--表达式,EmpAge>=0 and EmpAge<=150

--添加, 类型唯一键
--列 字段名
--标志,UQ- +字段名



--truncate table dbo.tblStudent


--datetime 默认约束




--T-SQL 实现约束
create table T_CreateConstraint
id int primary key,--主键约束
name nvarchar(10) unique, --唯一约束
age int check(age>=0 and age<=100),--检查约束
jiondate datetime default(getdate()) --默认约束

create table T_CreateConstraint2
id int ,--not null,
name nvarchar(10) ,
age int ,
jiondate datetime
--凡是修改表语法为alter table 表名
alter table T_CreateConstraint2
add constraint
and age<=100
alter table T_CreateConstraint2
add constraint
primary key(id)

alter table T_CreateConstraint2
add constraint


alter table T_CreateConstraint2
add constraint
default (getdate()) for jionDate

--alter table T_CreateConstraint2
--add constraint

--select * from sys.objects

--if(OBJECT_ID('对象名','对象类型'))is not null


create table MainTable
Fid int primary key,
name nvarchar(10)
create table ForTable
id int primary key,
Fid int foreign key references MainTable(Fid)

create table MainTable1
Fid int primary key,
name nvarchar(10)
create table ForTabe1
id int primary key,
Fid int

alter table ForTabe1
add constraint
foreign key(Fid) references MainTable1(Fid)

create table MyTable
id int identity(1,1) primary key
name nvarchar(10)
select * from dbo.班级表
select * from dbo.班级表 where
--1.列as 别名
--2.列 别名(不建议用)

--select有一个特殊功能,就是显示数据 很重要,就是在select里面加上一行,这行并不会改变数据库的原始数据

top 获取前几条数据,放在列前面,常与order by一起使用
select top (3)

--添加某个类型的排序,使用order by+字段名
group by将某个字段分组
--group by中有的字段,才能出现在select语句中
--group by对数据进行分组,但是应该注意分组的数据才允许select检索
--group by应写在from后面,但写在order by 的前面,否则会出差

select distinct * from 表名
--select distinct(需要去除的字段),其他字段 from 表名
select * from dbo.学生表 order by 年龄 desc

语法:group by 字段
EMPname 员工姓名,COUNT(EMPname) from dbo.tblEMPloyee group by EMPname
--注意:在处理聚合数据的时候,不计入null空值数据,在SQL Server 中null表示未知


--使用between and表示条件范围 可以用or将范围条件连接起来
--字段 between 数值1 and 数值2 范围的精度高

--模糊查询 有两个
--在方括号中[^]也可以表示否定,就是表示不出现这个元素的 两种: name like '[^赵]%' name not like '赵%'

-->,<,>=,<=,<>,SQL server中提供的:(!=)(!>)(!<)
查询所有生日为null的姓名->select Fname from T_studentFbirthday is null
--判断null只能使用is或in not isnull is not null --函数isnull(字段名,替换值)
查询时专门为空值的字段显示处理 select is null(字段,123) from 表名
--空字符串与null含义不同,空字符串依旧有内容 处理空字符串可以使用len()函数和is null

where是进入数据库的第一次筛选,而having是第二次筛选,where后面不能跟聚合函数 有select中的数据进行筛选,需要放在having子句里面

--union 就是将多个结果集合并成一个结果集
--查询语句1 union 查询语句2
--union会自动合并重复的数据、而union all会保留重复数据,一般都是使用union all,效率会高点
--联合需要注意类型一致 cast()函数可以实现数据的类型转换
select cast(1234 as varchar(4)),'123'
select 'xixi','123'
select convert(varchar(4),1234),'hahaha'
select 'xixi','hahaha'

pId, pTypeId, pName, pCellPhone, pHomePhone

create table [user]
uId int identity(1,1) primary key,
name varchar(50),
level int --1骨灰 2大虾 3菜鸟
insert into [user] (name,level) values('犀利哥',1)
insert into [user] (name,level) values('小月月',2)
insert into [user] (name,level) values('芙蓉姐姐',3)

select * from [user]

--1 case end
select uid,name,
case level
when 1 then '骨灰'
when 2 then '大虾'
when 3 then '菜鸟'
else '0'
end as level
from [user]

--2 case end
select studentId,
when english between 90 and 100 then '优'
when english between 80 and 89 then '良'
when english between 70 and 79 then '中'
when english between 60 and 69 then '可'
else '差'
end as '成绩'
from Score

--练习1 3列变两列
select a,b,c from biao

when A>b then a
else b
when b>c then b
else c

from biao

--练习2 2列变3列
create table test
number varchar(10),
amount int
insert into test(number,amount) values('RK1',10)
insert into test(number,amount) values('RK2',20)
insert into test(number,amount) values('RK3',-30)
insert into test(number,amount) values('RK4',-10)

select * from test

select number,
when amount > 0 then amount
else 0
end as '收入',
when amount < 0 then abs(amount)
else 0
end as '支出'
from test


CREATE TABLE student0 (name nvarchar(10),subject nvarchar(10),result int)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('张三','语文',80)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('张三','数学',90)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('张三','物理',85)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('李四','语文',85)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('李四','数学',92)
INSERT INTO student0 VALUES ('李四','物理',null)

select * from student0

select name,
sum(case subject
when '语文' then result
end) as '语文',
sum(case subject
when '数学' then result
end) as '数学',
isnull(sum(case subject
when '物理' then result
end),0) as '物理'
from student0
group by name

--子查询 嵌套子查询
select * from
(select sId,sName from student where sage<20) as t

select (select MAX(english) from Score) as '最高成绩',
(select MIN(english) from Score) as '最低成绩',
(select Convert(numeric(10,2),AVG(english)) from Score) as '平均成绩'

select '姓名',(select MAX(sAge) from student)

select * from student
select * from Class
select * from student where sClassId =
(select cid from Class where cName='高二一班')

--查找高一一班 高二一班 高三一班所有的学生
--子查询返回的值不止一个。当子查询跟随在 =、!=、<、<=、>、>= 之后,或子查询用作表达式时,这种情况是不允许的。
select * from student where sClassId in
(select cid from Class where cName in ('高二一班','高一一班'))


select * from Score where studentId in
(select sId from student where sName in ('刘备','关羽','张飞'))

delete from Score where studentId in
(select sId from student where sName in ('刘备','关羽','张飞'))

select * from Score

-----子查询 相关子查询

select MAX(sage),MIN(sage),AVG(sAge) from student as s1
where 23 > (select AVG(sAge) from student as s2 where s1.sClassId = s2.sClassId)

select MAX(sage),MIN(sage),AVG(sAge) from student
group by sClassId having AVG(sAge) < 23


select * from student

select top 3 * from student
where sId not in (select top 0 sId from student)

select top 3 * from student
where sId not in (select top 3 sId from student)
select top 3 * from student
where sId not in (select top 6 sId from student)

select * from student
select top 3 * from student
where sId not in (select top (3*(2-1)) sid from student order by sAge)
order by sage desc


select ceiling(COUNT(*)/3.0) from student


select * from
(select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sid desc) as num from student) as t
where num between 1 and 3
order by sId desc
select * from
(select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sid desc) as num from student) as t
where num between 4 and 6
order by sId desc
select * from
(select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sid desc) as num from student) as t
where num between 7 and 9
order by sId desc


--第n页的数据 每页3条数据
select * from
(select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sid desc) as num from student) as t
where num between (n-1)*3+1 and n*3
order by sId desc


--cross join 交叉连接
select * from student cross join Class

--inner join..on .. 内连接

select sName,sAge,cName from student inner join Class
on student.sClassId = Class.cId

select sName,sAge,cname from student inner join Class
on student.sClassId=Class.cId
where sAge > 20
order by sAge

select sName,sAge,cName,english from student inner join Class
on student.sClassId = Class.cId
inner join Score on score.studentId=student.sId

select * from Score

select sName,sAge,isnull(english,0) from Score right join student
on student.sId = Score.studentId

select sName,sAge,english from student inner join Score
on student.sId=Score.studentId
where english>=60

select sName,sAge,math from student inner join Score
on student.sId=Score.studentId
where math is not null
select sname,sage,
when math is null then '缺考'
when math < 60 then '不及格'
else CONVERT(varchar(5),math)
from student left join Score
on student.sId=Score.studentId






select * from sys.databases

select * from sys.objects

use master
if exists(select * from sys.databases where name='test')
drop database test
create database test
use test
if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='tt')
drop table tt
create table tt
id int
if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='UQ_id')
alter table tt drop constraint UQ_id
alter table tt
add constraint UQ_id unique (id)

use MySchool

select * from v_student

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='v_Student0')
drop view v_student0
create view v_Student0
select sName,sAge from student where sAge > 20


create view v_Score
select sname,sage,
when math is null then '缺考'
when math < 60 then '不及格'
else CONVERT(varchar(5),math)
end as 'math'
from student left join Score
on student.sId=Score.studentId

select * from v_Score


declare @name nvarchar(30)
declare @age int

declare @name nvarchar(30),@age int


--set 只能给一个变量赋值
--set @name='张三'
--set @age = 18

--select 可以同时给多个变量赋值
select @name='张三',@age=18
select @age=AVG(sAge) from student
select @age=sage from student where sName=@name

--print 一次只能输出一个变量的值,输出到消息窗口
print @name
print @age

select @name,@age
--select @age

select @@VERSION
select @@LANGUAGE

--上一次 最大编号
insert into Class (cName,cDescription) values ('高二三班11','慢班')
select @@IDENTITY

--上一次 错误号
insert into Class (cName,cDescription) values ('高二三班11','慢班')
select @@ERROR
select * from Class
--上一次 受影响的行数
insert into Class (cName,cDescription) values ('高二三班11','慢班')
select @@ROWCOUNT


--if else


declare @score float
select @score=avg(english) from Score
select '平均成绩:'+ CONVERT(varchar, @score)

if(@score >= 60)
print '前三名'
select top 3 * from Score order by english desc
print '后三名'
select top 3 * from Score order by english asc

--循环 while

declare @count int,@failCount int,@i int
set @i = 0
select @count=COUNT(*) from Score
select @failCount=COUNT(*) from Score where english<60
while(@failCount > @count/2)
update Score set english = english + 2
select @failCount=COUNT(*) from Score where english<60
set @i = @i + 1
update Score set english = 100 where english >100

select @i

select * from Score

truncate table score
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(1,10,87)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(2,20,90)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(3,59,60)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(4,100,50)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(5,30,100)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(6,0,null)
insert into Score (studentId,english,math) values(7,20,null)

declare @i int
set @i = 0
set @i = @i + 1
update Score set english = english + 2
declare @fail int
select @fail = COUNT(*) from Score where english<60
if(@fail = 0)
update Score set english = 100 where english>100

select @i

select * from Score


create table bank
cId char(4) primary key,
balance money, --余额

alter table bank
add constraint CH_balance check(balance >=10)

--delete from bank
insert into bank values('0001',1000)
insert into bank values('0002',10)


select * from bank

update bank set balance=balance - 1000 where cId='0001'
update bank set balance=balance + 1000 where cId='0002'


declare @sumError int

set @sumError = 0

-- begin transaction
begin tran
update bank set balance=balance - 1000 where cId='0001'
set @sumError = @sumError + @@ERROR
update bank set balance=balance + 1000 where cId='0002'
set @sumError = @sumError + @@ERROR

if(@sumError = 0)
commit tran
rollback tran

select * from bank


--store procedure

exec sp_databases
exec sp_helpdb myschool
exec sp_tables

exec sp_helptext sp_adddatatype

exec sp_attach_db @dbname='DataMng',@filename1='c:\DataManager_data.mdf',@filename2='c:\DataManager_log.ldf'
exec sp_detach_db 'DataManager'



if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='usp_upGrade')
drop proc usp_upGrade
create proc usp_upGrade
declare @count int,@failCount int,@i int
select @count=COUNT(*) from Score
select @failCount=COUNT(*) from Score where english<60
while(@failCount > @count/2)
update Score set english = english + 2
select @failCount=COUNT(*) from Score where english<60
update Score set english = 100 where english >100

exec usp_upGrade
select * from Score

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='usp_upGrade')
drop proc usp_upGrade
create proc usp_upGrade
@passEnglish int,@passMath int
declare @countEn int ,@countMath int
select @countEn=COUNT(*) from Score where english<@passEnglish
select @countMath=COUNT(*) from Score where math<@passMath
select '英语不及格人数',@countEn
select '数学不及格人数',@countMath

exec usp_upGrade 60,60

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='usp_upGrade')
drop proc usp_upGrade
create proc usp_upGrade
@passEnglish int=60,@passMath int =60
declare @countEn int ,@countMath int
select @countEn=COUNT(*) from Score where english<@passEnglish
select @countMath=COUNT(*) from Score where math<@passMath
select '英语不及格人数',@countEn
select '数学不及格人数',@countMath

exec usp_upGrade
exec usp_upGrade 70,70
--英语及格分数线70 数学默认60
exec usp_upGrade 70
--英语及格分数线60 数学默认70
exec usp_upGrade 60,70
exec usp_upGrade @passMath=70
exec usp_upGrade @passEnglish=70,@passMath=70

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='usp_upGrade')
drop proc usp_upGrade
create proc usp_upGrade

@countEn int output, --英语不及格人数
@countMath int output, --数学不及格人数
@passEnglish int=60,
@passMath int =60
select @countEn=COUNT(*) from Score where english<@passEnglish
select @countMath=COUNT(*) from Score where math<@passMath

declare @en int,@math int
exec usp_upGrade @countEn= @en output,@countMath=@math output
select @en
select @math

declare @en int,@math int
exec usp_upGrade @en output,@math output
select @en
select @math

if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='usp_upGrade')
drop proc usp_upGrade
create proc usp_upGrade
@countEn int output, --英语不及格人数
@countMath int output, --数学不及格人数
@passEnglish int=60,
@passMath int =60
select @countEn=COUNT(*) from Score where english<@passEnglish
select @countMath=COUNT(*) from Score where math<@passMath
declare @count int
select @count = COUNT(*) from Score
return @count

declare @en int,@math int,@count int
exec @count = usp_upGrade @en output,@math output
select @en
select @math
select @count

select * from user where uloginname='' and upwd=''


create proc use_pro
@pageindex int,
@pagesize int,
@pagecount int output
declare @num int
select @num= COUNT(*) from Student
set @pagecount=CEILING(@num*1.0/@pagesize)
select * from
(select * ,ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sid) as num from Student) as t
where num between (@pageindex-1)*@pagesize+1 and @pageindex*@pagesize
order by sid

declare @n int
exec use_pro 2,3,@n output



posted on 2012-07-23 22:13  Fan帥帥  阅读(840)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报