If you can't explain it simply,

you don't understand it well enough.


Unit system

Coordinate system
  ODE的坐标系如图所示,是直角坐标系。它被广泛应用于物理和数学中。如图所示,共有9座小金字塔。坐标系的原点是金字塔的中心,x轴是从中心到红色金字塔的方向。y轴是从中心到蓝色金字塔的方向。 z轴是从中心到天空的方向。这些教程采用SI单位制,所以金字塔之间的距离是1[m]。
Setting position and posture
   A position and an orientation of a body must be set. The following APIs are used for the purpose.
   void dBodySetPosition (dBodyID, dReal x, dReal y, dReal z);
  Set a position (x, y, z) in the absolute coordinate system.
   void dRFromAxisAndAngle (dMatrix3 R, dReal ax, dReal ay, dReal az, dReal angle);
  Calculate a rotation matrix from a rotation axis vector (ax, ay, az) and rotational angle [rad] which rotates counterclockwisely.
   void dBodySetRotation (dBodyID, const dMatrix3 R);
  Set an orientation of the body with the rotation matrix R.
  In addition, Quaternion can be used in ODE. The API is
   dBodySetQuaternion (dBodyID, const dQuaternion q).
   Getting the position and posture
   const dReal *dBodyGetPosition (dBodyID);
   Get a positon of the body. The return value is a pointer to an array.
   const dReal *dBodyGetRotation (dBodyID);
   Get a ratation matrix of the body. The return value is a pointer to an array.

 1 typedef struct {
 2   dBodyID body;
 3   dGeomID geom;
 4 } MyObject;
 6 MyObject pillar;
 8 void createPillar()
 9 {
10   dMass m1;
11   dReal radius = 0.1, length = 0.5, mass = 1.0; // radius, length, mass
13   pillar.body = dBodyCreate(world);
14   dMassSetZero(&m1);
15   dMassSetCylinderTotal(&m1,mass,3,radius,length);
16   dBodySetMass(pillar.body,&m1);
17   dBodySetPosition(pillar.body,0.0,0.0,1.0); // Set a position to (0.0,0.0,1.0)[m]
19   dMatrix3 R;
20   dRFromAxisAndAngle(R,1.0,0.0,0.0, M_PI/4.0); // Rotate PI/4[rad] along X axis
21   dBodySetRotation(pillar.body,R);
22   pillar.geom = dCreateCylinder(space,radius,length);
23   dGeomSetBody(pillar.geom,pillar.body);
24 }
26 void printPos(dBodyID obj_body) // print a position
27 {
28   const dReal *pos;  // Do not forget const to prevent an error
29   dReal x, y, z;
30   pos = dBodyGetPosition(obj_body); // Return value is an pointer to a structure
31   x = pos[0];    y = pos[1];   z = pos[2];
32   printf("x=%f y=%f z=%f \n", x, y, z);
33 }


posted @ 2020-02-09 11:04  赵小亮  阅读(481)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Though the night was made for loving,
and the day returns too soon,
yet we'll go no more a-roving
by the light of the moon.