If you can't explain it simply,

you don't understand it well enough.



  这周有点水了,加班加班加班,但不记录的话,就没有开始了,现在将之总结如下。关键词是"机器人""CPG"和"RL",搜到的第一篇文献是Guillaume Bellegarda和Auke Ijspeert的——《CPG-RL: Learning Central Pattern Generators for Quadruped Locomotion》,发表在期刊IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters(RAL)上,RAL的质量大于IROS, ICRA平均水准,当前影响因子4.321。Auke Ijspeert教授在先前介绍过,这里不再赘述,希望有机会,再认真研究分析学习一下其实验室。

  直观扫下来,没有表面上太吸引人的点,接着便又查了一些,CPG还是落寞了一些,但我总觉得目前的应用只是停留在表面,国内深究着甚少,需要生理学的更多的支持。上面的文章让我看到另一种希望,是RL,第二篇文献是《Rapid Locomotion via Reinforcement Learning》,作者是MIT Improbable AI Lab的Gabriel Margolis,作者有自己的github主页,碰到这样的作者,总是很开心,省去了自己搜集其文献的时间。列之于下,以示尊重,下周的阅读重点:
(1)Reinforcement Learning for Quadrupedal Dribbling in the Wild;(CoRL Workshop on Sim-to-Real Robot Learning: Locomotion and Beyond, 2022)
(2)Walk These Ways: Tuning Robot Control for Generalization with Multiplicity of Behavior;(Conference on Robot Learning, 2022)
(3)Rapid Locomotion via Reinforcement Learning;(Robotics: Science and Systems, 2022)
(4)Learning to Jump from Pixels;(Conference on Robot Learning, 2021)
(5)Learning Robust Terrain-Aware Locomotion;(Master's Thesis, 2021)

  第三篇文献是《Creating a Dynamic Quadrupedal Robotic Goalkeeper with Reinforcement Learning》文章提出了一个强化学习(RL)框架,可以实现四足动物机器人在现实世界中执行足球守门员任务。这也有一系列的文章好像,印象中有一篇三年前的,觉得非常有意思——《Learning Agile Robotic Locomotion Skills by Imitating Animals》,算是一个总结和接下来的阅读指导,这周先到这里,下周继续!

posted @ 2023-01-08 22:30  赵小亮  阅读(158)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Though the night was made for loving,
and the day returns too soon,
yet we'll go no more a-roving
by the light of the moon.