1 void DrawImage(HDC hdc, HBITMAP hbm, const RECT target_rect) 2 { 3 HDC hdcMemory = ::CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); 4 HBITMAP old_bmp = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(hdcMemory, hbm); 5 6 BITMAP bm = { 0 }; 7 ::GetObject(hbm, sizeof(bm), &bm); 8 9 ::StretchBlt( 10 hdc, // Target device HDC 11 target_rect.left, // X sink position 12, // Y sink position 13 target_rect.right - target_rect.left, // Destination width 14 target_rect.bottom -, // Destination height 15 hdcMemory, // Source device HDC 16 0, // X source position 17 0, // Y source position 18 bm.bmWidth, // Source width 19 bm.bmHeight, // Source height 20 SRCCOPY); // Simple copy 21 22 ::SelectObject(hdcMemory, old_bmp); 23 ::DeleteObject(hdcMemory); 24 }
1 void DrawImage(HDC hdc, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, void* bits, const RECT target_rect) 2 { 3 ::StretchDIBits( 4 hdc, // Target device HDC 5 target_rect.left, // X sink position 6, // Y sink position 7 target_rect.right - target_rect.left, // Destination width 8 target_rect.bottom -, // Destination height 9 0, // X source position 10 0, // Adjusted Y source position 11 lpbi->biWidth, // Source width 12 abs(lpbi->biHeight), // Source height 13 bits, // Image data 14 (LPBITMAPINFO)lpbi, // DIB header 15 DIB_RGB_COLORS, // Type of palette 16 SRCCOPY); // Simple image copy 18 }
1 // This is called when there is a sample ready to be drawn, unfortunately the 2 // output pin was being rotten and didn't choose our super excellent shared 3 // memory DIB allocator so we have to do this slow render using boring old GDI 4 // SetDIBitsToDevice and StretchDIBits. The down side of using these GDI 5 // functions is that the image data has to be copied across from our address 6 // space into theirs before going to the screen (although in reality the cost 7 // is small because all they do is to map the buffer into their address space)
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