include /app/redis-3.2.1/config/redis.conf
port 6379
logfile "/app/redis-3.2.1/log/redis-6379.log"
maxmemory 100000000
# volatile-lru -> remove the key with an expire set using an LRU algorithm
# allkeys-lru -> remove any key accordingly to the LRU algorithm
# volatile-random -> remove a random key with an expire set
# allkeys-random -> remove a random key, any key
# volatile-ttl -> remove the key with the nearest expire time (minor TTL)
# noeviction -> don't expire at all, just return an error on write operations
maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru
appendfilename "appendonly-6379.aof"
dbfilename "dump-6379.rdb"
cluster-config-file "nodes-6379.conf"
auto-aof-rewrite-percentage 80
# Generated by CONFIG REWRITE
daemonize yes
dir "/app/redis-3.2.1/data"
masterauth "1qaz2wsx3~"
repl-disable-tcp-nodelay yes
requirepass "1qaz2wsx3~"

posted on 2018-06-14 14:30  sy靡不有初  阅读(298)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报