







 2 SET @ID ='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001';
 3 WITH Test AS
 4 (  
 5     SELECT * FROM T_Sys_Domain where Enable=1 and DomainID='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001'
 6     UNION ALL 
 7     SELECT a.* FROM T_Sys_Domain a, Test b where a.Enable=1 and b.domainId = a.ParentID and a.InstructorShareToParent=1
 8 )  
 9 select * from 
10 ( select d.DomainName Domian,
11 c.UserID,c.LoginName,c.FirstName,c.LastName,c.Email,c.CompanyName,c.CreateTime  
12 from Test as d,dbo.T_Sys_User as c
13 where d.domainid=c.domainid and IsInstructor=1 and IsEnabled=1 and LoginName like '%%' ) t  
14 union
15 select (select DomainName from T_Sys_Domain where DomainID=u.DomainID) Domian,
16 u.UserID,u.LoginName,u.FirstName,u.LastName,u.Email,u.CompanyName,u.CreateTime from dbo.T_Sys_User u where IsInstructor=1 and IsEnabled=1 
17 and DomainID in(
18 select ShareDomainID from  dbo.T_Sys_Share s where DomainID='00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001' and ShareType=1
19 and s.ShareDomainID  in (select DomainID from T_Sys_Domain where Enable=1)) 
20 and LoginName like '%%'
21 order by LoginName 



 1 CREATE PROCEDURE [P_SelectInstructor]     
 2     @pageIndex INT,
 3     @pageSize INT ,    
 4     @SqlSelStr nvarchar(4000),
 5     @counNum int out
 6     AS
 7     print @SqlSelStr;
 8 begin
10         IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tb') is not null
11           DROP TABLE #tb
13     /**/--创建临时表,字段跟显示的列表一样
14         create table #tb(            
15         DomainName nvarchar(100),
16         UserID uniqueidentifier,
17         LoginName nvarchar(80),
18         FirstName nvarchar(80),
19         LastName nvarchar(80),
20         Email nvarchar(320),
21         CompanyName nvarchar(80),
22         CreateTime datetime        
23         )
25     /**/
26     insert into #tb exec(@SqlSelStr) 
27     begin
28           select @counNum = COUNT('1') From #tb;
29         with InstructorTable as
30          (    
31             select row_number() over(order by CreateTime desc) as num2, * from #tb    
32          ) 
33         select DomainName,UserID,LoginName,FirstName,LastName,Email,CompanyName,CreateTime
34         from InstructorTable
35         where num2 between (@pageIndex-1)*@pageSize+1 and @pageIndex*@pageSize
36     end
37 end


 1   public DataTable GetInstructorList(Guid domainId, string name)
 2         {
 3             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
 4             {
 5                 name = "'%/" + name + "%' ESCAPE '/'";
 6             }
 7             else
 8             {
 9                 name = "'%" + name + "%'";
10             }
13             string sql = string.Format(
14               @"DECLARE @ID NVARCHAR(100);
15                      SET @ID ='{0}';
16                     WITH Test AS
17                    (  
18                         SELECT * FROM T_Sys_Domain where Enable=1 and DomainID='{0}'
19                         UNION ALL 
20                         SELECT a.* FROM T_Sys_Domain a, Test b where a.Enable=1 and b.domainId = a.ParentID and a.InstructorShareToParent=1
21                     )  
22                     select * from 
23                     ( select d.DomainName Domian,
24                     c.UserID,c.LoginName,c.FirstName,c.LastName,c.Email,c.CompanyName,c.CreateTime  
25                     from Test as d,dbo.T_Sys_User as c
26                     where d.domainid=c.domainid and IsInstructor=1 and IsEnabled=1 and LoginName like {1} ) t  
27                     union
28                     select (select DomainName from T_Sys_Domain where DomainID=u.DomainID) Domian,
29                     u.UserID,u.LoginName,u.FirstName,u.LastName,u.Email,u.CompanyName,u.CreateTime from dbo.T_Sys_User u where IsInstructor=1 and IsEnabled=1 
30                     and DomainID in(
31                     select ShareDomainID from  dbo.T_Sys_Share s where DomainID='{0}' and ShareType=1
32                     and s.ShareDomainID  in (select DomainID from T_Sys_Domain where Enable=1)) 
33                     and LoginName like {1}
34                     order by LoginName ", domainId, name);
36             DataSet ds = null;
37             using (DBFactory dbfac = new DBFactory())
38             {
39                 ds = dbfac.ExecuteSelectSql(sql);
40             }
42             if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
43             {
44                 return ds.Tables[0];
45             }
46             else
47             {
48                 return null;
49             }
50         }


 1   public DataTable GetInstructorList(Guid domainId, string name,  int pageSize,int pageIndex, out int count)
 2         {
 3             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
 4             {
 5                 name = "'%/" + name + "%' ESCAPE '/'";
 6             }
 7             else
 8             {
 9                 name = "'%" + name + "%'";
10             }
13             string sql = string.Format(
14               @"DECLARE @ID NVARCHAR(100);
15                      SET @ID ='{0}';
16                     WITH Test AS
17                    (  
18                         SELECT * FROM T_Sys_Domain where Enable=1 and DomainID='{0}'
19                         UNION ALL 
20                         SELECT a.* FROM T_Sys_Domain a, Test b where a.Enable=1 and b.domainId = a.ParentID and a.InstructorShareToParent=1
21                     )  
22                     select * from 
23                     ( select d.DomainName Domian,
24                     c.UserID,c.LoginName,c.FirstName,c.LastName,c.Email,c.CompanyName,c.CreateTime  
25                     from Test as d,dbo.T_Sys_User as c
26                     where d.domainid=c.domainid and IsInstructor=1 and IsEnabled=1 and LoginName like {1} ) t  
27                     union
28                     select (select DomainName from T_Sys_Domain where DomainID=u.DomainID) Domian,
29                     u.UserID,u.LoginName,u.FirstName,u.LastName,u.Email,u.CompanyName,u.CreateTime from dbo.T_Sys_User u where IsInstructor=1 and IsEnabled=1 
30                     and DomainID in(
31                     select ShareDomainID from  dbo.T_Sys_Share s where DomainID='{0}' and ShareType=1
32                     and s.ShareDomainID  in (select DomainID from T_Sys_Domain where Enable=1)) 
33                     and LoginName like {1}
34                     order by LoginName ", domainId, name);
35             //  ds = dbfac.ExecuteSelectSql(sql);
37             List<SqlParameter> param = new List<SqlParameter>();
38             SqlParameter sqlstr = new SqlParameter();
39             sqlstr.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
40             sqlstr.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar;
41             sqlstr.Value = sql.ToString();
42             sqlstr.ParameterName = "@SqlSelStr";
44             param.Add(new SqlParameter("@pageIndex", pageIndex));
45             param.Add(new SqlParameter("@pageSize", pageSize));
47             SqlParameter output = new SqlParameter();
48             output.ParameterName = "@counNum";
49             output.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;
50             output.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
51             param.Add(output);
52             param.Add(sqlstr);
53             DataSet ds = null;
54             using (DBFactory dbfac = new DBFactory())
55             {
56                 ds = dbfac.ExecuteSelectSql
57                     ("exec [P_SelectInstructor] @pageIndex,@pageSize,@SqlSelStr,@counNum output",
58                     param.ToArray());
59                 count = int.Parse(output.Value.ToString());
60             }
62             if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
63             {
64                 return ds.Tables[0];
65             }
66             else
67             {
68                 return null;
69             }
70         }






posted on 2013-09-02 16:26  慢阳阳  阅读(244)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报