File Handling at Client Side Using JavascriptIntroductionJavaScript has a very rich ensemble of methods and properties to create, manipulate, and manage drives, files, and folders. You can use JavaScript as you would any other modern programming language. For example, you can use it to open files, w 阅读全文
CxImage PracticePrefaceYears after the previous version, I can tell that the article has survived its author, and even if my opinion on the limits of this library has not changed, an update was really necessary.Thank you very much to all the people that gave their contribution to this new release, w 阅读全文
VC编译选项 多线程(/MT)多线程调试(/MTd)多线程 DLL (/MD)多线程调试 DLL (/MDd)C 运行时库 库文件Single thread(static link) ML libc.libDebug single thread(static link) MLd libcd.libMultiThread(static link) MT libcmt.libDebug multiThread(static link) MTd libcmtd.libMultiThread(dynamic link) MD msvert.libDebug multiThread(dynamic li 阅读全文