1.UEFI禁用secure boot(我的系统是win10主系统,引导ubuntu,安装驱动前电脑存在win10 uefi引导问题)

  1. Make sure the "OS Type" is "Windows UEFI"
  2. Enter "Key Management"
  3. Select "Clear Secure Boot keys" (You will have the option "Install default Secure Boot keys" to restore the default keys after you cleared the Secure Boot 

After you cleared the Secure Boot Keys, Secure Boot will be automatically disabled. You can set the OS Type to Other OS now.



2.进入root权限并sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa


3.出现Error:retrieving gpg key timed out.




在sudo apt-get upgrade时出现“E:dpkg被中断,您必须手工运行 ‘sudo dpkg --configure -a’解决此问题”,输入sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/updates/*,再输入sudo apt-get update,以及sudo apt-get upgrade


5.输入ubuntu-drivers devices //查看可安装的驱动列表(选择recommended那项进行安装)


6.sudo apt install nvidia-driver-430

期间出现“不能连接到cn.archive.ubuntu.com:http:[IP: 80]”



7.到了第二天换了一个网络再次输入sudo apt install nvidia-driver-430

8.输入sudo reboot 重启,重启后感受到桌面分辨率明显变化,输入nvidia-smi,nvidia-settings均有效。

posted on 2019-07-03 09:55  zmbreathing  阅读(5845)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报