
The addresses below are defined.

Note again that the bits shown are the upper five bits (7,6,5,4,3) of the Address Byte and will be used for all addressing including the File Transport Layer.

The lower three bits (2,1,0) are used for the command.

Address                Definition
00000xxxB (00H) Reserved for VMC
00001xxxB (08H) Changer
00010xxxB (10H) Cashless Device #1
00011xxxB (18H) Communications Gateway
00100xxxB (20H) Display
00101xxxB (28H) Energy Management System
00110xxxB (30H) Bill Validator
00111xxxB (38H) Reserved for Future Standard Peripheral
01000xxxB (40H) Universal Satellite Device #1
01001xxxB (48H) Universal Satellite Device #2
01010xxxB (50H) Universal Satellite Device #3
01011xxxB (58H) Coin Hopper or Tube – Dispenser 1
01100xxxB (60H) Cashless Device #2
01101xxxB (68H) Age Verification Device
01101xxxB (70H) Coin Hopper or Tube – Dispenser 2
01111xxxB (78H) Reserved for Future Standard Peripherals
. . .
. . .
. . .
11011xxxB (D8H) Reserved for Future Standard Peripherals
11100xxxB (E0H) Experimental Peripheral #1
11101xxxB (E8H) Experimental Peripheral #2
11110xxxB (F0H) Vending Machine Specific Peripheral #1
11111xxxB (F8H) Vending Machine Specific Peripheral #2


posted on 2023-03-09 15:34  uTank  阅读(24)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报