Performing a silent installation of ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform installs ArcGIS Server without requiring an X display or user interaction during the installation process.

In this installation scenario, all available installation features are installed on one machine. This includes the server object manager (SOM), server object container (SOC), Python for use by the SOC (PythonSrvr), and the Application Developer Framework (SrvJADF). These typical installation features are preselected in the file.

Installation Guidelines

  • ArcGIS Server cannot be installed at the same location as any other ArcGIS product.
  • No other ArcGIS product can be installed as the ArcGIS Server user.
  • If ArcGIS Server is installed on a machine, you will only be able to install another ArcGIS product in single-user mode (not in multiuser mode).


How to prepare to install ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform

  1. Obtain an authorization file for the machine you will be installing ArcGIS Server on.
  2. Verify that your site meets the system requirements. For system requirement information, see Step 1: Verify your system requirements.
  3. You are required to install ArcGIS Server as root; however, you will be given an opportunity during the installation process to assign the files to the ArcGIS Server user. The user that you assign the files to must have full permissions to the ArcGIS Server installation directory. Group users and all others must have at least execute permissions to the ArcGIS Server installation directory.
  4. Insert the ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform media into the appropriate drive.

    Linux users: It is recommended that you install ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform to a mounted drive. If you do not install ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform to a mounted drive, some files will be left after uninstallation.

    Installation location: The name of the installation directory should be lowercase. The samples and data installed require the data path to be lowercase.

ArcGIS Server Authorization

ArcGIS Server Object Container requires an authorization file. Each machine installing this feature will require a valid authorization file. See To obtain an authorization file for more information.

If you installed ArcGIS Server Object Container, the installation will configure your machine using the authorization file you received from ESRI Customer Service.

How to silently install ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform

  1. Before beginning the installation, you should read the license agreement located at <CD_ROOT>/Documentation/ServerLicense.pdf and accept the terms.
  2. Copy <CD_ROOT>/support/silent/ and <CD_ROOT>/support/silent/ to a writable directory, such as the ArcGIS Server user's home directory.
  3. Edit your copy of, changing the value of CD_ROOT to point to your ArcGIS Server media mount point.
  4. Edit your copy of, replacing the values of the installation variables as appropriate for your site configuration.
    1. Edit the USER_INSTALL_DIR variable to specify the full path to the installation location.
      • The name of the installation directory should be lowercase. The samples and data installed require the data path to be lowercase.
      • The installation directory cannot be the same as any other ArcGIS product.
      • At least 711 permissions are required for all directories in the path where ArcGIS Server will be installed.


    2. The ArcGIS Server installation allows you to select features you would like to install. A default silent installation includes all the features to be installed on one machine. Edit the FEATURE_LIST variable to select only the features you would like to install. The available features are SOM, SOC, PythonSrvr, and SrvJADF. For more information on these features, see the Overview and ArcGIS Server site configuration topics.
    3. Edit the Z_FQDN_USER variable, providing the fully qualified domain name of the machine you are installing on. The fully qualified domain name must be in the form of <hostname>.<domainname>.
    4. Edit the SOM_MACHINE variable, providing the fully qualified domain name of the machine SOM is installed on. If SOM is being installed on this machine, this should be the same as the value for Z_FQDN_USER. The fully qualified domain name must be in the form of <hostname>.<domainname>.
    5. Edit the SRV_USER variable, providing the ArcGIS Server user name. This user account will be used for setting file ownership and permissions and running processes. It is required that you create the ArcGIS Server user account manually before running the installer. All files in the ArcGIS Server installation location will be owned by this user.
      • The user must have at least 711 permissions to access the ArcGIS Server installation location.
      • The user name should not be longer than eight characters.


    6. Each ArcGIS Server Object Container machine requires an authorization file. After you have received your authorization file from ESRI Customer Service, edit the Z_AUTH_FILE variable with the full path to the location of your authorization file.
      To reconfigure your machine later with an updated authorization file, launch the authorization script from <ArcGIS Server installation location>/scripts/authorizeSoftware. You can do this silently by running <ArcGIS Server installation location>/scripts/authorizeSoftware -s /full


      If the authorization file is not provided or it doesn't exist or has incorrect permissions, the script will notify you.

    7. To reconfigure your machine later with an updated authorization file, launch the authorization script from <ArcGIS Server installation location>/scripts/authorizeSoftware. You can do this silently by running <ArcGIS Server installation location>/scripts/authorizeSoftware -s /full/path/to/authorization_file.ecp. If the authorization file is not provided or it doesn't exist or has incorrect permissions, the script will notify you.
  5. Run ./ /path/to/
  6. Once the installation finishes, check /tmp/ArcGISServerSilent.log for an installation completion status message. If the installation completed successfully, you will be able to access ArcGIS Server Manager from Firefox or any supported Web browser by navigating to http://<SOM machine name>:8099. To access Manager for the first time, log in with the username admin and the password admin. ArcGIS Server Manager is used to manage your ArcGIS Server users. See the ArcGIS Server Manager documentation and help for more information.
posted on 2011-01-15 11:30  醉意人间  阅读(325)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报