


     SubSonic: Version 2.1 (Pakala)     

     a.Create a query tool where you would be able to do 95% of all the queries you’d need, in a readable, discoverable way 

     b.Work up your DAL, not complicated and time-consuming.

      c.Very very close to SQL 







2.Load an object

a)      FetchByID

//SubSonic will not work with tables that do not have a primary key

Product product = Product.FetchByID(id);  

if (product.ProductID == id)

{ // Success } else { // Not Found }

//If the object is not found, SubSonic will not throw an error.

b)       the overloaded constructor

Product product = new Product(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx);

c)     NewFromXML

Session["Product"] = product.ToXML();



2.    Retrieving Multiple Objects

a)     FetchAll()

b)    FetchByParameter()

c)     FetchByQuery(query)

d)    Product product = new Product();

          product.SupplierID = 1;

          product.CategoryID = 1;

          GridView1.DataSource = Product.Find(product);    //基于已存在的对象查找结果

e)     Query


3.    Queries

a)     SubSonic.Query query = Product.CreateQuery();

          SubSonic.Query query = new SubSonic.Query(xxxxxxxxxxxx);

          query.OrderBy =SubSonic.OrderBy.Asc(xxxxxxx);

          //there is no way to order by multiple columns.

b)    query.SelectList = Product.Columns.ProductName + ", " + Product.Columns.SupplierID;


c)     query.addwhere()


4.    Stored Procedures&&Commands

a)     SubSonic.StoredProcedure sp = SPs.CustOrderHist(customerID);

          //The stored procedure can then either call Execute, ExecuteScalar, GetDataSet or GetReader to execute and return the data.

b)    string sql = query.GetSql();

          SubSonic.QueryCommand cmd = product.GetInsertCommand(xxxxxx);

          //If the querying power of SubSonic falls short for your needs, you can still use the existing functionality and extend it by accessing the commands that are being built before execution.




posted on 2009-02-09 22:21  Pavel Yu  阅读(2192)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报