SQL> select b.index_code, b.amount from cin_circ_org_index_amount b; INDEX_CODE AMOUNT -------------------- ---------- a64210170 9830.91 a64210171 2626.43 a64210172 7204.48 a64210173 94356.82 a64210190 109364.48 a64210191 94356.82 a64210192 5176.75 a64210193 9830.91 a64210194 2626.43
SQL> select b.index_code, a.operator, a.right_expression 2 from cin_circ_verify_formulas a, cin_circ_indexes b 3 where a.left_index_id = b.index_id; INDEX_CODE OPERATOR RIGHT_EXPRESSION -------------------------------------------------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a10010001 = a10010001+a10020004 a10020001 <= a10020001+a10020004*a10010001 a10020004 = a10020004*a10020005 a10020005 = a10020005+a10020005
---验证公式字符串解析 procedure sec_calc_indexes_str(p_str in out varchar2, p_loc in out integer, p_period_name varchar2, p_rep_org_id number, p_data_org_id number, p_fqc_flag number, p_index_type varchar2) is j integer; v_length number; x varchar2(3000); y varchar2(1); v_amount varchar2(500); --指标金额 begin y := 'X'; x := p_str; select length(x) into v_length from dual; while (y = 'X' or y = 'Y') loop if substr(x, p_loc, 1) is not null and (upper(substr(x, p_loc, 1)) <> lower(substr(x, p_loc, 1)) or nvl(translate(substr(x, p_loc, 1), '\1234567890', '\'), 'is number') = 'is number') then if y = 'X' then j := p_loc; end if; y := 'Y'; else if y = 'Y' then y := 'Z'; end if; --exit; end if; p_loc := p_loc + 1; end loop; p_loc := p_loc - 1; --在此需要计算 v_amount 的值 begin select nvl(amount, 0) into v_amount from cin_circ_org_index_amount a where period = p_period_name and rep_org_id = p_rep_org_id and rep_data_org_id = p_data_org_id and index_code = substr(x, j, p_loc - j) and fqc_flag = p_fqc_flag and a.index_type = p_index_type; --add if to_number(v_amount) < 0 then v_amount := '(' || v_amount || ')'; end if; exception when no_data_found then v_amount := 0; end; --v_amount := 1999999; p_str := substr(x, 1, j - 1) || v_amount || substr(x, p_loc); p_loc := length(substr(x, 1, j - 1) || v_amount) + 1; if length(rtrim(p_str)) > p_loc + 7 then sec_calc_indexes_str(p_str, p_loc, p_period_name, p_rep_org_id, p_data_org_id, p_fqc_flag, p_index_type); end if; end sec_calc_indexes_str;
begin v_str := sec_calc_index_rec.right_expression; v_old_str := sec_calc_index_rec.right_expression; dbms_output.put_line(v_str); v_loc := 1; sec_calc_indexes_str(v_str, v_loc, p_period_name, p_rep_org_id, data_org_rec.rep_data_org_id, p_fqc_flag, p_index_type); --dbms_output.put_line('select '||v_str||' from dual '); execute immediate 'select ' || v_str || ' from dual ' --动态sql,计算右边公式值 into v_right_amount; if v_right_amount is null then v_right_amount := 0; end if; if sec_calc_index_rec.operator = '=' and v_left_amount = v_right_amount then v_comparison_opt := TRUE; elsif sec_calc_index_rec.operator = '>=' and v_left_amount >= v_right_amount then v_comparison_opt := TRUE; elsif sec_calc_index_rec.operator = '<=' and v_left_amount <= v_right_amount then v_comparison_opt := TRUE; elsif sec_calc_index_rec.operator = '<>' and v_left_amount <> v_right_amount then v_comparison_opt := TRUE; else v_comparison_opt := FALSE; end if;