Kolya got string s for his birthday, the string consists of small English letters. He immediately added k more characters to the right of the string.
Then Borya came and said that the new string contained a tandem repeat of length l as a substring. How large could l be?
See notes for definition of a tandem repeat.
The first line contains s (1 ≤ |s| ≤ 200). This string contains only small English letters. The second line contains number k (1 ≤ k ≤ 200) — the number of the added characters.
Print a single number — the maximum length of the tandem repeat that could have occurred in the new string.
aaba 2
aaabbbb 2
abracadabra 10
A tandem repeat of length 2n is string s, where for any position i (1 ≤ i ≤ n) the following condition fulfills: si = si + n.
In the first sample Kolya could obtain a string aabaab, in the second — aaabbbbbb, in the third — abracadabrabracadabra.
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> using namespace std; inline int read() { int x=0,f=1;char ch=getchar(); while(ch<'0'||ch>'9'){if(ch=='-')f=-1;ch=getchar();} while(ch>='0'&&ch<='9'){x=x*10+ch-'0';ch=getchar();} return x*f; } int n,len,k,ans; int main() { string s; char ch[1001]; cin>>s; scanf("%d",&k); len=s.length(); for (int i=len;i>=1;i--) ch[i]=s[i-1]; for (int s=1;s<=len;s++) for (int i=1;i<=len-s+1;i++) { if (s-1+2*i>len+k) break; bool mark=0; for (int j=s+i;j<=min(len,s+i*2-1);j++) if (ch[j-i]!=ch[j]) {mark=1;break; } if (!mark) ans=max(i,ans); } if (k>len) ans=max(ans,(k+len)>>1); printf("%d",ans*2); }