慢慢来,也会很快。 非宁静无以志学,学什么都一样,慢慢打基础,找规律、认真、坚持,其余的交给时间。

1. 字符串的format方法有几种指定参数方式

1. 默认方式(传入的参数与{}一一对应)

2. 命名参数

3. 位置参数


2. 通过代码详细描述

s1 = 'Today is {}, the temperature is {} degrees.'
print(s1.format('Saturday', 24))

s2 = 'Today is {day}, the temperature is {degree} degrees.'
print(s2.format(degree=30, day='Saturday'))

s3 = 'Today is {week}, {}, the {} temperature is {degree}'
print(s3.format('abcd', 1234, degree=24, week='Sunday'))

s4 = 'Today is {week}, {1}, the {0} temperature is {degree} degrees'
print(s4.format('abcd', 1234, degree=24, week='Sunday'))

class Person:
    def __init__(self):
        self.age = 20
        self.name = 'Bill'

    def getName(self):
        return 'Bill'

person = Person()
# s5 = 'My name is {p.getName()}, my age is {p.age}.'
# print(s5.format(p = person))
# AttributeError: 'Person' object has no attribute 'getName()'

# 只能访问属性,不能访问方法
s5 = 'My name is {p.name}, my age is {p.age}.'
print(s5.format(p = person))


Today is Saturday, the temperature is 24 degrees.
Today is Saturday, the temperature is 30 degrees.
Today is Sunday, abcd, the 1234 temperature is 24
Today is Sunday, 1234, the abcd temperature is 24 degrees
My name is Bill, my age is 20.





posted on 2022-04-19 21:02  yuminhu  阅读(154)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报