
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Include\WinNT.h


// File header format.

typedef struct _IMAGE_FILE_HEADER {
    WORD    Machine;
    WORD    NumberOfSections;
    DWORD   TimeDateStamp;
    DWORD   PointerToSymbolTable;
    DWORD   NumberOfSymbols;
    WORD    SizeOfOptionalHeader;
    WORD    Characteristics;


// Machine字段值


#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN           0
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386              0x014c  // Intel 386.
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R3000             0x0162  // MIPS little-endian, 0x160 big-endian
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R4000             0x0166  // MIPS little-endian
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R10000            0x0168  // MIPS little-endian
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_WCEMIPSV2         0x0169  // MIPS little-endian WCE v2
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA             0x0184  // Alpha_AXP
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3               0x01a2  // SH3 little-endian
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3DSP            0x01a3
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3E              0x01a4  // SH3E little-endian
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH4               0x01a6  // SH4 little-endian
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH5               0x01a8  // SH5
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM               0x01c0  // ARM Little-Endian
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THUMB             0x01c2
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AM33              0x01d3
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPC           0x01F0  // IBM PowerPC Little-Endian
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPCFP         0x01f1
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64              0x0200  // Intel 64
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPS16            0x0266  // MIPS
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA64           0x0284  // ALPHA64
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU           0x0366  // MIPS
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU16         0x0466  // MIPS
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_TRICORE           0x0520  // Infineon
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_CEF               0x0CEF
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_EBC               0x0EBC  // EFI Byte Code
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64             0x8664  // AMD64 (K8)
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_M32R              0x9041  // M32R little-endian
#define IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_CEE               0xC0EE


// Characteristics字段值


#define IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED           0x0001  // Relocation info stripped from file.
#define IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE          0x0002  // File is executable  (i.e. no unresolved externel references).
#define IMAGE_FILE_LINE_NUMS_STRIPPED        0x0004  // Line nunbers stripped from file.
#define IMAGE_FILE_LOCAL_SYMS_STRIPPED       0x0008  // Local symbols stripped from file.
#define IMAGE_FILE_AGGRESIVE_WS_TRIM         0x0010  // Agressively trim working set
#define IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE       0x0020  // App can handle >2gb addresses
#define IMAGE_FILE_BYTES_REVERSED_LO         0x0080  // Bytes of machine word are reversed.
#define IMAGE_FILE_32BIT_MACHINE             0x0100  // 32 bit word machine.
#define IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_STRIPPED            0x0200  // Debugging info stripped from file in .DBG file
#define IMAGE_FILE_REMOVABLE_RUN_FROM_SWAP   0x0400  // If Image is on removable media, copy and run from the swap file.
#define IMAGE_FILE_NET_RUN_FROM_SWAP         0x0800  // If Image is on Net, copy and run from the swap file.
#define IMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM                    0x1000  // System File.
#define IMAGE_FILE_DLL                       0x2000  // File is a DLL.
#define IMAGE_FILE_UP_SYSTEM_ONLY            0x4000  // File should only be run on a UP machine
#define IMAGE_FILE_BYTES_REVERSED_HI         0x8000  // Bytes of machine word are reversed.


// Optional header format.

typedef struct _IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER {
    // Standard fields.

    WORD    Magic;
    BYTE    MajorLinkerVersion;
    BYTE    MinorLinkerVersion;
    DWORD   SizeOfCode;
    DWORD   SizeOfInitializedData;
    DWORD   SizeOfUninitializedData;
    DWORD   AddressOfEntryPoint;
    DWORD   BaseOfCode;
    DWORD   BaseOfData;

    // NT additional fields.

    DWORD   ImageBase;
    DWORD   SectionAlignment;
    DWORD   FileAlignment;
    WORD    MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
    WORD    MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
    WORD    MajorImageVersion;
    WORD    MinorImageVersion;
    WORD    MajorSubsystemVersion;
    WORD    MinorSubsystemVersion;
    DWORD   Win32VersionValue;
    DWORD   SizeOfImage;
    DWORD   SizeOfHeaders;
    DWORD   CheckSum;
    WORD    Subsystem;
    WORD    DllCharacteristics;
    DWORD   SizeOfStackReserve;
    DWORD   SizeOfStackCommit;
    DWORD   SizeOfHeapReserve;
    DWORD   SizeOfHeapCommit;
    DWORD   LoaderFlags;
    DWORD   NumberOfRvaAndSizes;


// Directory format.

typedef struct _IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY {
    DWORD   VirtualAddress;
    DWORD   Size;


// Section header format.

#define IMAGE_SIZEOF_SHORT_NAME              8

typedef struct _IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER {
    union {
            DWORD   PhysicalAddress;
            DWORD   VirtualSize;
    } Misc;
    DWORD   VirtualAddress;
    DWORD   SizeOfRawData;
    DWORD   PointerToRawData;
    DWORD   PointerToRelocations;
    DWORD   PointerToLinenumbers;
    WORD    NumberOfRelocations;
    WORD    NumberOfLinenumbers;
    DWORD   Characteristics;


// Section characteristics.
//      IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_REG                   0x00000000  // Reserved.
//      IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_DSECT                 0x00000001  // Reserved.
//      IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_NOLOAD                0x00000002  // Reserved.
//      IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_GROUP                 0x00000004  // Reserved.
#define IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_NO_PAD                0x00000008  // Reserved.
//      IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_COPY                  0x00000010  // Reserved.

#define IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE                   0x00000020  // Section contains code.
#define IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA       0x00000040  // Section contains initialized data.
#define IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA     0x00000080  // Section contains uninitialized data.

#define IMAGE_SCN_LNK_OTHER                  0x00000100  // Reserved.
#define IMAGE_SCN_LNK_INFO                   0x00000200  // Section contains comments or some other type of information.
//      IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_OVER                  0x00000400  // Reserved.
#define IMAGE_SCN_LNK_REMOVE                 0x00000800  // Section contents will not become part of image.
#define IMAGE_SCN_LNK_COMDAT                 0x00001000  // Section contents comdat.
//                                           0x00002000  // Reserved.
//      IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PROTECTED - Obsolete   0x00004000
#define IMAGE_SCN_NO_DEFER_SPEC_EXC          0x00004000  // Reset speculative exceptions handling bits in the TLB entries for this section.
#define IMAGE_SCN_GPREL                      0x00008000  // Section content can be accessed relative to GP
#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_FARDATA                0x00008000
//      IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SYSHEAP  - Obsolete    0x00010000
#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PURGEABLE              0x00020000
#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_16BIT                  0x00020000
#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_LOCKED                 0x00040000
#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PRELOAD                0x00080000

#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1BYTES               0x00100000  //
#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2BYTES               0x00200000  //
#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4BYTES               0x00300000  //
#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8BYTES               0x00400000  //
#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_16BYTES              0x00500000  // Default alignment if no others are specified.
#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_32BYTES              0x00600000  //
#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_64BYTES              0x00700000  //
#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_128BYTES             0x00800000  //
#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_256BYTES             0x00900000  //
#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_512BYTES             0x00A00000  //
#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1024BYTES            0x00B00000  //
#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2048BYTES            0x00C00000  //
#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4096BYTES            0x00D00000  //
#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8192BYTES            0x00E00000  //
// Unused                                    0x00F00000
#define IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_MASK                 0x00F00000

#define IMAGE_SCN_LNK_NRELOC_OVFL            0x01000000  // Section contains extended relocations.
#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE            0x02000000  // Section can be discarded.
#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED             0x04000000  // Section is not cachable.
#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_PAGED              0x08000000  // Section is not pageable.
#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED                 0x10000000  // Section is shareable.
#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE                0x20000000  // Section is executable.
#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ                   0x40000000  // Section is readable.
#define IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE                  0x80000000  // Section is writeable.

// TLS Chaacteristic Flags
#define IMAGE_SCN_SCALE_INDEX                0x00000001  // Tls index is scaled

// Export Format
typedef struct _IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY {
    DWORD   Characteristics;
    DWORD   TimeDateStamp;
    WORD    MajorVersion;
    WORD    MinorVersion;
    DWORD   Name;
    DWORD   Base;
    DWORD   NumberOfFunctions;
    DWORD   NumberOfNames;
    DWORD   AddressOfFunctions;     // RVA from base of image
    DWORD   AddressOfNames;         // RVA from base of image
    DWORD   AddressOfNameOrdinals;  // RVA from base of image


typedef struct _IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY64 {
    ULONGLONG   StartAddressOfRawData;
    ULONGLONG   EndAddressOfRawData;
    ULONGLONG   AddressOfIndex;         // PDWORD
    ULONGLONG   AddressOfCallBacks;     // PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK *;
    DWORD   SizeOfZeroFill;
    DWORD   Characteristics;

typedef struct _IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY32 {
    DWORD   StartAddressOfRawData;
    DWORD   EndAddressOfRawData;
    DWORD   AddressOfIndex;             // PDWORD
    DWORD   AddressOfCallBacks;         // PIMAGE_TLS_CALLBACK *
    DWORD   SizeOfZeroFill;
    DWORD   Characteristics;


    DWORD   Characteristics;
    DWORD   TimeDateStamp;
    WORD    MajorVersion;
    WORD    MinorVersion;
    WORD    NumberOfNamedEntries;
    WORD    NumberOfIdEntries;


    union {
        struct {
            DWORD NameOffset:31;
            DWORD NameIsString:1;
        DWORD   Name;
        WORD    Id;
    union {
        DWORD   OffsetToData;
        struct {
            DWORD   OffsetToDirectory:31;
            DWORD   DataIsDirectory:1;


    DWORD   OffsetToData;
    DWORD   Size;
    DWORD   CodePage;
    DWORD   Reserved;


C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Include\CorHdr.h

// COM+ 2.0 header structure.
typedef struct IMAGE_COR20_HEADER
    // Header versioning
    DWORD                   cb;             
    WORD                    MajorRuntimeVersion;
    WORD                    MinorRuntimeVersion;
    // Symbol table and startup information
    IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY    MetaData;       
    DWORD                   Flags;          
// DDBLD - Added next section to replace following lin
// DDBLD - Still verifying, since not in NT SDK
//    DWORD                   EntryPointToken;
    // If COMIMAGE_FLAGS_NATIVE_ENTRYPOINT is not set, EntryPointToken represents a managed entrypoint.
    // If COMIMAGE_FLAGS_NATIVE_ENTRYPOINT is set, EntryPointRVA represents an RVA to a native entrypoint.
    union {
        DWORD               EntryPointToken;
        DWORD               EntryPointRVA;
// DDBLD - End of Added Area
    // Binding information
    IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY    Resources;
    IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY    StrongNameSignature;

    // Regular fixup and binding information
    IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY    CodeManagerTable;
    IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY    ExportAddressTableJumps;

    // Precompiled image info (internal use only - set to zero)
    IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY    ManagedNativeHeader;



    ULONG       RVA;                    // Offset of v-table array in image.
    USHORT      Count;                  // How many entries at location.
    USHORT      Type;                   // COR_VTABLE_xxx type of entries.

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