
exp username/password@dbname   file='d:\hehe.dmp' tables=(%) query="""where UPDATE_DTIME >= to_date('2017-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')"""




create user DB_USER_NAME identified by DB_USER_PWD
default tablespace ETL;
grant connect,resource to DB_USER_NAME;
grant create any sequence to DB_USER_NAME;
grant create any table to DB_USER_NAME;
grant delete any table to DB_USER_NAME;
grant insert any table to DB_USER_NAME;
grant select any table to DB_USER_NAME;
grant unlimited tablespace to DB_USER_NAME;
grant execute any procedure to DB_USER_NAME;
grant update any table to DB_USER_NAME;
grant create any view to DB_USER_NAME;
grant DBA to DB_USER_NAME;

create tablespace XXX
datafile 'D:/app/DEMOSPACE_TBSPACE.dbf'
size 1500M
autoextend on next 5M maxsize 2000M;

posted on 2017-08-04 14:08  dm3344  阅读(2202)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报