byte* pCents = &(pAmount->Cents);

            Console.WriteLine("Address of amount1 is 0x{0:X}",(uint)&amount1);
            Console.WriteLine("Address of amount2 is 0x{0:X}", (uint)&amount2);
            Console.WriteLine("Address of pAmount is 0x{0:X}", (uint)&pAmount);
            Console.WriteLine("Address of pDollars is 0x{0:X}", (uint)&pDollars);
            Console.WriteLine("Address of pCents is 0x{0:X}", (uint)&pCents);
            pAmount->Dollars = 20;
            *pCents = 50;
            Console.WriteLine("amount1 contains "+ amount1);

            //fixed 语句禁止垃圾回收器重定位可移动的变量。 fixed 语句只在不安全的上下文中是允许的。 Fixed 还可用于创建固定大小缓冲区
            //fixed 语句设置指向托管变量的指针,并在执行该语句期间“固定”此变量。 如果没有 fixed 语句,则指向可移动托管变量的指针的作用很小,
            //因为垃圾回收可能不可预知地重定位变量。 C# 编译器只允许在 fixed 语句中分配指向托管变量的指针。
                CurrentcyClass amount3 = new CurrentcyClass();
                fixed (long* pDollar3 = &(amount3.Dollars))
                    fixed (byte* pCents3 = &(amount3.Cents))
                        Console.WriteLine("Address of amount3.Dollars is 0x{0:X}", (uint)pDollar3);
                        Console.WriteLine("Address os amount3.Cents is 0x{0:X}", (uint)pCents3);
                        *pDollar3 = -100;
                        Console.WriteLine("amount3 contains " + amount3);

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace QuickArray
    class Program
        static unsafe void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Write("How big an array do you want? \n");
            string userInput = Console.ReadLine();
            uint size = uint.Parse(userInput);

            long* pArray = stackalloc long[(int)size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                pArray[i] = i * i;

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                //Console.WriteLine("Element {0}={1}",i,*(pArray+i)); //第一种方式
                Console.WriteLine("Element {0}={1}", i, pArray[i]); //第二种方式
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posted on 2014-06-21 18:37  zxd543  阅读(160)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报