1。Negotiate Scope
        Scope: the boundaies of the project. the area of a business that a project may(or may not)address, include answers to five basic question-- product,quality; time;cost and resource
2.Statement of work   
        a narrarive description of the work to be performed as part of a project  Common synonyms include scope statement, project definition, project overview, and document of understanding. 

        1. Purpose
        2  Background
              A. Problem, opportunity, or directive statement
              B. History leading to project request
              C. Project goal and objectives
              D. Product description
              A. Stakeholders
              B. Data
              C. Processes
              D. Locations
     4. Project Approach
              A. Route
              B. Deliverables
     5.Managerial Approach
              A. Team building considerations
              B. Manager and experience
              C. Training requirements
     6.Managerial Approach (continued)
              D. Meeting schedules
              E. Reporting methods and frequency
              F. Conflict management
              G. Scope management 
              A. Start date
              B. Deadlines
              C. Budget
              D. Technology 
     8. Ballpark Estimates
              A. Schedule
              B. Budget
     9.  Conditions of Satisfaction
              A. Success criteria
              B. Assumptions
              C. Risks
     10. Appendices
Activity 3 – Estimate  Task Durations
OD: the optimistic duration
    PD: the pessimistic duration
    ED: the expected duration
Activity 4 – Specify Intertask Dependencies
        FS:Finish to start; SS:Start to start; FF:Finish to finish;SF:start to finish;
Activity 5 –
Assign Resources
        Resource leveling
– a strategy for correcting resource overallocations; include task delaying and task splitting
Activate 6 Direct the team effort
       the ten hints for project leadership

          Be Consistent.

          Provide Support.

          Don’t Make Promises You Can’t Keep.

          Praise in Public; Criticize in Private.

          Be Aware of Morale Danger Points.

          Set Realistic Deadlines.

          Set Perceivable Targets.

          Explain and Show, Rather Than Do.

          Encourage a Good Team Spirit.

         Don’t Rely Just on [Status Reports]

Activity 7 – Monitor and Control Progress
1.Progress reportting
    2.Change manage
    3.Expectation manage
adjustmentment:Critical path analysis(CPA)
Activity8-Access project resource and Experience
   1. did the project meet or exceed the users expectation?
   2.did the project come in on schedule
   3.did the project come in under budget?

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