using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace CodeForMvcTest.Areas.OperatorManage
public class OperatorManageAreaRegistration : AreaRegistration
public override string AreaName
return "SystemManage/OperatorManage";
public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
new { action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

1 @{ 2 ViewBag.Title = "用户管理"; 3 Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_BaseLayout.cshtml"; 4 } 5 6 <div class="easyui-layout" data-options="fit:true"> 7 8 <div data-options="region:'north',split:true" style="height: 50px;"> 9 <form id="searchForm" method="POST" action="@Url.Action("OperatorManage", "OperatorManage")"> 10 <!--筛选栏--> 11 <table style="margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px;"> 12 <tr> 13 <td><span>用户组:</span></td> 14 <td> 15 <select class="easyui-combobox" name="groupId" id="groupId" style="width: 150px;" 16 data-options="editable:false,valueField:'GroupId',textField:'GroupName'"> 17 @Html.Raw(ViewBag.GroupListWithAll) 18 </select> 19 </td> 20 <td><span style="margin-left: 10px;">用户账号:</span></td> 21 <td> 22 <input class="easyui-textbox" id="operatorId" name="operatorId" /> 23 </td> 24 <td><span style="margin-left: 10px;">名称:</span></td> 25 <td> 26 <input class="easyui-textbox" id="operatorName" name="operatorName" /> 27 </td> 28 <td> 29 <input type="submit" value="查找" id="btn_submit" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;" /> 30 </td> 31 </tr> 32 </table> 33 </form> 34 </div> 35 36 <div data-options="region:'center',split:true" style="padding-bottom: 10px;" id="centerDiv"> 37 <table id="dataGrid"> 38 <thead> 39 <tr> 40 <th data-options="field:'OperatorId',align:'left'">用户账号</th> 41 <th data-options="field:'OperatorName',align:'left'">名称</th> 42 <th data-options="field:'OperatorGroupName',align:'left'">所属用户组</th> 43 <th data-options="field:'Sex',align:'center'">性别</th> 44 <th data-options="field:'IsOnStaff',align:'center',formatter:statusformater">状态</th> 45 <th data-options="field:'AliasName',align:'center',formatter:operateFormater">操作</th> 46 </tr> 47 </thead> 48 <tbody> 49 50 </tbody> 51 </table> 52 <br /> 53 </div> 54 55 </div> 56 57 <!--属性组工具栏--> 58 <div id="operator_tb" style="height: auto"> 59 <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton" data-options="iconCls:'icon-add',plain:true" onclick="openAddWindow();">添加用户</a> 60 </div> 61 62 63 <!--用户信息编辑窗体--> 64 <div id="operatorEditWin" title="修改用户信息" style="width: 450px; height: 500px; padding: 20px; text-align: center;"> 65 <form id="operatorEditForm" method="POST" action="@Url.Action("UpdateOperator", "OperatorManage")"> 66 <table style="margin: auto;"> 67 <tr> 68 <td style="text-align: right;"><span>用户账号:</span></td> 69 <td> 70 <input class="easyui-validatebox" data-options="required:true" id="e_operatorId" name="operatorId" /> 71 </td> 72 </tr> 73 <tr style="height: 40px;"> 74 <td style="text-align: right;"><span>名称:</span></td> 75 <td> 76 <input class="easyui-validatebox" id="e_operatorName" name="operatorName" data-options="required:true" /> 77 </td> 78 </tr> 79 <tr style="height: 30px;"> 80 <td style="text-align: right;"><span>用户组:</span></td> 81 <td> 82 <select class="easyui-combobox" name="groupId" id="e_groupId" style="width: 150px;" 83 data-options="editable:false,required:true,multiple:true"> 84 @Html.Raw(ViewBag.GroupList) 85 </select> 86 </td> 87 </tr> 88 89 <tr style="height: 40px;"> 90 <td style="text-align: right;"><span>性别:</span></td> 91 <td> 92 <select class="easyui-combobox" name="sex" id="e_sex" style="width: 150px;" 93 data-options="editable:false,required:true"> 94 <option value="0">男</option> 95 <option value="1">女</option> 96 </select> 97 </td> 98 </tr> 99 <tr style="height: 40px;"> 100 <td style="text-align: right;"><span>状态:</span></td> 101 <td> 102 <select class="easyui-combobox" name="state" id="e_state" style="width: 150px;" 103 data-options="editable:false,required:true"> 104 <option value="0">禁用</option> 105 <option value="1">启用</option> 106 </select> 107 </td> 108 </tr> 109 <tr style="height: 50px;"> 110 <td colspan="2" style="text-align: right;"> 111 <input type="hidden" id="oldId" name="oldId" /> 112 <input type="submit" value="提交" id="btn_editsubmit" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;" /> 113 <input type="button" value="取消" id="btn_editCancel" onclick="javascript: return $('#operatorEditWin').window('close');" 114 style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;" /> 115 </td> 116 </tr> 117 </table> 118 </form> 119 </div> 120 121 122 123 <!--用户添加窗体--> 124 <div id="operatorAddWin" title="添加用户" style="width: 450px; height: 500px; padding: 20px; text-align: center;"> 125 <form id="operatorAddForm" method="POST" action="@Url.Action("AddOperator", "OperatorManage")"> 126 <table style="margin: auto;"> 127 <tr> 128 <td style="text-align: right;"><span>用户账号:</span></td> 129 <td> 130 <input class="easyui-validatebox" data-options="required:true" id="a_operatorId" name="operatorId" /> 131 </td> 132 </tr> 133 <tr style="height: 30px;"> 134 <td style="text-align: right;"><span>名称:</span></td> 135 <td> 136 <input class="easyui-validatebox" id="a_operatorName" name="operatorName" data-options="required:true" /> 137 </td> 138 </tr> 139 <tr style="height: 30px;"> 140 <td style="text-align: right;"><span>密码:</span></td> 141 <td> 142 <input type="password" id="a_password" name="password" data-options="required:true" /> 143 </td> 144 </tr> 145 <tr style="height: 30px;"> 146 <td style="text-align: right;"><span>确认密码:</span></td> 147 <td> 148 <input type="password" id="a_passwordconfirm" name="passwordconfirm" data-options="required:true" /> 149 </td> 150 </tr> 151 <tr style="height: 30px;"> 152 <td style="text-align: right;"><span>用户组:</span></td> 153 <td> 154 <select class="easyui-combobox" name="groupId" id="a_groupId" style="width: 150px;" 155 data-options="editable:false,required:true,multiple:true"> 156 @Html.Raw(ViewBag.GroupList) 157 </select> 158 </td> 159 </tr> 160 161 162 <tr style="height: 30px;"> 163 <td style="text-align: right;"><span>性别:</span></td> 164 <td> 165 <select class="easyui-combobox" name="sex" id="a_sex" style="width: 150px;" 166 data-options="editable:false,required:true"> 167 <option value="0">男</option> 168 <option value="1">女</option> 169 </select> 170 </td> 171 </tr> 172 <tr style="height: 30px;"> 173 <td style="text-align: right;"><span>状态:</span></td> 174 <td> 175 <select class="easyui-combobox" name="state" id="a_state" style="width: 150px;" 176 data-options="editable:false,required:true"> 177 <option value="0">禁用</option> 178 <option value="1">启用</option> 179 </select> 180 </td> 181 </tr> 182 <tr style="height: 50px;"> 183 <td colspan="2" style="text-align: right;"> 184 <input type="submit" value="提交" id="btn_addsubmit" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;" /> 185 <input type="button" value="取消" id="btn_addCancel" onclick="javascript: return $('#operatorAddWin').window('close');" 186 style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;" /> 187 </td> 188 </tr> 189 </table> 190 </form> 191 </div> 192 193 194 195 @section scripts 196 { 197 <script type="text/javascript" src="/Areas/SystemManage/SystemJS/operatorManage.js"></script> 198 }

1 //状态显示格式化 2 function statusformater(value, row, index) { 3 if (row.IsOnStaff == "0") { 4 return "禁用"; 5 } else { 6 return "启用"; 7 } 8 }; 9 10 //属性组操作显示格式化 11 function operateFormater(value, row, index) { 12 var operationStr = "<a href='#' onclick=\"openEditWindow('" + row.OperatorId + "','" 13 + row.OperatorName + "','" + row.OperatorGroupId + "'," + row.SplitOwnerId + "," 14 + row.SplitRoadId + ",'" + row.Sex + "'," + row.IsOnStaff + ");\" style='margin-right:10px;'>编辑</a>"; 15 operationStr += "<a href='#' onclick=\"deleteOperator('" + row.OperatorId + "');\">删除</a>"; 16 return operationStr; 17 }; 18 19 20 //开启编辑窗体 21 function openEditWindow(operatorId, operatorName, groupId, splitownerId, 22 splitroadId, sex, isOnStaff) { 23 $("#e_operatorId").val(operatorId); 24 $("#e_operatorName").val(operatorName); 25 $("#e_groupId").combobox('setValues', groupId); 26 if (sex == "男") { 27 $("#e_sex").combobox("select", 0); 28 } else { 29 $("#e_sex").combobox("select", 1); 30 } 31 $("#e_state").combobox("setValue", isOnStaff); 32 $("#oldId").val(operatorId); 33 $('#operatorEditWin').window('open'); 34 }; 35 36 //点击添加按钮时,打开添加用户窗体” 37 function openAddWindow() { 38 $("#a_operatorId").val(''); 39 $("#a_operatorName").val(""); 40 $("#a_password").val(""); 41 $("#a_passwordconfirm").val(""); 42 $("#a_sex").combobox("select", 0); 43 $("#a_state").combobox("select", 0); 44 $('#operatorAddWin').window('open'); 45 }; 46 47 48 //删除用户 49 function deleteOperator(operatorId) { 50 startDatagridLoading("dataGrid", "btn_submit"); 51 $.ajax({ 52 url: '/SystemManage/OperatorManage/OperatorManage/DeleteOperator', 53 type: 'POST', 54 dataType: 'text', 55 data: { operatorId: operatorId }, 56 success: function (data) { 57 if (data.indexOf("/Login/Login") >= 0) { 58 window.parent.location.href = '/Login/Login'; 59 } 60 var groupId = $("#groupId").combobox('getValue'); 61 operatorId = $("#operatorId").val(); 62 var operatorName = $("#operatorName").val(); 63 var url = "/SystemManage/OperatorManage/OperatorManage/OperatorManage?groupId=" + groupId 64 + "&operatorId=" + operatorId + "&operatorName=" + operatorName; 65 alert(data); 66 reloadDatagrid(url, "dataGrid", "btn_submit", "无用户数据返回!", "查询用户数据出错!"); 67 }, 68 error: function (data) { 69 commErrorHandle(data, true, 'dataGrid', 'btn_submit', "操作出错!"); 70 } 71 }); 72 }; 73 74 75 $(function () { 76 //设置DataGrid基本属性 77 var centerHeight = $("#centerDiv").height(); 78 $("#dataGrid").datagrid({ 79 height: centerHeight - 15, 80 rownumbers: false, 81 singleSelect: true, 82 autoRowHeight: false, 83 fitColumns: true, 84 pagination: true, 85 pageSize: 20, 86 url: '/SystemManage/OperatorManage/OperatorManage/OperatorManage?groupId=-1&operatorId=&operatorName=', 87 loadMsg: 'Loading... ...', 88 toolbar: '#operator_tb', 89 remoteSort: false, 90 onLoadSuccess: function (data) { 91 //设置查询按钮可用 92 $("#btn_submit").attr("disabled", false); 93 if (data.total <= 0) 94 alert("未找到匹配的用户信息!"); 95 $(".datagrid-wrap.panel-body").css("width", '100%'); 96 $(".datagrid-wrap.panel-body .datagrid-view").css("width", '100%'); 97 }, 98 onLoadError: function (data) { 99 //判断是否是首次加载,不是首次加载再判断错误原因 100 var isFirstLoad = $("#firstLoadFlag").val(); 101 if (isFirstLoad == "false") { 102 //设置查询按钮可用 103 $("#btn_submit").attr("disabled", false); 104 if (data.responseText.indexOf("/Login/Login") >= 0) { 105 window.parent.location.href = '/Login/Login'; 106 } else { 107 $("#btn_submit").attr("disabled", false); 108 //隐藏加载状态 109 $('#dataGrid').datagrid('loaded'); 110 alert("对不起,查询失败!"); 111 } 112 } 113 } 114 }); 115 116 $('#operatorEditWin').window({ 117 modal: true, 118 collapsible: false, 119 minimizable: false, 120 maximizable: false, 121 draggable: true, 122 resizable: false, 123 closable: false, 124 closed: true 125 }); 126 127 128 $('#operatorAddWin').window({ 129 modal: true, 130 collapsible: false, 131 minimizable: false, 132 maximizable: false, 133 draggable: true, 134 resizable: false, 135 closable: false, 136 closed: true 137 }); 138 139 //用户信息查询 140 $("#searchForm").submit(function (event) { 141 //中断当前的提交事件 142 event.preventDefault(); 143 //将首次加载标志设置为false 144 $("#firstLoadFlag").val("false"); 145 //清空数据 146 $("#dataGrid").datagrid('loadData', { total: 1, rows: [] }); 147 var groupId = $("#groupId").combobox('getValue'); 148 var operatorId = $("#operatorId").val(); 149 var operatorName = $("#operatorName").val(); 150 $("#btn_submit").attr("disabled", true); 151 $("#dataGrid").datagrid('load', { 152 groupId: groupId, 153 operatorId: operatorId, 154 operatorName: operatorName 155 }); 156 157 }); 158 159 //修改用户信息 160 $("#operatorEditForm").submit(function (event) { 161 //中断当前的提交事件 162 event.preventDefault(); 163 //提交的URL,默认为属性组修改或添加路径 164 var url = "/SystemManage/OperatorManage/OperatorManage/UpdateOperator"; 165 //账号 166 var operatorId = $("#e_operatorId").val(); 167 if (operatorId == "") { 168 alert("账号不能为空!"); 169 return false; 170 } 171 //名称 172 var operatorName = $("#e_operatorName").val(); 173 if (operatorName == "") { 174 alert("名称不能为空!"); 175 return false; 176 } 177 178 $('#operatorEditWin').window('close'); 179 180 $("#dataGrid").datagrid("loading"); 181 $("#btn_submit").attr("disabled", true); 182 183 var formData = SerializeFormWithArray("operatorEditForm"); 184 url = url + "?" + formData; 185 186 $.ajax({ 187 url: url, 188 type: 'POST', 189 dataType: 'text', 190 success: function (data) { 191 if (data.indexOf("/Login/Login") >= 0) { 192 window.parent.location.href = '/Login/Login'; 193 } 194 groupId = $("#groupId").combobox('getValue'); 195 operatorId = $("#operatorId").val(); 196 operatorName = $("#operatorName").val(); 197 url = "/SystemManage/OperatorManage/OperatorManage/OperatorManage?groupId=" + groupId 198 + "&operatorId=" + operatorId + "&operatorName=" + operatorName; 199 200 alert(data); 201 202 reloadDatagrid(url, "dataGrid", "btn_submit", "无用户数据返回!", "查询用户数据出错!"); 203 }, 204 error: function (data) { 205 commErrorHandle(data, true, 'dataGrid', 'btn_submit', "操作出错!"); 206 } 207 }); 208 }); 209 210 211 //添加用户信息 212 $("#operatorAddForm").submit(function (event) { 213 //中断当前的提交事件 214 event.preventDefault(); 215 //提交的URL,默认为属性组修改或添加路径 216 var url = "/SystemManage/OperatorManage/OperatorManage/AddOperator"; 217 //账号 218 var operatorId = $("#a_operatorId").val(); 219 if (operatorId == "") { 220 alert("账号不能为空!"); 221 return false; 222 } 223 //名称 224 var operatorName = $("#a_operatorName").val(); 225 if (operatorName == "") { 226 alert("名称不能为空!"); 227 return false; 228 } 229 //密码 230 var password = $("#a_password").val(); 231 var passwordConfirm = $("#a_passwordconfirm").val(); 232 if (password == "" || passwordConfirm == "") { 233 alert("密码不能为空!"); 234 return false; 235 } 236 if (password != passwordConfirm) { 237 alert("两次输入密码不一致!"); 238 return false; 239 } 240 241 $('#operatorAddWin').window('close'); 242 startDatagridLoading('dataGrid', 'btn_submit'); 243 244 var groupId; 245 //表单序列化 246 var formData = SerializeFormWithArray("operatorAddForm"); 247 //完整路径 248 url = url + "?" + formData; 249 250 $.ajax({ 251 url: url, 252 type: 'POST', 253 dataType: 'text', 254 success: function (data) { 255 if (data.indexOf("/Login/Login") >= 0) { 256 window.parent.location.href = '/Login/Login'; 257 } 258 259 groupId = $("#groupId").combobox('getValue'); 260 operatorId = $("#operatorId").val(); 261 operatorName = $("#operatorName").val(); 262 url = "/SystemManage/OperatorManage/OperatorManage/OperatorManage?groupId=" + groupId 263 + "&operatorId=" + operatorId + "&operatorName=" + operatorName; 264 265 alert(data); 266 267 reloadDatagrid(url, "dataGrid", "btn_submit", "无用户数据返回!", "查询用户数据出错!"); 268 }, 269 error: function (data) { 270 commErrorHandle(data, true, 'dataGrid', 'btn_submit', "操作出错!"); 271 } 272 }); 273 }); 274 275 });

1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Web; 5 using System.Web.Mvc; 6 using Session; 7 using OdbcDbAccess; 8 using System.Data; 9 using Models; 10 using Controllers; 11 using System.Data.SqlClient; 12 using Newtonsoft.Json; 13 using LogInfo; 14 15 namespace CodeForMvcTest.Areas.OperatorManage.Controllers 16 { 17 public class OperatorManageController : BaseController 18 { 19 /// <summary> 20 /// **************************** 21 /// 功能:用户信息类 22 /// 作者:王令 23 /// 时间:2015-7-15 24 /// 邮箱:1129137758@qq.com 25 /// **************************** 26 27 public ActionResult OperatorManage() 28 { 29 IList<AccountInfo> operatorList = GetOperatorByGroup(-1, null, null); 30 IList<OperatorGroup> groupList = GetOperatorGroup(); 31 //获取分组 32 ViewBag.OperatorList = operatorList; 33 ViewBag.GroupListWithAll = DataTransfor.ListToComboboxHtml(groupList, "GroupId", "GroupName", true); 34 ViewBag.GroupList = DataTransfor.ListToComboboxHtml(groupList, "GroupId", "GroupName", false); 35 return View(); 36 } 37 38 39 /// <summary> 40 /// 返回用户列表数据 41 /// </summary> 42 /// <param name="groupId">用户组ID</param> 43 /// <param name="operatorId">账号</param> 44 /// <param name="operatorName">名称</param> 45 /// <returns></returns> 46 [HttpPost] 47 public ActionResult OperatorManage(int groupId, string operatorId, string operatorName) 48 { 49 IList<AccountInfo> dataList = GetOperatorByGroup(groupId, operatorId, operatorName); 50 return Json(dataList); 51 } 52 53 54 /// <summary> 55 /// 添加用户 56 /// </summary> 57 /// <param name="groupId">用户组ID</param> 58 /// <param name="operatorId">操作员账号</param> 59 /// <param name="operatorName">操作员名字</param> 60 /// <param name="sex">性别</param> 61 /// <param name="state">是否启用</param> 62 /// <param name="password">密码</param> 63 /// <returns></returns> 64 [HttpPost] 65 public ActionResult AddOperator(string groupId, 66 string operatorId, string operatorName, int sex, int state, string password) 67 { 68 try 69 { 70 string sql = "select count(*) from operatorinfo where accountid='" + operatorId + "'"; 71 int count = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar<int>(SqlSeverConnectionName , sql); 72 if (count >= 1) 73 { 74 Log.SaveOperatorLog(sql, 0, "由于账号已经存在,未能成功添加用户"); 75 return Content("该账号已经存在!"); 76 } 77 78 sql = "insert into operatorinfo (accountid,accountname,sex,isonstaff,groupid," 79 + "netid,opcardid,opcardno,opgroupno,passwords) values('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},'{4}',5000,0,0,0,'{5}')"; 80 81 sql = string.Format(sql, operatorId, operatorName, sex, state, groupId, password); 82 83 int updateCount = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlSeverConnectionName , sql); 84 if (updateCount < 1) 85 { 86 Log.SaveOperatorLog(sql, 0, "添加用户" + operatorId); 87 return Content("未能成功添加用户!"); 88 } 89 Log.SaveOperatorLog(sql, 1, "添加用户" + operatorId); 90 return Content("操作成功!"); 91 } 92 catch (Exception ex) 93 { 94 Log.SaveErrorLog(ex.ToString(), "添加用户出错"); 95 return Content("添加用户出错!"); 96 } 97 } 98 99 100 /// <summary> 101 /// 修改用户信息 102 /// </summary> 103 /// <param name="groupId">用户组ID</param> 104 /// <param name="oldId">原用户ID</param> 105 /// <param name="operatorName">操作员名字</param> 106 /// <param name="sex">性别</param> 107 /// <param name="state">是否启用</param> 108 /// <returns></returns> 109 [HttpPost] 110 public ActionResult UpdateOperator(string groupId, 111 string operatorId, string oldId, string operatorName, int sex, int state) 112 { 113 string sql = "update operatorinfo set accountid='{0}',accountname='{1}',groupid='{2}'," 114 + "isonstaff={3},sex={4} where accountid='{5}'"; 115 116 try 117 { 118 sql = string.Format(sql, operatorId, operatorName, groupId,state, sex, oldId); 119 int updateCount = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlSeverConnectionName , sql); 120 Log.SaveOperatorLog(sql, 1, "修改用户信息"); 121 return Content("操作成功!"); 122 } 123 catch (Exception ex) 124 { 125 Log.SaveErrorLog(ex.ToString(), "修改用户信息出错"); 126 return Content("修改用户信息出错!"); 127 } 128 } 129 130 131 132 133 /// <summary> 134 /// 删除用户信息 135 /// </summary> 136 /// <param name="operatorId">操作员账号</param> 137 /// <returns></returns> 138 [HttpPost] 139 public ActionResult DeleteOperator(string operatorId) 140 { 141 string sql = "delete from operatorinfo where accountid='" + operatorId + "'"; 142 try 143 { 144 int updateCount = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlSeverConnectionName , sql); 145 Log.SaveOperatorLog(sql, 1, "成功删除用户信息"); 146 return Content("操作成功!"); 147 } 148 catch (Exception ex) 149 { 150 Log.SaveErrorLog(ex.ToString(), "删除用户信息出错"); 151 return Content("删除用户信息出错!"); 152 } 153 } 154 155 156 157 158 /// <summary> 159 /// 根据用户组获取用户组下的用户列表 160 /// </summary> 161 /// <param name="groupId">用户组ID,-1=全部</param> 162 /// <param name="operatorId">账号</param> 163 /// <param name="operatorName">名称</param> 164 /// <returns></returns> 165 private IList<AccountInfo> GetOperatorByGroup(int groupId, string operatorId, string operatorName) 166 { 167 IList<AccountInfo> dataList = new List<AccountInfo>(); 168 string sql = "select o.* from operatorinfo o where 1=1"; 169 if (groupId != -1) 170 { 171 sql += " and o.groupid='" + groupId + "' "; 172 } 173 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(operatorId)) 174 { 175 sql += " and o.accountid='" + operatorId + "'"; 176 } 177 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(operatorName)) 178 { 179 sql += " and o.accountname='" + operatorName + "'"; 180 } 181 sql += " order by o.accountid"; 182 try 183 { 184 DataSet dataSet = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(SqlSeverConnectionName , sql); 185 if (dataSet != null && dataSet.Tables.Count > 0) 186 { 187 DataTable table = dataSet.Tables[0]; 188 foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows) 189 { 190 var item = new AccountInfo(); 191 192 #region 封装用户信息 193 194 item.OperatorId = Convert.ToString(dr["accountid"]); 195 item.OperatorName = DBNull.Value.Equals(dr["accountname"]) ? "" : Convert.ToString(dr["accountname"]); 196 197 198 item.AliasName = DBNull.Value.Equals(dr["aliasname"]) ? "" : Convert.ToString(dr["aliasname"]); 199 item.Sex = DBNull.Value.Equals(dr["sex"]) ? "" : (Convert.ToInt32(dr["sex"]) == 0 ? "男" : "女"); 200 item.OperatorGroupId = DBNull.Value.Equals(dr["groupid"]) ? "" : Convert.ToString(dr["groupid"]); 201 item.IsOnStaff = DBNull.Value.Equals(dr["isonstaff"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(dr["isonstaff"]); 202 item.OperatorGroupName = ""; 203 204 #endregion 205 206 #region 获取用户组名 207 208 sql = "select groupname from operatorgroup where groupid in (" + item.OperatorGroupId + ")"; 209 DataSet groupDs = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(SqlSeverConnectionName, sql); 210 if (groupDs != null && groupDs.Tables.Count > 0) 211 { 212 DataTable groupTb = groupDs.Tables[0]; 213 foreach (DataRow groupRow in groupTb.Rows) 214 { 215 string groupName = DBNull.Value.Equals(groupRow[0]) ? "" : Convert.ToString(groupRow[0]); 216 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupName)) 217 { 218 item.OperatorGroupName += groupName + ","; 219 } 220 } 221 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.OperatorGroupName)) 222 { 223 item.OperatorGroupName = item.OperatorGroupName.Substring(0, 224 item.OperatorGroupName.Length - 1); 225 } 226 } 227 228 #endregion 229 230 dataList.Add(item); 231 } 232 } 233 } 234 catch (Exception ex) 235 { 236 Log.SaveErrorLog(ex.ToString(), "获取用户信息出错"); 237 } 238 return dataList; 239 } 240 241 242 243 /// <summary> 244 /// 获取用户组 245 /// </summary> 246 /// <returns></returns> 247 public IList<OperatorGroup> GetOperatorGroup() 248 { 249 IList<OperatorGroup> groupList = new List<OperatorGroup>(); 250 string sql = "select * from operatorgroup order by groupid"; 251 try 252 { 253 DataSet dataSet = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(SqlSeverConnectionName , sql); 254 int[] columnIndexArray = { 0, 1, 3, 4, 7 }; 255 string[] propertyArray = { "GroupId", "GroupName", "OrderNum", "State", "ParentId" }; 256 groupList = DataTransfor.DataSetTransfor<OperatorGroup>(dataSet, columnIndexArray, propertyArray); 257 } 258 catch (Exception ex) 259 { 260 Log.SaveErrorLog(ex.ToString(), "获取用户组出错!"); 261 } 262 return groupList; 263 } 264 265 266 } 267 268 }
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