在项目中经常要用到了大文件上传,要上传的文件有100多m,于是研究现在国内使用的大文件上传的组件发现用的比较多的有两个控件AspnetUpload 2.0和Lion.Web.UpLoadModule,两个控件的方法是:利用隐含的HttpWorkerRequest,用它的GetPreloadedEntityBody 和 ReadEntityBody方法从IIS为ASP.NET建立的pipe里分块读取数据。Chris Hynes为我们提供了这样的一个方案(用HttpModule),该方案除了允许你上传大文件外,还能实时显示上传进度。
Lion.Web.UpLoadModule和AspnetUpload 两个.NET组件都是利用的这个方案。
1HttpApplication application1 = sender as HttpApplication;
2HttpWorkerRequest request1 = (HttpWorkerRequest) ((IServiceProvider) HttpContext.Current).GetService(typeof(HttpWorkerRequest));
5 if (application1.Context.Request.ContentType.IndexOf("multipart/form-data") <= -1)
6 {
7 return;
8 }
9 //Check The HasEntityBody
10 if (!request1.HasEntityBody())
11 {
12 return;
13 }
14 int num1 = 0;
15 TimeSpan span1 = DateTime.Now.Subtract(this.beginTime);
17 string text1 = application1.Context.Request.ContentType.ToLower();
19 byte[] buffer1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(("\r\n--" + text1.Substring(text1.IndexOf("boundary=") + 9)).ToCharArray());
20 int num2 = Convert.ToInt32(request1.GetKnownRequestHeader(11));
21 Progress progress1 = new Progress();
23 application1.Context.Items.Add("FileList", new Hashtable());
25 byte[] buffer2 = request1.GetPreloadedEntityBody();
26 num1 += buffer2.Length;
28 string text2 = this.AnalysePreloadedEntityBody(buffer2, "UploadGUID");
29 if (text2 != string.Empty)
30 {
31 application1.Context.Items.Add("LionSky_UpLoadModule_UploadGUID", text2);
32 }
33 bool flag1 = true;
34 if ((num2 > this.UpLoadFileLength()) && ((0 > span1.TotalHours) || (span1.TotalHours > 3)))
35 {
36 flag1 = false;
37 }
38 if ((0 > span1.TotalHours) || (span1.TotalHours > 3))
39 {
40 flag1 = false;
41 }
42 string text3 = this.AnalysePreloadedEntityBody(buffer2, "UploadFolder");
43 ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();
44 RequestStream stream1 = new RequestStream(buffer2, buffer1, null, RequestStream.FileStatus.Close, RequestStream.ReadStatus.NoRead, text3, flag1, application1.Context, string.Empty);
45 list1.AddRange(stream1.ReadBody);
46 if (text2 != string.Empty)
47 {
48 progress1.FileLength = num2;
49 progress1.ReceivedLength = num1;
50 progress1.FileName = stream1.OriginalFileName;
51 progress1.FileCount = ((Hashtable) application1.Context.Items["FileList"]).Count;
52 application1.Application["_UploadGUID_" + text2] = progress1;
53 }
54 if (!request1.IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded())
55 {
56 byte[] buffer4;
57 ArrayList list2;
58 int num3 = 204800;
59 byte[] buffer3 = new byte[num3];
60 while ((num2 - num1) >= num3)
61 {
62 if (!application1.Context.Response.IsClientConnected)
63 {
64 this.ClearApplication(application1);
65 }
66 num3 = request1.ReadEntityBody(buffer3, buffer3.Length);
67 num1 += num3;
68 list2 = stream1.ContentBody;
69 if (list2.Count > 0)
70 {
71 buffer4 = new byte[list2.Count + buffer3.Length];
72 list2.CopyTo(buffer4, 0);
73 buffer3.CopyTo(buffer4, list2.Count);
74 stream1 = new RequestStream(buffer4, buffer1, stream1.FileStream, stream1.FStatus, stream1.RStatus, text3, flag1, application1.Context, stream1.OriginalFileName);
75 }
76 else
77 {
78 stream1 = new RequestStream(buffer3, buffer1, stream1.FileStream, stream1.FStatus, stream1.RStatus, text3, flag1, application1.Context, stream1.OriginalFileName);
79 }
80 list1.AddRange(stream1.ReadBody);
81 if (text2 != string.Empty)
82 {
83 progress1.ReceivedLength = num1;
84 progress1.FileName = stream1.OriginalFileName;
85 progress1.FileCount = ((Hashtable) application1.Context.Items["FileList"]).Count;
86 application1.Application["_UploadGUID_" + text2] = progress1;
87 }
88 }
89 buffer3 = new byte[num2 - num1];
90 if (!application1.Context.Response.IsClientConnected && (stream1.FStatus == RequestStream.FileStatus.Open))
91 {
92 this.ClearApplication(application1);
93 }
94 num3 = request1.ReadEntityBody(buffer3, buffer3.Length);
95 list2 = stream1.ContentBody;
96 if (list2.Count > 0)
97 {
98 buffer4 = new byte[list2.Count + buffer3.Length];
99 list2.CopyTo(buffer4, 0);
100 buffer3.CopyTo(buffer4, list2.Count);
101 stream1 = new RequestStream(buffer4, buffer1, stream1.FileStream, stream1.FStatus, stream1.RStatus, text3, flag1, application1.Context, stream1.OriginalFileName);
102 }
103 else
104 {
105 stream1 = new RequestStream(buffer3, buffer1, stream1.FileStream, stream1.FStatus, stream1.RStatus, text3, flag1, application1.Context, stream1.OriginalFileName);
106 }
107 list1.AddRange(stream1.ReadBody);
108 if (text2 != string.Empty)
109 {
110 progress1.ReceivedLength = num1 + buffer3.Length;
111 progress1.FileName = stream1.OriginalFileName;
112 progress1.FileCount = ((Hashtable) application1.Context.Items["FileList"]).Count;
113 if (flag1)
114 {
115 progress1.UploadStatus = Progress.UploadStatusEnum.Uploaded;
116 }
117 else
118 {
119 application1.Application.Remove("_UploadGUID_" + text2);
120 }
121 }
122 }
123 byte[] buffer5 = new byte[list1.Count];
124 list1.CopyTo(buffer5);
125 this.PopulateRequestData(request1, buffer5);
127catch (Exception exception1)
129 this.ClearApplication(application1);
130 throw exception1;
2HttpWorkerRequest request1 = (HttpWorkerRequest) ((IServiceProvider) HttpContext.Current).GetService(typeof(HttpWorkerRequest));
5 if (application1.Context.Request.ContentType.IndexOf("multipart/form-data") <= -1)
6 {
7 return;
8 }
9 //Check The HasEntityBody
10 if (!request1.HasEntityBody())
11 {
12 return;
13 }
14 int num1 = 0;
15 TimeSpan span1 = DateTime.Now.Subtract(this.beginTime);
17 string text1 = application1.Context.Request.ContentType.ToLower();
19 byte[] buffer1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(("\r\n--" + text1.Substring(text1.IndexOf("boundary=") + 9)).ToCharArray());
20 int num2 = Convert.ToInt32(request1.GetKnownRequestHeader(11));
21 Progress progress1 = new Progress();
23 application1.Context.Items.Add("FileList", new Hashtable());
25 byte[] buffer2 = request1.GetPreloadedEntityBody();
26 num1 += buffer2.Length;
28 string text2 = this.AnalysePreloadedEntityBody(buffer2, "UploadGUID");
29 if (text2 != string.Empty)
30 {
31 application1.Context.Items.Add("LionSky_UpLoadModule_UploadGUID", text2);
32 }
33 bool flag1 = true;
34 if ((num2 > this.UpLoadFileLength()) && ((0 > span1.TotalHours) || (span1.TotalHours > 3)))
35 {
36 flag1 = false;
37 }
38 if ((0 > span1.TotalHours) || (span1.TotalHours > 3))
39 {
40 flag1 = false;
41 }
42 string text3 = this.AnalysePreloadedEntityBody(buffer2, "UploadFolder");
43 ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();
44 RequestStream stream1 = new RequestStream(buffer2, buffer1, null, RequestStream.FileStatus.Close, RequestStream.ReadStatus.NoRead, text3, flag1, application1.Context, string.Empty);
45 list1.AddRange(stream1.ReadBody);
46 if (text2 != string.Empty)
47 {
48 progress1.FileLength = num2;
49 progress1.ReceivedLength = num1;
50 progress1.FileName = stream1.OriginalFileName;
51 progress1.FileCount = ((Hashtable) application1.Context.Items["FileList"]).Count;
52 application1.Application["_UploadGUID_" + text2] = progress1;
53 }
54 if (!request1.IsEntireEntityBodyIsPreloaded())
55 {
56 byte[] buffer4;
57 ArrayList list2;
58 int num3 = 204800;
59 byte[] buffer3 = new byte[num3];
60 while ((num2 - num1) >= num3)
61 {
62 if (!application1.Context.Response.IsClientConnected)
63 {
64 this.ClearApplication(application1);
65 }
66 num3 = request1.ReadEntityBody(buffer3, buffer3.Length);
67 num1 += num3;
68 list2 = stream1.ContentBody;
69 if (list2.Count > 0)
70 {
71 buffer4 = new byte[list2.Count + buffer3.Length];
72 list2.CopyTo(buffer4, 0);
73 buffer3.CopyTo(buffer4, list2.Count);
74 stream1 = new RequestStream(buffer4, buffer1, stream1.FileStream, stream1.FStatus, stream1.RStatus, text3, flag1, application1.Context, stream1.OriginalFileName);
75 }
76 else
77 {
78 stream1 = new RequestStream(buffer3, buffer1, stream1.FileStream, stream1.FStatus, stream1.RStatus, text3, flag1, application1.Context, stream1.OriginalFileName);
79 }
80 list1.AddRange(stream1.ReadBody);
81 if (text2 != string.Empty)
82 {
83 progress1.ReceivedLength = num1;
84 progress1.FileName = stream1.OriginalFileName;
85 progress1.FileCount = ((Hashtable) application1.Context.Items["FileList"]).Count;
86 application1.Application["_UploadGUID_" + text2] = progress1;
87 }
88 }
89 buffer3 = new byte[num2 - num1];
90 if (!application1.Context.Response.IsClientConnected && (stream1.FStatus == RequestStream.FileStatus.Open))
91 {
92 this.ClearApplication(application1);
93 }
94 num3 = request1.ReadEntityBody(buffer3, buffer3.Length);
95 list2 = stream1.ContentBody;
96 if (list2.Count > 0)
97 {
98 buffer4 = new byte[list2.Count + buffer3.Length];
99 list2.CopyTo(buffer4, 0);
100 buffer3.CopyTo(buffer4, list2.Count);
101 stream1 = new RequestStream(buffer4, buffer1, stream1.FileStream, stream1.FStatus, stream1.RStatus, text3, flag1, application1.Context, stream1.OriginalFileName);
102 }
103 else
104 {
105 stream1 = new RequestStream(buffer3, buffer1, stream1.FileStream, stream1.FStatus, stream1.RStatus, text3, flag1, application1.Context, stream1.OriginalFileName);
106 }
107 list1.AddRange(stream1.ReadBody);
108 if (text2 != string.Empty)
109 {
110 progress1.ReceivedLength = num1 + buffer3.Length;
111 progress1.FileName = stream1.OriginalFileName;
112 progress1.FileCount = ((Hashtable) application1.Context.Items["FileList"]).Count;
113 if (flag1)
114 {
115 progress1.UploadStatus = Progress.UploadStatusEnum.Uploaded;
116 }
117 else
118 {
119 application1.Application.Remove("_UploadGUID_" + text2);
120 }
121 }
122 }
123 byte[] buffer5 = new byte[list1.Count];
124 list1.CopyTo(buffer5);
125 this.PopulateRequestData(request1, buffer5);
127catch (Exception exception1)
129 this.ClearApplication(application1);
130 throw exception1;