
This is the place where you can follow the development and status of the project management tools under some kind of Open Source or Free Software license.

  • Achievo
  • ASTS - A Simple Project Tracker - Webbased project management system in pre-alpha stage. Only in CVS.
  • Austin - Project Management in XML. Demo at the site. Programmed in C. Stable.
  • dotproject - a websolution based on PHP and MySQL.
  • Double Choco Latte - Project management tool for programming. Also support management tool.
  • Eventum - Issue / Bug Tracking System med project management features based on MySQL
  • Gantt Chart Generator - a websolution based on PERL to generate Gantt charts.
  • GanttProject - a Java based project management tool. Seems stable in version 1.10.3.
  • GanttPV - Simple project management tool for MacOS X and Microsoft Windows written in Python. It will also run on Linux.
  • GNUe - GNU Enterprise is an ERP where project management is included.
  • Incyte Project Manager (IPM) - a websolution based on PHP and MySQL.
  • JProjectTimer - a javabased scheduling tool using Gantt charts.
  • KD Gantt - KD Gantt is Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB's package for creating Gantt charts in Qt applications. KD Gantt is not a project management tool in it selves.
  • KPlato - a part of KOffice - the office package from the KDE project.
  • Maven - Java project management and project comprehension tool for software development.
  • MPXJ (Microsoft Project Echange in Java) - Java tool to handle and/or read data in Microsoft Project file formats like .mpx, .mpp (only read) and .mpdi (XML).
  • MrProject - closed when the Swedish company CodeFactory closed but continued as Planner.
  • Narval::ProjMan - a project management module for Narval to show Gantt charts.
  • netOffice - web based project management environment written in PHP using MySQL as database.
  • Opensched - a project report generator which generates textual as well as Gantt and PERT charts.
  • phpcollab.com - a web groupware system based on PHP and a SQL database of own choice.
  • PHProjekt
  • Planner - a part of the GNOME project. Formerly known as MrProject.
  • OpenOffice.org Project Manager - a project in its initial stage but is very promising. Will use OpenOffice.org API to become a crossplatform tool.
  • Open Workbench is NOT Open Source as stated on the website by Niku (the company behind Open Workbench) because it is integrated with third party proprietary products (Rogue Wave Objective Toolkit, Rogue Wave Objective Kit and Microsoft MFC Runtime Libraries). You can see it in section 2.1 (e) in Niku Open Workbench Public License 1.0 (NPL 1.0).
  • pmtool - a webtool based on PHP and MySQL. Can create xml based reports.
  • Project/Open - ERP system based on ArsDigita Community System (ACS) and right now an Oracle 8i database. Maybe solutions based on SAP-DB or Postgres will also be available in the future.
  • PyGantt - a Gantt chart generator from XML input file to HTML output file.
  • RT - Request Tracker where project management is included.
  • TaskJuggler - Text based tool which works like a program language. TaskJuggler can generate HTML and XML reports. A graphical KDE tool is under development.
  • Tobedone - a Java Applet using MySQL and a webserver.
  • ToutDoux - a part of the GNOME project.
  • The Ultimate Team Organization Software (TUTOS) - a webtool based on PHP, JServ and PostgreSQL.
  • Trac is a wiki based project management system for software developing.
  • XPlanner - a webtool for eXtreme Programming projects based on Servlets, JSP, SOAP, Tornado, JDBC, MySQL.
posted on 2005-06-13 12:01  登峰  阅读(3462)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报