需求有轻重缓急,功能有可控不可控。 需求有版本有截止(否则会无休无止),功能不可控变为可控。 集中兵力消灭敌人有生力量,集中优势兵力消灭敌人有生力量。


Beside the main artifact there can be additional files which are attached to the Maven project. Such attached filed can be recognized and accessed by their classifier.

For example: from the following artifact names, the classifier is be located between the version and extension name of the artifact.

  • artifact-name-1.0.jar the main jar which contains classes compiled without debugging information (such as linenumbers)
  • artifact-name-1.0-debug.jar the classified jar which contains classes compiled with debugging information, so will be smaller
  • artifact-name-1.0-site.pdf a pdf which contains an export of the site documentation.

You can deploy the main artifact and the classified artifacts in a single run. Let's assume the original filename for the documentation is site.pdf:

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy-file -Durl=http://localhost:8081/repomanager/ \
                                                                            -DrepositoryId=some.id \
                                                                            -Dfile=path/to/artifact-name-1.0.jar \
                                                                            -DpomFile=path-to-your-pom.xml \
                                                                            -Dfiles=path/to/artifact-name-1.0-debug.jar,path/to/site.pdf \
                                                                            -Dclassifiers=debug,site \

If you only want to deploy the debug-jar and want to keep the classifier, you can execute the deploy-file like

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy-file -Durl=http://localhost:8081/repomanager/ \
                                                                            -DrepositoryId=some.id \
                                                                            -Dfile=path-to-your-artifact-jar \
                                                                            -DpomFile=path-to-your-pom.xml \

Note: By using the fully qualified path of a goal, you're ensured to be using the preferred version of the maven-deploy-plugin. When using mvn deploy:deploy-file its version depends on its specification in the pom or the version of Apache Maven.

posted on 2015-12-25 10:47  silentjesse  阅读(680)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报