I can make you smile.
在逃42年的意大利头号通缉犯、黑手党教父贝尔纳多·普罗文扎诺于4月11日在西西里岛被警方逮捕。普罗文扎诺是个颇具传奇色彩的人物,他在上世纪90年代黑手党遭重创后,开始接管黑手党老大职位, 长期以来一直藐视意大利当局。

请看外电相关报道:Italy's reputed Mafia boss, Bernardo Provenzano, who had been on the run since 1963, was captured without resistance Tuesday at a farmhouse near Corleone, Sicily. The No. 1 fugitive practically thumbed his nose at authorities for more than 40 years.

  报道中的thumb (one's) nose是个固定搭配,其字面意思是“把拇指放在鼻子上以示不满、蔑视或嘲笑”,用英语可以解释为:“to express discontent, scorn or ridicule by placing the thumb on the nose”。举两个例子:
  He thumbed his nose at the world and often complained.(他愤世嫉俗,常常满腹牢骚。)
  You thumb your nose at the big things, yet you take the trivial things so seriously . This contradiction is hilarious!(你正事儿上吊儿郎当,在小节上却特较真儿,真是矛盾得可笑。)
  另外,别小瞧了thumb,它可是大有学问!比如:thumb down和thumb up是一对反义词组,分别表示“反对”或“支持”;而be all thumbs则用来形容“笨手笨脚表示”。
  如果看到under one's thumb,您可否发挥点想象力、想一想如来佛的手掌呢?如:She's got her husband under her thumb.对了,under one's thumb表示“受制于某人”,这句话可翻译为:她丈夫始终逃不了她的管制。
posted on 2006-06-19 10:32  为自己加油!  阅读(237)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报