

前提是我们elasticsearch 服务已经集成了IK分词,具体集成下载对应的elasticsearch IK分词插件,在es插件包下创建IK文件夹,将下载好的IK包上传上去解压后重启es




public class RestClientConfig {

private String ip;

public ElasticsearchClient elasticsearchClient() {
	ElasticsearchClient client;
	// Create the low-level client
	RestClient restClient = RestClient.builder(this.getElasticSearchHttpHosts()).build();
	// Create the transport with a Jackson mapper
	ElasticsearchTransport transport = new RestClientTransport(restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper());
	// And create the API client
	client = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);
	return client;

 * ElasticSearch 连接地址
 * 多个逗号分隔
 * 示例:,,
private HttpHost[] getElasticSearchHttpHosts() {
	String[] hosts = ip.split(",");
	HttpHost[] httpHosts = new HttpHost[hosts.length];
	for (int i = 0; i < httpHosts.length; i++) {
		String host = hosts[i];
		httpHosts[i] = new HttpHost(host.split(":")[0], Integer.parseInt(host.split(":")[1]));
	return httpHosts;


  • 自定义es查询接口
    public interface IBizElasticsearchService {

    • 判断索引是否存在
    • @param index 索引
    • @return boolean
      public boolean existsIndex(String index);


    • 创建索引
    • @param index 索引
    • @param aliasename aliasename
    • @return boolean
      public boolean createIndex(String index, String aliasename, int numOfShards, Map<String, Property> properties);


    • 删除索引
    • @param indexList indexList
    • @return boolean
      public boolean deleteIndex(List indexList);


    • 判断文档是否存在
    • @param index index
    • @param id id
    • @return boolean
      public boolean existsDocument(String index, String id, Class clazz);


    • 保存文档
    • 如果文档存在则更新文档
    • @param index index
    • @param id id
    • @param qa qa
    • @return IndexResponse
      public IndexResponse saveOrUpdateDocument(String index, String id, T qa);


    • 不指定IO保存文档
    • @param index 索引
    • @param qa 数据
    • @return IndexResponse
      public IndexResponse saveOrUpdateDocument(String index, T qa);


    • 根据id获取文档
    • @param index index
    • @param id id
    • @param clazz clazz
    • @return T
      public T getById(String index, String id, Class clazz);


    • 根据id列表获取文档
    • @param index index
    • @param idList id
    • @param clazz clazz
    • @return List
      public List getByIdList(String index, List idList, Class clazz);


    • 分页查询
    • @param index index
    • @param pageNo pageNo
    • @param pageSize pageSize
    • @param clazz clazz
    • @return HitsMetadata
      public HitsMetadata searchByPages(String index, Integer pageNo, Integer pageSize, Class clazz, SearchRequest searchRequest);


    • 根据id删除文档
    • @param id id
      public boolean deleteById(String index, String id);


    • 查询list
    • @param clazz
    • @param searchRequest
    • @return
      HitsMetadata searchList(Class clazz, SearchRequest searchRequest);

public class BizElasticsearchServiceImpl implements IBizElasticsearchService {

private ElasticsearchClient client;

public void setClient(ElasticsearchClient client) {
	this.client = client;

public boolean existsIndex(String index) {
	try {
		ExistsRequest existsRequest = new ExistsRequest.Builder().index(index).build();
		BooleanResponse response = client.indices().exists(existsRequest);
		return response.value();
	} catch (IOException e) {
		log.error("There is an error while getting index", e);
	return false;

public boolean createIndex(String indexName, String aliasesName, int numOfShards, Map<String, Property> properties) {
	try {
		TypeMapping typeMapping = new TypeMapping.Builder().properties(properties).build();
		// 我这里需要用到ik分词器,所以setting就写死了
		IndexSettings indexSettings = new IndexSettings.Builder().numberOfShards(String.valueOf(numOfShards))
		CreateIndexRequest createIndexRequest = new CreateIndexRequest.Builder()
			.aliases(aliasesName, new Alias.Builder().isWriteIndex(true).build())
		CreateIndexResponse response = client.indices().create(createIndexRequest);
		return response.acknowledged();
	} catch (IOException e) {
		log.error("There is an error while creating index", e);
	return false;

public boolean deleteIndex(List<String> indexList) {
	try {
		DeleteIndexRequest deleteIndexRequest = new DeleteIndexRequest.Builder().index(indexList).build();
		DeleteIndexResponse response = client.indices().delete(deleteIndexRequest);
		return response.acknowledged();
	} catch (IOException e) {
		log.error("There is an error while deleting index", e);
	return false;

public boolean existsDocument(String index, String id, Class<T> clazz) {
	try {
		GetRequest getRequest = new GetRequest.Builder().index(index).id(id).build();
		GetResponse<T> getResponse = client.get(getRequest, clazz);
		return getResponse.found();
	} catch (IOException e) {
		log.error("There is an error while judging if the document exists", e);
	return false;

public IndexResponse saveOrUpdateDocument(String index, String id, T t) {
	try {
		IndexRequest<T> indexRequest = new IndexRequest.Builder<T>().index(index).id(id).document(t).build();
		return client.index(indexRequest);
	} catch (IOException e) {
		log.error("There is an error while saving the document", e);

	return null;

public IndexResponse saveOrUpdateDocument(String index, T t) {
	try {
		IndexRequest<T> indexRequest = new IndexRequest.Builder<T>().index(index).document(t).build();
		return client.index(indexRequest);
	} catch (IOException e) {
		log.error("There is an error while saving the document", e);
	return null;

public T getById(String index, String id,  Class<T> clazz) {
	try {
		GetRequest getRequest = new GetRequest.Builder().index(index).id(id).build();
		GetResponse<T> getResponse = client.get(getRequest, clazz);
		return getResponse.source();
	} catch (IOException e) {
		log.error("There is an error while getting the document", e);
	return null;

public List<T> getByIdList(String index, List<String> idList, Class<T> clazz) {
	try {
		List<T> tList = new ArrayList<>(idList.size());
		for (String id : idList) {
			tList.add(client.get(new GetRequest.Builder().index(index).id(id).build(), clazz).source());
		return tList;
	} catch (IOException e) {
		log.error("There is an error while getting the document list", e);
	return null;

public HitsMetadata<T> searchByPages(String index, Integer pageNo, Integer pageSize, Class<T> clazz,SearchRequest searchRequest) {
	try {
		SearchResponse<T> searchResponse = client.search(searchRequest, clazz);
		return searchResponse.hits();
	} catch (IOException e) {
		log.error("There is an error while searching by pages", e);
	return null;
public HitsMetadata<T> searchList(Class<T> clazz,SearchRequest searchRequest) {
	try {
		SearchResponse<T> searchResponse = client.search(searchRequest, clazz);
		return searchResponse.hits();
	} catch (IOException e) {
		log.error("There is an error while searching by list", e);
	return null;

public boolean deleteById(String index, String id) {
	try {
		DeleteRequest deleteRequest = new DeleteRequest.Builder().index(index).id(id).build();
		DeleteResponse deleteResponse = client.delete(deleteRequest);
		return "deleted".equals(deleteResponse.result().jsonValue());
	} catch (IOException e) {
		log.error("There is an error while deleting id document", e);
	return false;

这里主要讲下我们对那些字段分词,我们调用createIndex,传入Map<String, Property> properties,如下是我们对title和content字段进行IK分词:
Map<String,Property> map = new HashMap<>();
Property titleProperty = Property.of(pBuilder -> pBuilder.text(tBuilder -> tBuilder.analyzer("ik_max_word").searchAnalyzer("ik_max_word")));
Property contentProperty = Property.of(pBuilder -> pBuilder.text(tBuilder -> tBuilder.analyzer("ik_max_word").searchAnalyzer("ik_max_word")));
return R.data(bizElasticsearchService.createIndex(indexName,indexName+"_aliases",2,map));

posted on 2024-03-28 10:26  代码中透露着杀气  阅读(302)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
