1 enum Qt::​AlignmentFlag
2 flags Qt::​Alignment


This enum type is used to describe alignment. It contains horizontal and vertical flags that can be combined to produce the required effect.

The TextElideMode enum can also be used in many situations to fine-tune the appearance of aligned text.

The horizontal flags are:

Qt::AlignLeft 0x0001 Aligns with the left edge.  左边缘对齐
Qt::AlignRight 0x0002 Aligns with the right edge. 右边缘对齐
Qt::AlignHCenter 0x0004 Centers horizontally in the available space. 中心水平放在空间
Qt::AlignJustify 0x0008 Justifies the text in the available space.       为可用空间的文本排版

The vertical flags are:

Qt::AlignTop 0x0020 Aligns with the top.
Qt::AlignBottom 0x0040 Aligns with the bottom.
Qt::AlignVCenter 0x0080 Centers vertically in the available space.
Qt::AlignBaseline 0x0100 Aligns with the baseline.

QTableWidgetItem *item = new QTableWidgetItem(operand1); 2 item->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignRight);写入小部件的设置方式 3 tableWidget->setItem(row++,1,item);


posted on 2021-03-29 14:59  一杯清酒邀明月  阅读(2906)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报