

处理限制(Processing Restrictions)的目的是确定终端中的应用程序与ICC中的应用程序的兼容程度,并进行任何必要的调整,包括可能拒绝交易。


终端应该都要执行Processing Restriction操作;


处理限制(Processing Restrictions)可以在读取应用数据(Read Application Data)之后,终端行为分析(Terminal Action Analysis)之前的任意阶段执行;


应用版本号(Application Version Number)

应用用法控制(Application Usage Control,AUC)

应用有效日期检查(Application Effective/Expiration Dates Checking)


【Application Version Number】

如果终端应用版本(Tag9F09)和ICC应用版本(Tag9F08)都存在,且两个版不一致,则需要设置TVR中的“ICC and terminal have different application versions”位;


【Application Usage Control】

 The Application Usage Control indicates restrictions limiting the application geographically or to certain types of transactions. If this data object is present, the terminal shall make the following checks:

  • If the transaction is being conducted at an ATM, the ‘Valid at ATMs’ bit must be on in Application Usage Control.
  • If the transaction is not being conducted at an ATM, the ‘Valid at terminals other than ATMs’ bit must be on in Application Usage Control.
  • If the Application Usage Control and Issuer Country Code are both present in the ICC, the terminal shall make the checks described in Table 32.

If any of the above tests fail, the terminal shall set the ‘Requested service not allowed for card product’ bit in the TVR to 1.

【Application Effective/Expiration Dates Checking】

Application Effective Date,Tag9F25,卡片数据,n6,3bytes; 

Application Expiration Date,Tag9F24,卡片数据,n6,3bytes;

If the Application Effective Date is present in the ICC, the terminal shall check that the current date is greater than or equal to the Application Effective Date.

If it is not, the terminal shall set the ‘Application not yet effective’ bit in the TVR to 1.

The terminal shall check that the current date is less than or equal to the Application Expiration Date.

If it is not, the terminal shall set the ‘Expired application’ bit in the TVR to 1.


参考:EMV Book3 10.4 Processing Restrictions

posted on 2018-11-27 11:23  uTank  阅读(287)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报