


select rtrim(ltrim(a.Bank)) as Country, count(*) as Total
from T_BASE_OWNER a left join
T_BASE_COMPANY b on a.CompanyID= b.ID
left join T_BASE_BUILD c on b.BuildID=c.ID
where c.Level=2 and a.OwnerType=1
and a.Bank is not NULL and a.Bank != ''
group by rtrim(ltrim(a.Bank))

select w.Country as Country,count(*) as Total from
(select rtrim(ltrim(a.Bank)) as Country from T_BASE_OWNER a left join
T_BASE_COMPANY b on a.CompanyID= b.ID
left join T_BASE_BUILD c on b.BuildID=c.ID
where c.Level=2 and a.OwnerType=1
and a.Bank is not NULL and a.Bank != '' ) w group by w.Country

posted on 2019-09-29 14:42  edc_陳先森  阅读(2155)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报