PYTHONPATH是Python搜索路径,默认我们import的模块都会从PYTHONPATH里面寻找。 使用下面的代码可以打印PYTHONPATH:

improt os
print os.__file__
#Result: C:\\Python26\\lib\\os.pyc
import os
import inspect
print inspect.getfile(os)
#Result: C:\\Python26\\lib\\os.pyc
print inspect.getsourcefile(os)
#Result: C:\\Python26\\lib\\
import os
import imp
print imp.find_module('os')
#Result: ((open file 'C:\Python26\lib\', mode 'U' at 0x000000000000002105ed0), 'C:\\Python26\\lib\\', (.py), 'U', 1)
  • If the import module in the same dir, use e.g: from . import core
  • If the import module in the top dir, use e.g: from .. import core
  • If the import module in the other subdir, use e.g: from ..other import core

posted on 2016-03-03 12:59  一天两天三天  阅读(218)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报