// Declare a delegate.
delegate void Printer(string s);

class TestClass
    static void Main()
        // Instatiate the delegate type using an anonymous method.
        Printer p = delegate(string j)

        // Results from the anonymous delegate call.
        p("The delegate using the anonymous method is called.");

        // The delegate instantiation using a named method "DoWork".
        p = new Printer(TestClass.DoWork);

        // Results from the old style delegate call.
        p("The delegate using the named method is called.");

    // The method associated with the named delegate.
    static void DoWork(string k)
/* Output:
    The delegate using the anonymous method is called.
    The delegate using the named method is called.




而在C# 3.0中,我们无须为这些无关紧要的类型浪费时间。通过使用“匿名类型”,只要在需要一个这样的对象时使用没有类型名字的new表达式。var b1 = new { Name = "The First Sample Book"Price = 88.0f };  

  1. var b2 = new { Price = 25.0f, Name = "The Second Sample Book" };  
  2. var b3 = new { Name = "The Third Sample Book"Price = 35.00f };  
  4. Console.WriteLine(b1.GetType());  
  5. Console.WriteLine(b2.GetType());  
  6. Console.WriteLine(b3.GetType()); 


posted on 2011-07-14 21:48  醉意人间  阅读(379)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报