# 查询当前数据库版本
select @@VERSION
select csj, ISDATE(csj) from dbo.t_gh where ISDATE(csj) = 0 order by csj asc;
--1: select count(*),id from receipt group by id having count(*)>1; --2: select *,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by [Message] order by [Message] ASC) as rnk from [dbo].[Log]
select distinct s.建档门诊,COUNT(s.病人编号) as 病人总数量 from dbo.病人基本信息 AS s group by s.建档门诊
select a.name,b.rows from sysobjects As a join sysindexes As b on a.id=b.id where(a.type='U') AND (indid in(0,1)) order by b.rows DESC
1 SELECT 2 TableName = obj.name, 3 TotalRows = prt.rows, 4 [SpaceUsed] = CAST(SUM(alloc.used_pages)*8 as FLOAT)/1024 5 FROM sys.objects obj 6 JOIN sys.indexes idx on obj.object_id = idx.object_id 7 JOIN sys.partitions prt on obj.object_id = prt.object_id 8 JOIN sys.allocation_units alloc on alloc.container_id = prt.partition_id 9 WHERE 10 obj.type = 'U' AND idx.index_id IN (0, 1) 11 GROUP BY obj.name, prt.rows 12 ORDER BY SUM(alloc.used_pages)*8 DESC
1 CREATE TABLE #tablespaceinfo 2 ( 3 nameinfo VARCHAR(500) , 4 rowsinfo BIGINT , 5 reserved VARCHAR(20) , 6 datainfo VARCHAR(20) , 7 index_size VARCHAR(20) , 8 unused VARCHAR(20) 9 ) 10 11 DECLARE @tablename VARCHAR(255); 12 13 DECLARE Info_cursor CURSOR 14 FOR 15 SELECT '[' + [name] + ']' 16 FROM sys.tables 17 WHERE type = 'U'; 18 19 OPEN Info_cursor 20 FETCH NEXT FROM Info_cursor INTO @tablename 21 22 WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 23 BEGIN 24 INSERT INTO #tablespaceinfo 25 EXEC sp_spaceused @tablename 26 FETCH NEXT FROM Info_cursor 27 INTO @tablename 28 END 29 30 CLOSE Info_cursor 31 DEALLOCATE Info_cursor 32 33 --创建临时表 34 CREATE TABLE [#tmptb] 35 ( 36 TableName VARCHAR(50) , 37 DataInfo BIGINT , 38 RowsInfo BIGINT , 39 Spaceperrow AS ( CASE RowsInfo 40 WHEN 0 THEN 0 41 ELSE DataInfo / RowsInfo 42 END ) PERSISTED 43 ) 44 45 --插入数据到临时表 46 INSERT INTO [#tmptb] 47 ( [TableName] , 48 [DataInfo] , 49 [RowsInfo] 50 ) 51 SELECT [nameinfo] , 52 CAST(REPLACE([datainfo], 'KB', '') AS BIGINT) AS 'datainfo' , 53 [rowsinfo] 54 FROM #tablespaceinfo 55 ORDER BY CAST(REPLACE(reserved, 'KB', '') AS INT) DESC 56 57 58 --汇总记录 59 SELECT [tbspinfo].* , 60 [tmptb].[Spaceperrow] AS '每行记录大概占用空间(KB)' 61 FROM [#tablespaceinfo] AS tbspinfo , 62 [#tmptb] AS tmptb 63 WHERE [tbspinfo].[nameinfo] = [tmptb].[TableName] 64 ORDER BY CAST(REPLACE([tbspinfo].[reserved], 'KB', '') AS INT) DESC 65 66 DROP TABLE [#tablespaceinfo] 67 DROP TABLE [#tmptb]
SELECT count(*), NamePY FROM koaladb.t_patient group by NamePY having count(*) = 1;
use my_school go IF EXISTS(select * from sysobjects where name='Payroll') drop table Payroll go create table Payroll (PayrollId int ,departmentId int ,wages decimal(10,2)) go insert into Payroll values(1,10,5500.00) insert into Payroll values(2,10,4500.00) insert into Payroll values(3,20,1900.00) insert into Payroll values(4,20,4800.00) insert into Payroll values(5,40,6500.00) insert into Payroll values(6,40,14500.00) insert into Payroll values(7,40,44500.00) insert into Payroll values(8,50,6500.00) insert into Payroll values(9,50,7500.00) go -- 查询dbo.Payroll表莫个部门的最高奖金或者最低奖金 with x as ( -- departmentId,根据部门编号进行分组排序,wages:根据奖金进行降序排序,rak生成每组内部排序后的顺序编号 SELECT *, Row_Number() OVER (partition by departmentId ORDER BY wages desc) rnk FROM dbo.Payroll ) select max(rnk) from x where departmentId='10' go -- 查询dbo.Payroll表中的最高奖金 with x as ( -- departmentId,根据部门编号进行分组排序,wages:根据奖金进行降序排序,rak生成每组内部排序后的顺序编号 SELECT *, Row_Number() OVER (partition by departmentId ORDER BY wages desc) rnk FROM dbo.Payroll ) select max(rnk) from x go
--以xx替换abcdsdsajk中的‘cd’ select replace('abcdsdsajk','cd','xx')GO -- 以x替换123345中的3 select replace('123345','3','x')GO --以JPG替换dbo.ImageSouce表中ImageSouce字段下的所有jpg select REPLACE(ImageSouce,'jpg','JPG') from dbo.ImageSouce
declare @tablename NVARCHAR(100) declare drop_tab cursor for SELECT b.name FROM sysindexes AS a INNER JOIN sys.tables AS b ON b.object_id = a.id WHERE indid IN ( 0, 1 ); open drop_tab fetch next from drop_tab into @tablename while (@@fetch_status=0) begin IF(@tablename<>'影相表') --排除个别表 BEGIN EXEC('drop table '+@tablename) END fetch next from drop_tab into @tablename end close drop_tab deallocate drop_tab go
# p 更新的表 update p set p.patientID=isnull(p1.patientID,''), p.Name=p1.Name, p.Mobile=p1.Mobile from user p inner join pat p1 on p.ID=p1.ID # p 更新的表 update p set p.patientID=isnull(p1.PatientID,''),p.PatientName=p1.PatientName,p.Telephone=p1.Telephone from t_patient as p,[dbo].[pat] as p1 where p.PatientIdentity=p1.PatientIdentity
-- 在执行sql前创建一个跟备份的数据库名字一样的数据库再执行sql osql -S -U sa -P sa -i d:\test.sql
# order by 必须有 select * from tableName order by id offset 0 rows fetch next 500 rows only
# 常用 delete from #tblDelete; # 快速方式 truncate table #tblDelete;
if( object_id('pr_DataClear') is not null ) drop procedure pr_DataClear go create procedure pr_DataClear as begin transaction declare @cTblName varchar(128) declare cur_Clear cursor for select rtrim(name) from sysobjects where type = 'U' order by crdate desc open cur_Clear declare @cSQL varchar(255) fetch next from cur_Clear into @cTblName while( @@fetch_status = 0) begin set @cSQL = 'delete from ' + @cTblName print @cSQL exec( @cSQL ) if( ident_seed(@cTblName) is not null ) begin dbcc checkident( @cTblName, reseed, 0 ) print '有种子且成功重置为1' end fetch next from cur_Clear into @cTblName end close cur_Clear deallocate cur_Clear commit go -- 执行存储过程,清空所有表数据 exec pr_DataClear -- 数据库收缩 dbcc shrinkdatabase(数据库) dbcc updateusage(数据库) -- 截断日志 (2008不支持) backup log 数据库 with no_log ALTER DATABASE 数据库 set recovery simple go DBCC SHRINKFILE('数据库日志逻辑名称',0,TRUNCATEONLY) GO ALTER DATABASE 数据库 SET RECOVERY FULL GO -- 查看表空间(概数) select object_name(id) as 表名, (rtrim(8*reserved/1024) + 'MB') as 总量, (rtrim(8*dpages/1024) + 'MB') as 已使用, (rtrim(8*(reserved-dpages)/1024) + 'MB') as 未使用, (rtrim(8*dpages/1024-rows/1024*minlen/1024) + 'MB' ) as 空隙 from sysindexes where indid=1 order by reserved desc go --博客:https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/310228785
-- 查询是否有重复的数据 select count(*),billidentity from Order_List group by billidentity having count(*)>1 -- 根据主键进行删除 with x as ( select*,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by payidentity order by paydate desc) as rnk from [dbo].[PayHistory] ) delete from x where rnk>1
16.Row_Number() OVER
use my_school go IF EXISTS(select * from sysobjects where name='Payroll') drop table Payroll go create table Payroll (PayrollId int ,departmentId int ,wages decimal(10,2)) go insert into Payroll values(1,10,5500.00) insert into Payroll values(2,10,4500.00) insert into Payroll values(3,20,1900.00) insert into Payroll values(4,20,4800.00) insert into Payroll values(5,40,6500.00) insert into Payroll values(6,40,14500.00) insert into Payroll values(7,40,44500.00) insert into Payroll values(8,50,6500.00) insert into Payroll values(9,50,7500.00) go -- 需求:根据部门分组,显示每个部门的工资等级 -- departmentId,wages:根据部门编号进行分组排序,rak生成每组内部排序后的顺序编号 SELECT *, Row_Number() OVER (partition by departmentId ORDER BY wages desc) rank FROM dbo.Payroll
-- 批量生成删除数据库语句 select 'drop database ' +name from master..sysdatabases -- 批量生成查询数据下所有表语句 select 'select * from ' + name from sysobjects where xtype='U' select 'select * from ' + a.name from (select a.name,b.rows from sysobjects as a join sysindexes as b on a.id=b.id where (a.type='U') and (indid in(0,1)) and b.rows>0) a
18. 查询,实现相同id的name以,分隔拼成字符串,id和value都为字段名称(类似mysql中的GROUP_CONCAT()函数)
use my_school go IF EXISTS(select * from sysobjects where name='Temp') drop table Temp go create table Temp(Id int ,Price varchar(10)) go -- 插入测试数据 INSERT INTO temp VALUES(1, 'AA'); INSERT INTO temp VALUES(1, 'BB'); INSERT INTO temp VALUES(2, 'CC'); INSERT INTO temp VALUES(2, 'DD'); INSERT INTO temp VALUES(2, 'FF'); go -- 查询,实现相同id的name以,分隔拼成字符串,id和value都为字段名称 select Id, [Price]=STUFF(( select ',' + [Price] from temp t where t.Id=temp.Id FOR XML path('')),1 ,1 ,'' ) from temp group by Id
exec sp_configure 'show advanced options' ,1 reconfigure exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',1 reconfigure
-- 查询Manager表的外键 select name from sys.foreign_key_columns f join sys.objects o on f.constraint_object_id=o.object_id where f.parent_object_id=object_id('dbo.Manager') --删除对应的外键 ALTER TABLE dbo.Manager DROP constraint FK_MANAGER_RELATIONS_MANAGERR
-- 原数据表:t_Count -- 虚表:table1 -- 将原数据集清空保留部分数据 --保留的数据保存进虚表table1中 select * into table table1 from t_Count where id<501 --清空t_Count表 truncate table t_Count -- 将虚表的数据重新写入t_Count中 inset into t_Count select Name,Age,Gender,Class from table1 -- 为了防止错误: --An explicit value for the identity column in table 'dbo.t_Count' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON. --在重新写入虚表数据时候把对应的列加上即可(主键忽略)
UPDATE pathpict SET Fname=LOWER(Fname)
-- 大写 Upper
select top 20 * from [dbo].[Log] as s where CONVERT(date,GETDATE())=CONVERT(date, s.Date) order by id ASC
-- 查询a表与b表外键相连而不存在外键的数据 select * from a where not exists (select CodID from b where b.CodID= a.CodID)
-- 同表下更新status状态 update a set a.Status=0 from MTM_UDS_BAK a inner join (select Id from MTM_UDS_BAK where Id=1061405)b on a.ID=b.ID
--创建测试数据库 create table tap1 ( id int , name varchar(20) ); go create table tap2 ( id int , name varchar(20) ); go insert into tap1( id, name ) values ( 1, 'a' ), ( 2, null ), ( 3, 'c' ), ( 4, 'd' ), ( 5, 'e' ); insert into tap2( id, name ) values ( 1, 'a1' ), ( 2, 'b1' ), ( 3, 'c1' ); --merge更新 merge tap1 a --要更新的目标表 using tap2 b --源表 on a.id = b.id and a.name is null--更新条件(即主键) when matched --如果匹配,更新 then update set a.name = b.name when not matched -- insert后不接表名 then insert(id, name) values ( 2, 'b' ); --如果两个条件都不匹配,插入。此语句必须以分号结束
select a.name 表名,b.name 字段 ,c.name 属性,c.length 长度 from sysobjects a, syscolumns b, systypes c where a.id=b.id and a.name='Goods' and a.xtype='U' and b.xtype=c.xtype