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1 b.o:(.data+0x0): multiple definition of `global'
2 a.o:(.data+0x0): first defined here


        这种符号的定义可以被称为强符号(Strong Symbol)。有些符号的定义可以被称为弱符号(Weak Symbol)
extern int ext;
int weak;
int strong = 1;
__attribute__((weak)) weak2 
= 2;
int main()
return 0;


  • 规则1:不允许强符号被多次定义(即不同的目标文件中不能有同名的强符号);如果有多个强符号定义,则链接器报符号重复定义错误。
  • 规则2:如果一个符号在某个目标文件中是强符号,在其他文件中都是弱符号,那么选择强符号。
  • 规则3:如果一个符号在所有目标文件中都是弱符号,那么选择其中占用空间最大的一个。比如目标文件A定义全局变量global为int型,占4个字节;目标文件B定义global为double型,占8个字节,那么目标文件A和B链接后,符号global占8个字节(尽量不要使用多个不同类型的弱符号,否则容易导致很难发现的程序错误)。
目前我们所看到的对外部目标文件的符号引用在目标文件被最终链接成可执行文件时,它们须要被正确决议,如果没有找到该符号的定义,链接器就会报符号未定义错误,这种被称为强引用(Strong Reference)。与之相对应还有一种弱引用(Weak Reference),在处理弱引用时,如果该符号有定义,则链接器将该符号的引用决议;如果该符号未被定义,则链接器对于该引用不报错。链接器处理强引用和弱引用的过程几乎一样,只是对于未定义的弱引用,链接器不认为它是一个错误。一般对于未定义的弱引用,链接器默认其为0,或者是一个特殊的值,以便于程序代码能够识别。
1 __attribute__ ((weakref)) void foo();
2 int main()
3 {
4         foo();
5 }


1 __attribute__ ((weakref)) void foo();
2 int main()
3 {
4         if (foo)
5                foo();
6 }


 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <pthread.h>
 3 int pthread_create( pthread_t*const pthread_attr_t*
 4 void* (*)(void*), void*) __attribute__ ((weak));
 5 int main()
 6 {
 7     if(pthread_create) 
 8     {
 9             printf("This is multi-thread version!\n");
10             // run the multi-thread version
11             // main_multi_thread()
12     } 
13     else 
14     {
15             printf("This is single-thread version!\n");   
16             // run the single-thread version
17             // main_single_thread()
18     }
19 }


1 $ gcc pthread.c -o pt
2 $ ./pt
3 This is single-thread version!
4 $ gcc pthread.c -lpthread -o pt
5 $ ./pt
6 This is multi-thread version!


The weak attribute causes the declaration to be emitted as a weak symbol rather than a global. This is primarily useful in defining library functions which can be overridden in user code, though it can also be used with non-function declarations. Weak symbols are supported for ELF targets, and also for a.out targets when using the GNU assembler and linker. 
weakref ("target")
The weakref attribute marks a declaration as a weak reference. 
Without arguments, it should be accompanied by an alias attribute naming the target symbol. Optionally, the target may be given as an argument to weakref itself. In either case, weakref implicitly marks the declaration as weak. Without a target, given as an argument to weakref or to alias, weakref is equivalent to weak.
1     static int x() __attribute__ ((weakref ("y")));
2     /* is equivalent to... */
3     static int x() __attribute__ ((weak, weakref, alias ("y")));
4     /* and to... */
5     static int x() __attribute__ ((weakref));
6     static int x() __attribute__ ((alias ("y")));


A weak reference is an alias that does not by itself require a definition to be given for the target symbol. If the target symbol is only referenced through weak references, then the becomes a weak undefined symbol. If it is directly referenced, however, then such strong references prevail, and a definition will be required for the symbol, not necessarily in the same translation unit.
The effect is equivalent to moving all references to the alias to a separate translation unit, renaming the alias to the aliased symbol, declaring it as weak, compiling the two separate translation units and performing a reloadable link on them.
At present, a declaration to which weakref is attached can only be static.
posted on   welkinwalker  阅读(690)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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