public static void CustomConvolutionFilter(IRaster raster)
    //The following code sample sets up a horizontal line detection filter and applies it on a raster
    //to create a convolution filter using a custom kernel.
    IRasterConvolutionFilter newFilter = new RasterConvolutionFilterClass();
    newFilter.SetSize(3, 3);
    double[] kernel = new double[9]
         - 1,  - 1,  - 1, 2, 2, 2,  - 1,  - 1,  - 1
    newFilter.PutCoefficients(ref kernel);

    //Apply the filter to the raster.
    IPixelOperation pixelOperation = (IPixelOperation)raster;
    pixelOperation.PixelFilter = (IPixelFilter)newFilter;

    //Save the result.
    ISaveAs saveas = (ISaveAs)raster;
    saveas.SaveAs(@"c:\temp\convolution_output.img", null, "IMAGINE Image");

posted on 2010-12-02 13:49  醉意人间  阅读(320)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报