听 听 那 冷 雨
Listen to the cold rain


This is a sample database that ships with SQL Server 2005. It's for an imaginary company that sells bicycles.

Documentation generated on: Mar 4 2007 2:47AM

Database objects

type count
tables 70
views 18
stored procedures 11
user defined functions 28
user defined types 10
triggers 77
defaults 29
rules 0
schemas 19
XML schema collections 8
assemblies 9
certificates 1
symmetric keys 1
asymmetric keys 1
synonyms 2

Database users

name login groups created updated has db access
dbo sa  db_owner Apr 8 2003 9:10AM Oct 14 2005 1:58AM 1
guest   Apr 8 2003 9:10AM Apr 8 2003 9:10AM 0
INFORMATION_SCHEMA   Oct 14 2005 1:36AM Oct 14 2005 1:36AM 0
sys   Oct 14 2005 1:36AM Oct 14 2005 1:36AM 0
dork dork  Aug 23 2006 10:35PM Aug 23 2006 10:35PM 1

Database files

database file file group size max size growth usage
AdventureWorks_Data C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdventureWorks_Data.mdf PRIMARY 184,256 kb Unlimited 16384 KB data only
AdventureWorks_Log C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdventureWorks_Log.ldf   2,048 kb 2147483648 KB 16384 KB log only

Database properties

name value
name AdventureWorks
server SUMMER
size 181.94 mb
owner SUMMER\Jesse
created Jul 16 2006
status ONLINE
compatibility level 90
updateability READ_WRITE
user access MULTI_USER
recovery SIMPLE
version 611
collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
SQL sort order 52
auto close no
auto shrink no
in standby no
torn page detection no
ansi null default no
ansi nulls yes
ansi padding yes
ansi warnings yes
arithmetic abort yes
auto create statistics yes
auto update statistics yes
close cursors on commit no
full text yes
local cursors default no
null concat yes
numeric round abort no
quoted identifiers yes
recursive triggers no
published no
subscribed no
sync with backup no

Server Properties

name value
Name summer
DefaultTextMode True
Collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
Edition Standard Edition
ErrorLogPath C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG
IsCaseSensitive False
IsClustered False
IsFullTextInstalled True
IsSingleUser False
Language English (United States)
MasterDBLogPath C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA
MasterDBPath C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA
MaxPrecision 38
OSVersion 5.1 (2600)
PhysicalMemory 2047
Platform NT INTEL X86
Processors 2
Product Microsoft SQL Server
ProductLevel SP1
RootDirectory C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL
Version 9.0.2047
VersionString 9.00.2047.00
AbortOnArithmeticErrors False
AbortTransactionOnError False
AnsiNullDefaultOff False
AnsiNullDefaultOn False
AnsiNulls False
AnsiPadding False
AnsiWarnings False
ConcatenateNullYieldsNull False
CursorCloseOnCommit False
DisableDefaultConstraintCheck False
IgnoreArithmeticErrors False
ImplicitTransactions False
NoCount False
NumericRoundAbort False
QuotedIdentifier False
AuditLevel Failure
BackupDirectory C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup
DefaultFile C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data
DefaultLog C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG
LoginMode Mixed
NumberOfLogFiles -1
PerfMonMode None
TapeLoadWaitTime -1

Server Configuration

name description run value config value minimum maximum is advanced is dynamic
Ad Hoc Distributed Queries Enable or disable Ad Hoc Distributed Queries 1 1 0 1 True True
affinity I/O mask affinity I/O mask 0 0 -2147483648 2147483647 True False
affinity mask affinity mask 0 0 -2147483648 2147483647 True True
Agent XPs Enable or disable Agent XPs 1 1 0 1 True True
allow updates Allow updates to system tables 0 0 0 1 False True
awe enabled AWE enabled in the server 0 0 0 1 True False
c2 audit mode c2 audit mode 0 0 0 1 True False
clr enabled CLR user code execution enabled in the server 1 1 0 1 False True
cost threshold for parallelism cost threshold for parallelism 5 5 0 32767 True True
cross db ownership chaining Allow cross db ownership chaining 0 0 0 1 False True
cursor threshold cursor threshold -1 -1 -1 2147483647 True True
Database Mail XPs Enable or disable Database Mail XPs 0 0 0 1 True True
default full-text language default full-text language 1033 1033 0 2147483647 True True
default language default language 0 0 0 9999 False True
fill factor (%) Default fill factor percentage 0 0 0 100 True False
index create memory (KB) Memory for index create sorts (kBytes) 0 0 704 2147483647 True True
lightweight pooling User mode scheduler uses lightweight pooling 0 0 0 1 True False
locks Number of locks for all users 0 0 5000 2147483647 True False
max degree of parallelism maximum degree of parallelism 0 0 0 64 True True
max server memory (MB) Maximum size of server memory (MB) 2147483647 2147483647 16 2147483647 True True
max text repl size (B) Maximum size of a text field in replication. 65536 65536 0 2147483647 False True
max worker threads Maximum worker threads 0 0 128 32767 True False
media retention Tape retention period in days 0 0 0 365 True False
min memory per query (KB) minimum memory per query (kBytes) 1024 1024 512 2147483647 True True
min server memory (MB) Minimum size of server memory (MB) 8 0 0 2147483647 True True
nested triggers Allow triggers to be invoked within triggers 1 1 0 1 False True
network packet size (B) Network packet size 4096 4096 512 32767 True True
Ole Automation Procedures Enable or disable Ole Automation Procedures 0 0 0 1 True True
open objects Number of open database objects 0 0 0 2147483647 True False
PH timeout (s) DB connection timeout for full-text protocol handler (s) 60 60 1 3600 True True
precompute rank Use precomputed rank for full-text query 0 0 0 1 True True
priority boost Priority boost 0 0 0 1 True False
query governor cost limit Maximum estimated cost allowed by query governor 0 0 0 2147483647 True True
query wait (s) maximum time to wait for query memory (s) -1 -1 -1 2147483647 True True
recovery interval (min) Maximum recovery interval in minutes 0 0 0 32767 True True
remote access Allow remote access 1 1 0 1 False False
remote admin connections Dedicated Admin Connections are allowed from remote clients 0 0 0 1 False True
remote login timeout (s) remote login timeout 20 20 0 2147483647 False True
remote proc trans Create DTC transaction for remote procedures 0 0 0 1 False True
remote query timeout (s) remote query timeout 600 600 0 2147483647 False True
Replication XPs Enable or disable Replication XPs 0 0 0 1 True True
scan for startup procs scan for startup stored procedures 1 1 0 1 True False
set working set size set working set size 0 0 0 1 True False
show advanced options show advanced options 1 1 0 1 False True
SMO and DMO XPs Enable or disable SMO and DMO XPs 1 1 0 1 True True
SQL Mail XPs Enable or disable SQL Mail XPs 0 0 0 1 True True
transform noise words Transform noise words for full-text query 0 0 0 1 True True
two digit year cutoff two digit year cutoff 2049 2049 1753 9999 True True
user connections Number of user connections allowed 0 0 0 32767 True False
user options user options 0 0 0 32767 False True
Web Assistant Procedures Enable or disable Web Assistant Procedures 0 0 0 1 True True
xp_cmdshell Enable or disable command shell 0 0 0 1 True True
posted on 2007-04-26 14:44  听听那冷雨  阅读(531)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报