软件设计 day1
- I.1 What is design? 什么是设计?
- I.2 What is software? 什么是软件
- I.3 What is software design?什么是软件设计?
- I.4 Software Qualities 软件质量特性
- I.5 Principles of Software Design 软件设计原理
- I.6 Software Design Methods 软件设计方法
Software Design Methodology 软件设计方法学
中国石油大学(华东)2022-2023-3 国际周课程 Advanced software design
Shaoying Liu (劉少英)
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering & School of Informatics and Data Science
Hiroshima University, Japan 日本广岛大学
Email: sliu@hiroshima-u.ac.jp 邮箱
HP: https://home.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/sliu/ 个人网页
The Goal of This Course 这门课程的目标
- Basic concepts of software design
软件设计的基本概念 - Software design process
软件设计过程 - Software design principles
软件设计原则 - Software design methods
软件设计方法 - Software design representations
软件设计表示 - Implementation based on software design
How to Effectively Learn This Course 如何高效的学习这门课
- Attending classes
参与课程 - Actively working on class exercises and discussions
积极参与课堂练习和讨论 - Trying to complete homework
Reference Books 参考书
- “Software Design”, by David Budgen, Addison-Wesley, 1994. ISBN: 0-201-54403-2.
似乎没有中文翻译版 https://dl.acm.org/doi/book/10.5555/561889 - “Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Design in UML”, by Larry L. Constantine, Dorset House Publishing and Addison-Wesley, 2000. ISBN: 0-201-69946.
《UML面向对象设计基础》 - “Formal Engineering for Industrial Software Development”, by Shaoying Liu, Springer-Verlag, ISBN: 2004, ISBN 3-540-20602-7.
这个是老师自己的专著 - “GUI Bloopers – Common User Interface Design don’ts and Dos”, by Jeff Johnson, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2008
Main Contents of This Course 课程主要内容
- Part I: Introduction to Software Design
第一部分:软件设计导论 - Part II: Structured Design and Design Representations
第二部分:结构化设计与设计表示 - Part III: Object-Oriented Design and UML
(Unified Modeling Language)
第三部分:面向对象设计与统一建模语言 - Part IV: Graphical User Interface (GUI) Design
Part I: Introduction to Software Design 第一部分:软件设计导论
- What is design?
什么是设计? - What is software?
什么是软件? - What is software design?
什么是软件设计? - Software design principles
软件设计原则 - Software design methods
I.1 What is design? 什么是设计?
Design is an activity or process of making a plan or a model for a potential product. It usually involves problem-solving and decision-making to address specific needs for software qualities.
Steps for design: 设计步骤:
- Understanding the user’s requirements: 理解用户需求
Requirement: 需求:
Build a house with the following parts:
two sides
one end
one door
two roof panels
one front
- Make a model of the house 制作房子模型
- Interact with the user for confirmation of the design 与用户交流来确认设计
- Modify the design based on the user’s feedback 根据用户的反馈修改设计
The role of the design: 设计的作用:
(1)The design allows the user and the developer evaluate the functionality, shape, properties, and usability of the product before it is actually made.
(2)The design provides a foundation for producing the planned product.
I.2 What is software? 什么是软件
Software refers to data and programs in general, but in Software Engineering, software often refers to documentation, data and programs.
Software = Data + Programs
What is a program? 什么是程序
A program is a combination of data structure and algorithm expressed in a specific programming language.
Program = Data structure + Algorithm
程序 =数据结构 + 算法
What is an algorithm? 什么是算法
An algorithm is a sequence of instructions, commands, or actions. It can be expressed using graphical languages, natural languages, and programming languages.
Examples of algorithm and program: 算法和程序的例子
algorithm example
An algorithm for calculating the average of students’ exam scores:一种计算学生考试成绩平均值的算法:
- (1) Input all students’ scores
输入所有学生的分数 - (2) Calculate the total score of the students
计算学生们的总分 - (3) Divide the total score by the number of the students to get the average score
将总分除以学生人数得出平均分 - (4) Print out the average score
Java-Pseudocode for calculating the average score:
int score = 0; stuNum = 0; totalScore = 0;
double averageScore = 0;
int controlVar = 0;
//variables showing data structures 显示数据结构的变量
for (int count = 0; controlVar = 0; count++)
score = read a score; //pseudocode for reading a score 读取分数的伪代码
if (score >= 0) {
stuNum = stuNum + 1;
totalScore = totalScore + score;
else //if a negative value is read for score, the loop will terminate 如果读到一个负数分数,循环将终止
controlVar = 1; //for terminating the for loop 停止循环
avergeScore = totalScore / stuNum;
System.out.println(“The average score is:” + averageScore);
Program example
class ExamRecord {
String name;
int math;
int japanese;
int english;
public class ExamRecordAction {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ExamRecord p = createExamRecord("Taro", 50, 90, 100);
public static ExamRecord createExamRecord(
String name, int math, int japanese, int english){
ExamRecord r = new ExamRecord();
r.name = name;
r.math = math;
r.japanese = japanese;
r.english = english;
return r;
public static void showExamRecord(ExamRecord r){
System.out.println(r.name + ", 数学 = " + r.math
+ ", 国語 = " + r.japanese
+ ", 英語 = " + r.english
+ ", 3科目の平均 = "
+ ((r.math + r.japanese + r.english) / 3.0));
Elements contained in the program 程序中包含的元素
- Data-related elements:class and variable
数据相关元素:类和变量 - declarations
声明 - Operation-related elements:method name,
与操作相关的元素:方法名, - parameters, and return type
参数和返回类型 - The types of variables
变量的类型 - The method body
方法体 - Statements used in the method body
方法体中使用的语句 - Method invocation (like function call)
方法调用(类似于函数调用) - Relation between classes
- How is the program structure determined?
- How are the elements of the program created?
- How are the relations between various program elements decided?
Answer: Software Design
A program can be regarded as a function in mathematics.
P: D → R
Program: Domain → Range
where P is a function from D to R,D is the domain of function P, and R is the range of P.
The goal of software design is to determine the two things:
(1)The domain D and the range R of P.
(2)The definition of P.
Example, P(x) = |x|, a program obtaining the absolute value |x| for an input real number x.
I.3 What is software design?什么是软件设计?
Software design is a process and activity of making a plan or creating a model for the expected software system.
- (1)How to create a plan or model?
如何创建计划或模型? - (2)How to represent the plan or model?
如何表示计划或模型? - (3)How can the model be used for coding?
When to carry out software design? 何时进行软件设计?
Abstract design 抽象设计
Abstract design: focusing on the following issues:
- Propose the architecture of the software
提出软件架构 - Determine the operations and the related input and output data items
确定运算以及相关的输入和输出数据项 - Determine the way operations interact with each other
确定运算之间的交互方式 比如:调用数据流
Important point:
The above software elements are abstractly represented in abstract design.
Detailed design详细设计
Detailed design: focusing on the following issues:
- Decide appropriate data structures for data items (by means of using appropriate data types to declare variables)
为数据项确定适当的数据结构(通过使用适当的数据类型来声明变量) - Create algorithms for implementing operations
制作用于实现运算的算法 用自然语言、图形语言等都可以 - Propose a Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Important point:
The above software elements are represented in detail in detailed design
The characteristics of software design 软件设计的特点
- There is no mathematical formula for software design.
软件设计没有数学公式。 是因为要求设计师都拥有极高的数学素养不现实吗? - We do not say whether a program design is true or false but can say a program is better than another one in terms of some software qualities.
我们不能说程序设计是真是假,但可以说一个程序在某些软件质量方面比另一个程序更好。 - Program design is an intellectual, creative, and rigorous activity.
I.4 Software Qualities 软件质量特性
As a product, software has many qualities, including
- Reliability 可靠性
- Correctness 正确性
- Efficiency 效率
- Usability 可用性
- Maintainability (readability, simplicity) 可维护性(可读性,简易性)
- Reusability 可复用性
- Robustness 稳健性
- Portability 可移植性
Reliability ー concerned with continuous 可靠性 ー 与可持续有关
providing expected services. It is the probability of not encountering errors during the program execution within a certain period of time.
General interpretation 一般性解释
- (1)Reliable person 可靠的人
All promises are implemented, or at least sufficient efforts are made to try to implement all his promises
*(2)Reliable airplane 可靠的航班
① Always fly in the way as designed.
② Guarantee the safety of the airplane and passengers
*(3)Reliable sausage machine 可靠的香肠机
- Unreliable sausage machine: 不可靠的香肠机
- Another example: 其他例子
P(x) = |x|, a program obtaining the absolute value of a given real number x.
If a program implements exactly the desired functions defined in the specification, the program is said to be correct with respect to the specification.
Example: 例子:
- Specification: for any input real number x, the output of program P must be the absolute value of x.
规约:对于任何输入的实数x,程序P的输出必须是x的绝对值 - Program: the algorithm of P is written in such a way that always obtains the absolute value of the input real number x.
Question: How to prove program P is correct with respect to its specification? Testing? Formal proof?
Relationship between Correctness and Reliability 正确性和可靠性的关系
- Relationship: Correctness helps improve the software reliability but does not necessarily guarantee the 100% reliability.
关系:正确性有助于提高软件的可靠性,但不一定能保证100%的可靠性。 - Reason: the specification may not be guaranteed to accurately reflect the user’s requirements.
The gap between specification and the user’s requirements 规约与用户需求之间的差距
Verification is a means to ensure that the program satisfies the specification.
Validation is a means to ensure that the program satisfies the requirements of the user.
Efficiency 效率
—— concerned with program execution speed and the amount of memory used within a unit time.
—— 与程序执行速度和单位时间内使用的内存量有关
In general, the faster the program execution speed is, the more efficient the program will become.
However, one of the most important techniques to improve program execution speed is to use more memory spaces.
Importance: a good balance between speed and memory usage should be achieved.
Usability 可用性
ー is a measure how easily a program can be used in its operation by users.
—— 是衡量用户操作使用程序的容易程度的指标
Challenge: There is no universally agreed method for defining the usability. Usability is a rather subjective concept and its decision should be dependent on specific users.
Maintainability 可维护性
ー is a measure how a program can be easily evolved or changed for improvement.
Factors to affect maintainability:
(1) readability: if a program is readable, it will be easily understood by the programmer or other developers. This will help the programmer change the program correctly.
(2) simplicity: If a program is logically simple, it will help the programmer easily understand the program and therefore easily carry out the necessary changes in the program.
Reusability 可复用性
ー is a measure how a program or its parts can be easily reused in another program under development.
Factors to contribute to the reusability:
(1) modularity: a quality of a program consisting of separated parts that, when combined, form a complete whole.
(2) testability: a quality of a program that can be easily tested to evaluate its functional performance and confirm the necessary constraints.
Robustness 稳健性
ー is a measure whether a program can gracefully manage the normal and abnormal situations, such as normal executions and executions encountering exceptions.
ー 是衡量程序是否能够优雅地处理正常和异常情况,例如正常情况下的执行操作和遇到异常情况的执行操作。
By gracefully managing the situations we mean that without causing the program crash, unexpected termination, or unexpected nontermination, the situation can be managed properly.
Portability 可移植性
ー is a measure of whether software can be ported without requiring major rework.
—— 是衡量软件是否可以在不需要大量返工的情况下跨平台的指标。
Porting is the task of doing any work necessary to make the computer program run in the new environment.
Example: a portable application program could work on platforms such as Windows, Linux, iOS and Android without a need to be changed in its code. The porting process might include transferring installed program files to another system or creating the same program using different source code.
Classification of software qualities 软件质量特性的分类
- The qualities that interest the user:Reliability, Correctness, Efficiency, Usability, and Robustness.
用户关心的:可靠性,正确性,效率,可用性,稳健性 - The qualities that interest the developer:maintainability, reusability, and portability.
How to ensure program qualities? 如何确保软件质量
- Using effective principles to design software
使用有效的原理来进行软件设计 - Using effective design methods to design software
使用有效的设计方法来进行软件设计 - Using comprehensible languages to represent software designs
I.5 Principles of Software Design 软件设计原理
Abstraction and Decomposition 抽象和分解
- Abstraction is a technique, process, or activity to obtain the most important information from a document or information by removing properly unnecessary details.
抽象是一种通过适当地删除不必要的细节,从文档或资料中获得最重要的信息的技术、过程或活动。 - Decomposition is a technique, process, or activity to break down a large task or an abstract expression into into smaller tasks or concrete expressions.
for exmaple:explaining Hosei University
Abstraction:Hosei University is a prestigious privateuniversity in Japan with three campus:
• Ichigaya campus
• Koganei campus
• Tama campus
(1)Ichigaya campus has: 第一个校区拥有:
Faculty of Law, Faculty of Letters, 文法学院
Faculty of Business administration, 工商管理学院
Faculty of International Communication, 国际文化学院
Faculty of Sustainability Studies, 可持续发展研究学院
Faculty of Lifelong Learning and Career Studies, 生涯设计学院
Faculty of Engineering Design 设计工学院
(2) Koganei campus has: 第二个校区拥有:
Faculty of Science and Engineering, 理工学院
Faculty of Computer and Information Science, 信息科学院
Faculty of Bioscience and Chemistry 生命科学院
(3) Tama campus has: 第三个校区拥有:
Faculty of Economics, 经济学院
Faculty of Social Sciences, 社会学院
Faculty of Social Policy and Administration, 现代福祉学院
Faculty of Sports and Health Studies 体育健康学院
Encapsulation and Information Hiding 封装和信息隐藏
Encapsulation is one of the fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP). It means that the related data and operations are organized or defined in a program unit (e.g., class).
Information hiding refers to the fact that the implementation details of both data and operations in the program unit are not exposed to outside the unit. Only necessary interface is provided to the outside for using the operations provided by the unit.
Encapsulation is a means to realize information hiding.
Information hiding is an effect of encapsulation.
Example: 例子:
Stack is a data structure following the LIFO (Last-in-First-Out) principle.
class Stack {
private int[] a = new int[10];
private int top = 0;
public void Initialize() {…};
public void Push(){…};
public int Pop(){…};
private Is-Full(){…}; //Does the stack have 10 elements? 栈满?
private Is-Empty(){…};//Does the stack contain no element? 栈空?
Question ? 问题
Why do we need information hiding in programming?
Modularization 模块化
Modularization is the process of separating the functionality of a program into independent, interchangeable modules, such that each contains everything necessary to execute only one aspect of the desired functionality
Examples: 例子:
⚫ Computer (CPU, Input unit, Output unit, Memory unit)
⚫ Automobile (Engine, Battery, Alternator, Radiator, Steering, Breaks)
⚫ Japanese bento (lunch box) (rice, meat, vegetables, fish, sweet)
How to realize the above design principles? 如何实现上述的设计原理
We need effective design methods!我们需要有效的设计方法
Class exercise 1 课堂练习1
Take the automobile as an example to explain the following concepts:
• Reliability(可靠性)
• Efficiency(效率)
• Usability(可用性)
• Maintainability(可维护性)
• Reusability(可复用性)
• Robustness(稳健性)
I.6 Software Design Methods 软件设计方法
- Top-down design 自顶向下设计
- Bottom-up design 自底向上设计
- Modular design 模块化设计
- Structured design 结构化设计
- Object-oriented design 面向对象设计
- Component-based design 基于组件的设计
I.6.1 Top-down design 自顶向下设计
Top-down design supports the abstraction and decomposition design principle.
Specifically, using top-down design, the potential system to be implemented is first abstracted into a high-level operation. Then, the high-level operation will be properly decomposed into smaller operations each of which focuses on a specific task.
Example: Design of a University Information System.
- (1) Abstraction: the top-level operation of the system:
- (2) Decomposition:
- (3) Decomposition:
- (4) Decomposition:
I.6.2. Bottom-up design 自底向上设计
Bottom-up design is the opposite to top-down design, with the following guidelines:
(1) First, the low-level operations are designed.
(2) The designed low-level operations are used to construct high level operations.
(3) The designed high-level operations are used to build higher level operations.
Example: Bottom-up design of a University Information System
- (1) Bottom-level operations are first designed. 先设计底层运算。
The other bottom-level operations:其他的底层运算:
- (2) Use bottom-level operations to construct high-level operations.
- (3) The top-level operation is finally constructed. 最终构建了顶层运算。
Comparison between top-down design and bottom-up design:自顶向下设计与自底向上设计的比较:
- Top-down design is a process of from abstraction to detailed representation.
自顶向下设计是一个从抽象到详细表达的过程。 - Bottom-up design is a process of from detailed representation to abstraction by composing low-level operations to build high-level operations.
自底向上设计是一个从详细表达到抽象的过程,通过编写低级运算来构建高级运算 - Top-down design is effective for designing a system in an unfamiliar application domain, while bottom-up design is effective for designing a system in a familiar application domain.
自顶向下设计对于在不熟悉的应用领域中设计系统更有效,而自底向上设计对于在熟悉的应用域中设计系统更有效。 - Top-down design starts from the goal of the design and develops the details necessary to realize the goal, therefore, allowing the designer to have a comprehensive view of the whole system under design. In contrast, bottom-up design may not allow the designer to have a comprehensive view of the whole system from the beginning, therefore, facing a higher risk of making a bad design.
自顶向下设计从设计的目标着眼,并开发实现目标所需的细节,因此,使设计师能够全面了解设计中的整个系统。相比之下,自底向上设计可能不允许设计者从一开始就对整个系统有一个全面的看法,因此,拥有更高概率会做出糟糕设计。自顶向下更有全局观,自底向上可能出现对接失败,做的东西和目标不一致的现象 - In general, a middle-out design that combines top-down and bottom-up design is used. It allows the designer to start from designing middle level operations and then take top-down and bottom-up approaches to finish the design of the whole system.
I.6.3 Modular design 模块化设计
Module design refers to the way of designing a software system as inter-related modules each of which focuses on an independent task or function.
What is a module? A module is an independent program unit that realizes one function of the whole system.
接下来这处的翻译我搞不太明白,大概意思是 module 的两层含义。第二层含义看着和面向对象有点像
Levels of module:
- (1) operation level (e.g., function in C, method of a class in Java)
操作级别(例如,C中的函数、Java中的类的方法) - (2) group level (e.g., class in Java)
Characteristics of a module:模块的特点:
- A module has a normal size (not too big and not toosmall)
模块具有正常大小(不太大也不太小)适中 - A module fulfills an independent task or function.
模块完成独立的任务或功能。 - A module encapsulates data and algorithm.
模块封装数据和算法。 - A module hides the implementation details from the outside environment.
模块对外部环境隐藏实现细节。 - A module can be easily replaced by another module using different data or algorithm to fulfill the same function.一个模块可以很容易地被另一个模块取代,该模块使用不同的数据或算法来实现相同的功能。
Example: when designing the University Information System, we can design a module for each of the functions: Course management, Research management, Lecture management, Examination management, Study records management etc.
I.6.4 Structured design 结构化设计
Structured design comes from structured programming that advocates the use of only three program constructs, which are sequence, choice(or selection), and iteration, to construct programs with single-entry and single-exit.
A structured program does NOT use "go to" command or statement.
结构化程序不使用“go to”命令或语句。
Program constructs with single-entry and single exit:
具有单入口和单出口程序结构: program constructs应该是个名词
S1; S2
if C then S1 else S2 (or if (C) S1 else S2)
while C do S (or while (C) S)
The flowchart of these three constructs are given next.
The single-entry and single-exit rule must also be maintained in a hierarchical structure of a program formed by module calls.
The advantages of structured programming 模块化设计的优点
- The program has a good readability due to the fact that the program execution flow is consistent with the control flow presented in the program (code).
由于程序执行流与程序(代码)中展现出的控制流一致,因此程序具有良好的可读性。 - A structured program is easy to test.
结构化程序很容易测试。 - A structured program is easier for correctness proof than an unstructured program.
Structured design usually means the combination of top-down design, modular design, and hierarchical design to realize a hierarchical structure of the software with good modularity.
Structured design = Top-down design +Modular design +Hierarchical design
I.6.5 Object-oriented design 面向对象设计
Object-oriented design (OOD) provides a method for designing software by focusing on defining objects and their relations.
In other words, using OOD, we need to focus onidentifying and defining necessary objects and their relations.
Question ? 问题
- (1)What is an object?
什么是对象? - (2)How to represent an object in programs?
如何在程序中表示对象 - (3)How to define objects in programs?
My answer: 老师的回答
- (1)An object is anything in the real world. For example, house, desk, computer, smart phone, watch.
物体是现实世界中的任何东西。例如,房子、桌子、电脑、智能手机、手表。 - (2) An object is represented by encapsulation of its data and operations.
对象通过其对数据和运算的封装来表示。 - (3)Class is used to define objects.
The structure of an object-oriented program is a network of objects:
I.6.6 Component-based design 基于组件的设计
Component-based design is a method for designing software using well-constructed software components.
A software component is a software module with the following characteristics:
- A component be used directly in a program by just simply importing it.
只要简单地引入一个组件,就可以直接在程序中使用它。 - The interface and functionality of a component are well defined.
组件的接口和功能都被定义好了 - A component is usually programming language specific.
For example, in the Application Programming Interface (API) Java AWT and SWING, necessary components for building GUIs are provided.
例如,在应用程序编程接口Java AWT和SWING中,提供了构建图形化界面所需的组件。
Exercise 1 练习1
(1) Using T.V. set as an example to explain the following concepts:
(2)Use the construction of a house as an example to explain the following design methods:
Top-down design
Bottom-up design
Modular design
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