
OWASP Vulnerable Web Applications Directory Project/Pages/Offline

App Name / LinkTechnologyOther linksAuthorNotes
btslab PHP     Includes flash-based xss, SSRF, and SSI
BadStore Perl(CGI)      
BodgeIt Store Java download    
Bricks PHP download docs OWASP  
Butterfly Security Project PHP download   Last updated in 2008
bWAPP PHP download docs    
Cyclone Transfers Ruby on Rails      
Damn Vulnerable Node Application - DVNA Node.js download Claudio Lacayo  
Damn Vulnerable Web Application - DVWA PHP download RandomStorm  
Damn Vulnerable Web Service - DVWS PHP download Secure Ideas (depriciated?)  
Damn Vulnerable Web Services - DVWS PHP   snoopysecurity  
Damn Vulnerable Thick Client App - DVTA C# .NET   secvulture  
Gruyere Python download Google  
Hackademic Challenges Project PHP download OWASP  
Hackazon     Rapid7 Has some REST and new-school web components.
Hacme Bank - Android     McAfee / Foundstone  
Hacme Bank .NET download McAfee / Foundstone  
Hacme Books Java download McAfee / Foundstone  
Hacme Casino Ruby on Rails download McAfee / Foundstone  
Hacme Shipping ColdFusion download McAfee / Foundstone  
Hacme Travel C++ download McAfee / Foundstone  
hackxor       First 2 levels online, rest offline
Juice Shop Node/JS download docker guide OWASP  
LampSecurity PHP      
Mutillidae PHP download    
.NET Goat C# git repository OWASP  
NodeGoat Node.js git repository OWASP  
Peruggia PHP download    
Puzzlemall Java download docs    
Rails Goat Ruby on Rails download docs OWASP  
SecuriBench Java   Stanford  
SecuriBench Micro Java download Stanford  
Security Shepherd Java download OWASP  
SQL injection test environment PHP     SQLmap Project
SQLI-labs PHP download blog    
SQLol PHP download    
SQLol PHP download    
twitterlike PHP git repository Sakti Dwi Cahyono  
VulnApp .NET CVS download vulns    
Vulnerable Web App  
WackoPicko PHP download whitepaper    
WAVSEP - Web Application Vulnerability Scanner Evaluation Project Java download (builds) download (old) wiki Shay Chen  
WebGoat Java download guide OWASP  
WebGoatPHP PHP download guide OWASP  
WIVET - Web Input Vector Extractor Teaser   download tests    
Xtreme Vulnerable Web Application (XVWA) PHP/MySQL download @s4n7h0, @samanL33T  
posted on 2018-05-30 20:17  studyskill  阅读(240)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报