Angelo Lee's Blog
This is my kingdom .If i don't fight for it ,who will ?

Method 1:

Link:Debugging COM and ActiveX

Link:How to: Debug an ActiveX Control

Step1:Code test html.

		<TITLE>Test ActiveX</TITLE>
		<OBJECT ID="MyActiveX" WIDTH=800 HEIGHT=600
			<PARAM NAME="_Version" VALUE="65536">
			<PARAM NAME="_ExtentX" VALUE="4657">
			<PARAM NAME="_ExtentY" VALUE="4075">
			<PARAM NAME="_StockProps" VALUE="0">

Step2:Set debug option in VS2010.

Right click the project and select "Properties" tab. Then select Debugging item in the Properties Pages and configure "Command" and "CommandArgs" arguments.

command: C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplore.exe  (Local IE path)

command arguments: C:/test.htm (test.html file path)

Step3: Register ActiveX control using full path.

If not, there will be an error:The sepcified module could not be found.

Step4: Sep break point in VS2010 where the implement code you want to debug. Then press F5 to run the program.

Note:IE8 is multi-thread by default, doesn't support ActiveX debug. So, you must modify the registry as following:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]


posted on 2013-01-25 23:51  Angelo Lee  阅读(490)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报