
1.    scanf()   这个函数有返回值,如果输入成功则返回输入的元素的个数
       例如:  scanf("%s %d", str,&d); 
2.    strcmp() 这个函数用于字符比较,他的机理是将两个字符串按位相减
           如:     str1 = "I love YOU";
                      str2 = "I love HER";
                       结果返回    'Y'-'H'
3.    和strcmp()类似, memcmp()也是同样的机理,用法参看msdn
4.    gets()   和   scanf("%s", ...) 的区别
             gets()   在从文件输入的时候(stdin也看成文件),
            而scanf("%s",...)  则读入以空格为端点的串(空格不读入,也不吃掉)
                 例如:scanf("%s",str);  gets(str);
                             后为'\n'   (好像是13)
5.    一些格式简单的输入输出不提倡用cin cout
           因为他们的速度要比scanf printf 慢,在作时间比较紧的题目的时候比较郁闷

6.   为了对付不同的编译器和操作系统,long long 的输出要用cout
            当然如果ojs允许的话  printf("%lld",...)      可以满足要求。
            一般架在linux系统上的编译器都支持, unsigned long long 使用 "%llu"
7.   cin  cout 和 scanf printf 尽量不要混用,在VC中可能通不过编译
8.   cout 和 printf也不要混用,cout首先输入一个buffer,然后再输出,而printf直接就输出了。
9.   gets的返回值是输入字符串的指针,当无法从文件中读入字符串的时候返回NULL
10-a.   有的题目(很少)告诉你它会给你一行数据,这些数据满足某些关系
              strtok函数的函数原形是 char * strtok(char *s1,const char * s2); 
              这个函数返回string s1的第一个token 
              当s1 ==NULL 的时候表示接着上次找到的那个token的后面继续找另一个token
           举个例子:     #define MAXL someNumber 
                              char buffer[MAXL], *ps; 
                              for(ps=strtok(buffer," \t");ps;ps=strtok(NULL," \t"))
                               { //do sth. }

10-b  如果分隔符为 “space”,除了使用strtok这个函数。 可以使用istringstream 流来控制

11. 有的题目有前导空格,而这不是我们需要的
         scanf(" %...."); //只要在前面加个空格,那么它就会将输入流中的


*strtok.c - tokenize a string with given delimiters
*        Copyright (c) 1989-1997, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
*        defines strtok() - breaks string into series of token
*        via repeated calls.

#include <cruntime.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef _MT
#include <mtdll.h>
#endif   /* _MT */

*char *strtok(string, control) - tokenize string with delimiter in control
*        strtok considers the string to consist of a sequence of zero or more
*        text tokens separated by spans of one or more control chars. the first
*        call, with string specified, returns a pointer to the first char of the
*        first token, and will write a null char into string immediately
*        following the returned token. subsequent calls with zero for the first
*        argument (string) will work thru the string until no tokens remain. the
*        control string may be different from call to call. when no tokens remain
*        in string a NULL pointer is returned. remember the control chars with a
*        bit map, one bit per ascii char. the null char is always a control char.
*        char *string - string to tokenize, or NULL to get next token
*        char *control - string of characters to use as delimiters
*        returns pointer to first token in string, or if string
*        was NULL, to next token
*        returns NULL when no more tokens remain.

char * __cdecl strtok (char * string,const char * control)
         unsigned char *str;
         const unsigned char *ctrl = control;

         unsigned char map[32];
         int count;

#ifdef _MT
         _ptiddata ptd = _getptd();
#else   /* _MT */
         static char *nextoken;    // tricky
#endif   /* _MT */

         /* Clear control map */
         for (count = 0; count < 32; count++)
                 map[count] = 0;

         /* Set bits in delimiter table */
         do {
                 map[*ctrl >> 3] |= (1 << (*ctrl & 7));
         } while (*ctrl++);

         /* Initialize str. If string is NULL, set str to the saved
          * pointer (i.e., continue breaking tokens out of the string
          * from the last strtok call) */
         if (string)
                 str = string;
#ifdef _MT
                 str = ptd->_token;
#else   /* _MT */
                 str = nextoken;
#endif   /* _MT */

         /* Find beginning of token (skip over leading delimiters). Note that
          * there is no token iff this loop sets str to point to the terminal
          * null (*str == '\0') */
         while ( (map[*str >> 3] & (1 << (*str & 7))) && *str )

         string = str;

         /* Find the end of the token. If it is not the end of the string,
          * put a null there. */
         for ( ; *str ; str++ )
                 if ( map[*str >> 3] & (1 << (*str & 7)) ) {
                         *str++ = '\0';

         /* Update nextoken (or the corresponding field in the per-thread data
          * structure */
#ifdef _MT
         ptd->_token = str;
#else   /* _MT */
         nextoken = str;
#endif   /* _MT */

         /* Determine if a token has been found. */
         if ( string == str )
                 return NULL;
                 return string;


posted on 2009-05-29 13:35  人间奇迹  阅读(946)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报