1.了解recycle方法,要知道连接池connections,假设连接池已经初始化,连接从connections获取的;事务有两种访问模式read only和read write;read only模式不允许写入修改数据和执行ddl语句,同时可以使存储引擎能够进行性能改进


set transaction read only
> OK
> 时间: 0s

update t_user set user_id = 1 where user_id = 10
> 1792 - Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.
> 时间: 0.003s
set transaction read only
> OK
> 时间: 0s

insert into t_user() values (10)
> 1792 - Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.
> 时间: 0s
set transaction read only
> OK
> 时间: 0s

delete from t_user where user_id =10
> 1792 - Cannot execute statement in a READ ONLY transaction.
> 时间: 0.001s


Transaction Access Mode
To set the transaction access mode, use a READ WRITE or READ ONLY clause. It is not permitted to specify multiple access-mode clauses in the same SET TRANSACTION statement.

By default, a transaction takes place in read/write mode, with both reads and writes permitted to tables used in the transaction. This mode may be specified explicitly using SET TRANSACTION with an access mode of READ WRITE.

If the transaction access mode is set to READ ONLY, changes to tables are prohibited. This may enable storage engines to make performance improvements that are possible when writes are not permitted.

In read-only mode, it remains possible to change tables created with the TEMPORARY keyword using DML statements. Changes made with DDL statements are not permitted, just as with permanent tables.

The READ WRITE and READ ONLY access modes also may be specified for an individual transaction using the START TRANSACTION statement.
com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl设置事务只读,执行的sql是set transaction read only;
    public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnlyFlag) throws SQLException {


    public void setReadOnlyInternal(boolean readOnlyFlag) throws SQLException {
        synchronized (getConnectionMutex()) {
            // note this this is safe even inside a transaction
            if (this.readOnlyPropagatesToServer.getValue() && versionMeetsMinimum(5, 6, 5)) {
                if (!this.useLocalSessionState.getValue() || (readOnlyFlag != this.readOnly)) {
                    this.session.execSQL(null, "set session transaction " + (readOnlyFlag ? "read only" : "read write"), -1, null, false,
                            this.nullStatementResultSetFactory, null, false);

            this.readOnly = readOnlyFlag;


try {
                if (maxWaitThreadCount > 0
                        && notEmptyWaitThreadCount >= maxWaitThreadCount) {
                    throw new SQLException("maxWaitThreadCount " + maxWaitThreadCount + ", current wait Thread count "
                            + lock.getQueueLength());

                if (onFatalError
                        && onFatalErrorMaxActive > 0
                        && activeCount >= onFatalErrorMaxActive) {

                    StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder();
                    errorMsg.append("onFatalError, activeCount ")
                            .append(", onFatalErrorMaxActive ")

                    if (lastFatalErrorTimeMillis > 0) {
                        errorMsg.append(", time '")
                                        lastFatalErrorTimeMillis, TimeZone.getDefault()))

                    if (lastFatalErrorSql != null) {
                        errorMsg.append(", sql \n")

                    throw new SQLException(
                            errorMsg.toString(), lastFatalError);


                if (createScheduler != null
                        && poolingCount == 0
                        && activeCount < maxActive
                        && creatingCountUpdater.get(this) == 0
                        && createScheduler instanceof ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) {
                    ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor = (ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) createScheduler;
                    if (executor.getQueue().size() > 0) {
                        createDirect = true;

                if (maxWait > 0) {
                    holder = pollLast(nanos);
                } else {
                    holder = takeLast();

                if (holder != null) {
                    if (holder.discard) {

                    holder.active = true;
                    if (activeCount > activePeak) {
                        activePeak = activeCount;
                        activePeakTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                throw new SQLException(e.getMessage(), e);
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                throw e;
            } finally {




2)如果跟数据库建立的已经关闭,设置holder.active = false


boolean putLast(DruidConnectionHolder e, long lastActiveTimeMillis) {
        if (poolingCount >= maxActive || e.discard || this.closed) {
            return false;

        e.lastActiveTimeMillis = lastActiveTimeMillis;
        connections[poolingCount] = e;

        if (poolingCount > poolingPeak) {
            poolingPeak = poolingCount;
            poolingPeakTime = lastActiveTimeMillis;


        return true;


posted on 2022-05-17 23:21  柳无情  阅读(554)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报