SZUProblem(A70):Locked BoxesJudge InfoMemory Limit: 32768KBCase Time Limit: 10000MSTime Limit: 10000MSJudger: Number Only JudgerDescriptionPoseidon has N boxes with lock. What's inside the box? (hum..., think by yourself) Each box can either be opened with its corresponding key or smashed. Posei 阅读全文
SZU Problem(A13):Frog MathematicJudge InfoMemory Limit: 32768KBCase Time Limit: 10000MSTime Limit: 10000MSJudger: Special Judge For Problem A13DescriptionFrog loves mathematics. Let’s have a look on a frog mathematics problem. First, there are some definitions here. A is an n×n matrix. Mi,j is 阅读全文