1.[AHK] 桌面图标显隐2.[AHK2] 轻松拖拽窗口
3.[AHK2] 虚拟键盘
4.[AHK2] 音量控制5.[AHK2] 常用的Tooltip(封装常用方法)6.[AHK2] 亮度控制7.[AHK2] 媒体管理8.[AHK] 区分^ScrollLock 和 ^Pause9.[AHK2] 窗口置顶管理10.[AHK2] 切换鼠标锁定11.[AHK2] 更改脚本初始代码12.[AHK2] 让终止符决定热字串13.[AHK2] 屏幕放大镜14.[AHK2] 实现简单的贴图工具15.[AHK2] 向对象原型添加属性和方法16.[AHK2] 合并使用#include的脚本17.[AHK2] 截图工具18.[AHK2] wt调用命令19.[AHK2] 不用结束符的热字串20.[AHK2] 获取文件资源管理器中的选中文件21.仓库在哪?22.[AHK2] 借助vlc设置桌面动态背景23.[AHK2] 取色与颜色表示转换24.[AHK2] 取色工具25.[AHK2] 如何解析ahk命令行26.[AHK2] 杂谈——抽象的ahk代码风格是怎么来的?27.[AHK2] 脚本间通信28.[AHK2] 将绝对路径导入转化为相对路径导入29.[AHK2] 实现自定义文件管理器右键菜单30.[AHK2] 控制窗口透明度介绍
- 绿色为按下键
- 双击托盘图标显示或关闭悬浮键盘
- shift+LButton 移动
- shift+WhellUp\WhellDown 改变透明度
脚本代码如下 :
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 #SingleInstance Force CoordMode "Mouse", "Screen" ; class-desc: Do all the configuration here class Config { ; Whether keys can be sent through the mouse ; If true, gui transparency cannot be set ; But it doesn't do much right now, ; because it loses focus so that can't be sent to the right window static EnableInput := false ; Determines the gui window size by calculating the font size static fontSize := 14 static fontName := 'Verdana' ; Default 200 static guiCapacity := Config.EnableInput ? '' : 200 ; Gui background color ; Don't use a deep color because the button can't set background color static guiBackColor := 'cfff2e6' ; The color when the button is pressed static guiProgressColor := 'cA1BE7B' ; Same as guiBackColor static guiProgressBackColor := SubStr(Config.guiBackColor, 2) static guiOption := '+AlwaysOnTop -MaximizeBox +ToolWindow -Caption +E0x20' ; The text on tray static trayItemOn := 'Show keyboard' static trayItemOff := 'Hide keyboard' } ; tray setting tray := A_TrayMenu ; set dobule-click tray.ClickCount := 2 ; delete standard item tray.delete tray.add Config.trayItemOff, K_Toggle ; division tray.add ; add exit item tray.add "Exit", (*) => ExitApp() tray.default := Config.trayItemOff ; param: ; ret: --> ; desc: Toggle tray item name K_Toggle(*) { static flag := true if flag { tray.rename(Config.trayItemOff, Config.trayItemOn) VK.Cancel() } else { tray.rename(Config.trayItemOn, Config.trayItemOff) VK.Show() } flag := !flag } ; Calculate object dimensions based on chosen font size: k_KeyWidth := Config.fontSize * 3 k_KeyHeight := Config.fontSize * 3 ; Spacing to be used between the keys. k_KeyMargin := Config.fontSize // 6 ; The total width of the keyboard in terms of the keys and their margins. width := 15 * k_KeyWidth + 14 * k_KeyMargin ; Values for specially sized keys. The first and last keys of each row are critical for proper sizing. k_KeyWidthHalf := k_KeyWidth / 2 k_TabW := Config.fontSize * 4 k_CapsW := k_KeyWidth + k_KeyMargin + k_KeyWidthHalf k_ShiftW := 2 * k_KeyWidth + k_KeyMargin k_SpacebarWidth := Config.fontSize * 17 k_LastKeyWidth := width - (k_TabW + 12 * k_KeyWidth + 13 * k_KeyMargin) k_EnterWidth := width - (k_CapsW + 11 * k_KeyWidth + 12 * k_KeyMargin) k_LastShiftWidth := width - (k_ShiftW + 10 * k_KeyWidth + 11 * k_KeyMargin) k_LastCtrlWidth := width - (6 * k_TabW + k_SpacebarWidth + 7 * k_KeyMargin) ; Only a facilitator for creating GUI. k_KeySize := ' w' k_KeyWidth ' h' k_KeyHeight k_Position := ' x+' k_KeyMargin k_KeySize ; This table is used to relate the hotkeys pressed with their progress bars to flash them when pressed. ; **All uppercase** k_Characters := Map( "``", 1 , '1', 2 , '2', 3 , '3', 4 , '4', 5 , '5', 6 , '6', 7 , '7', 8 , '8', 9 , '9', 10 , '0', 11 , "-", 12 , "=", 13 , "BACKSPACE", 14 , "TAB", 15 , "Q", 16 , "W", 17 , "E", 18 , "R", 19 , "T", 20 , "Y", 21 , "U", 22 , "I", 23 , "O", 24 , "P", 25 , "[", 26 , "]", 27 , "\", 28 , "CAPSLOCK", 29 , "A", 30 , "S", 31 , "D", 32 , "F", 33 , "G", 34 , "H", 35 , "J", 36 , "K", 37 , "L", 38 , ";", 39 , "'", 40 , "ENTER", 41 , "LSHIFT", 42 , "Z", 43 , "X", 44 , "C", 45 , "V", 46 , "B", 47 , "N", 48 , "M", 49 , ",", 50 , ".", 51 , "/", 52 , "RSHIFT", 53 , "LCTRL", 54 , "LWIN", 55 , "LALT", 56 , "SPACE", 57 , "RALT", 58 , "RWN", 59 , "APPSKEY", 60 , "RCTRL", 61 , "INSERT", 62 , "HOME", 63 , "PGUP", 64 , "DELETE", 65 , "END", 66 , "PGDN", 67 , "UP", 68 , "LEFT", 69 , "DOWN", 70 , "RIGHT", 71) ; Zero-width non-breaking space zwnbs := Chr(8204) labels := Map( "AppsKey", "App" , "BackSpace", Chr(0x1F844) , "CapsLock", "Caps" , "Delete", "Del" , "End", Chr(0x21F2) , "Home", Chr(0x21F1) , "Insert", "Ins" , "LAlt", "Alt" , "LCtrl", "Ctrl" , "LShift", "Shift" , "LWin", "Win" , "PgDn", "PD" , "PgUp", "PU" , "RAlt", "Alt" zwnbs , "RCtrl", "Ctrl" zwnbs , "RShift", "Shift" zwnbs , "RWin", "Win" zwnbs , "Tab", "Tab" ;Chr(0x2B7E) , "Left", "◀" , "Right", "▶" , "Down", "▼" , "Up", "▲") class VK extends Gui { ; store current gui instance hwnd static insHwnd := unset __New() { super.__New(Config.guiOption) this.SetFont('s' Config.fontSize, Config.fontName) this.BackColor := Config.guiBackColor ; 1 this.AddProgress('Section xm ym Disabled vprg1 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg2 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg3 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg4 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg5 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg6 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg7 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg8 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg9 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg10 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg11 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg12 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg13 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg14 x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_ShiftW ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg62 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg63 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg64 ' k_Position) ; 2 this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg15 xs y+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_TabW ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg16 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg17 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg18 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg19 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg20 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg21 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg22 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg23 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg24 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg25 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg26 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg27 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg28 x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_LastKeyWidth ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg65 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg66 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg67 ' k_Position) ; 3 this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg29 xs y+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_CapsW ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg30 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg31 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg32 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg33 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg34 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg35 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg36 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg37 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg38 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg39 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg40 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg41 x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_EnterWidth ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled ' k_Position) ; 4 this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg42 xs y+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_ShiftW ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg43 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg44 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg45 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg46 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg47 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg48 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg49 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg50 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg51 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg52 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg53 x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_LastShiftWidth ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg68 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled ' k_Position) ; 5 this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg54 xs y+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_TabW ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg55 x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_TabW ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg56 x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_TabW ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg57 x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_SpacebarWidth ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg58 x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_TabW ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg59 x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_TabW ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg60 x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_TabW ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg61 x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_LastCtrlWidth ' h' k_KeyHeight) this.AddProgress('Disabled ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg69 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg70 ' k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled vprg71 ' k_Position) ; Overlay the progress bar with a button this.AddButton('Section xs ym ' k_KeySize, '``') this.AddButton(k_Position, '1') this.AddButton(k_Position, '2') this.AddButton(k_Position, '3') this.AddButton(k_Position, '4') this.AddButton(k_Position, '5') this.AddButton(k_Position, '6') this.AddButton(k_Position, '7') this.AddButton(k_Position, '8') this.AddButton(k_Position, '9') this.AddButton(k_Position, '0') this.AddButton(k_Position, '-') this.AddButton(k_Position, '=') this.AddButton(k_Position ' w' k_ShiftW ' h' k_KeyHeight, labels.Get('BackSpace')) this.AddProgress('Disabled Background' Config.guiProgressBackColor k_Position) this.AddButton(k_Position, 'Ins') this.AddButton(k_Position, labels.Get('Home')) this.AddButton(k_Position, labels.Get('PgUp')) ; 2 this.AddButton('xs y+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_TabW ' h' k_KeyHeight, labels.Get('Tab')) this.AddButton(k_Position, 'Q') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'W') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'E') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'R') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'T') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'Y') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'U') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'I') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'O') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'P') this.AddButton(k_Position, '[') this.AddButton(k_Position, ']') this.AddButton('x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_LastKeyWidth ' h' k_KeyHeight, '\') this.AddProgress('Disabled Background' Config.guiProgressBackColor k_Position) this.AddButton(k_Position, 'Del') this.AddButton(k_Position, labels.Get('End')) this.AddButton(k_Position, labels.Get('PgDn')) ; 3 this.AddButton('xs y+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_CapsW ' h' k_KeyHeight, labels.Get('CapsLock')) this.AddButton(k_Position, 'A') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'S') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'D') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'F') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'G') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'H') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'J') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'K') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'L') this.AddButton(k_Position, ';') this.AddButton(k_Position, '`'') this.AddButton('x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_EnterWidth ' h' k_KeyHeight, 'Enter') this.AddProgress('Disabled Background' Config.guiProgressBackColor k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled Background' Config.guiProgressBackColor k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled Background' Config.guiProgressBackColor k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled Background' Config.guiProgressBackColor k_Position) ; 4 this.AddButton('xs y+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_ShiftW ' h' k_KeyHeight, labels.Get('LShift')) this.AddButton(k_Position, 'Z') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'X') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'C') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'V') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'B') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'N') this.AddButton(k_Position, 'M') this.AddButton(k_Position, ',') this.AddButton(k_Position, '.') this.AddButton(k_Position, '/') this.AddButton('x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_LastShiftWidth ' h' k_KeyHeight, labels.Get('RShift')) this.AddProgress('Disabled Background' Config.guiProgressBackColor k_Position) this.AddProgress('Disabled Background' Config.guiProgressBackColor k_Position) this.AddButton(k_Position, labels.Get('Up')) this.AddProgress('Disabled Background' Config.guiProgressBackColor k_Position) ; 5 this.AddButton('xs y+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_TabW ' h' k_KeyHeight, labels.Get('LCtrl')) this.AddButton('x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_TabW ' h' k_KeyHeight, labels.Get('LWin')) this.AddButton('x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_TabW ' h' k_KeyHeight, labels.Get('LAlt')) this.AddButton('x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_SpacebarWidth ' h' k_KeyHeight, 'Space') this.AddButton('x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_TabW ' h' k_KeyHeight, labels.Get('RAlt')) this.AddButton('x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_TabW ' h' k_KeyHeight, labels.Get('RWin')) this.AddButton('x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_TabW ' h' k_KeyHeight, labels.Get('AppsKey')) this.AddButton('x+' k_KeyMargin ' w' k_LastCtrlWidth ' h' k_KeyHeight, labels.Get('RCtrl')) this.AddProgress('Disabled Background' Config.guiProgressBackColor k_Position) this.AddButton(k_Position, labels.Get('Left')) this.AddButton(k_Position, labels.Get('Down')) this.AddButton(k_Position, labels.Get('Right')) } ; param: ; ret: gui instance-->gui object ; desc: display the gui and returns the current instance static Show() { ; singleton for w in WinGetList('ahk_pid ' ProcessExist()) if (g := GuiFromHwnd(w)) && g.base = this.Prototype { g.Show() return g } ins := VK() VK.insHwnd := ins.Hwnd ins.Show('y' A_ScreenHeight * (3 / 4)) if Config.guiCapacity WinSetTransparent(Config.guiCapacity, 'ahk_id' ins.Hwnd) return ins } ; param: ; ret: --> ; desc: distory static Cancel() { WinClose('ahk_id' VK.insHwnd) } } ; display keyboard vkv := VK.Show() ; class-desc: some methods class Utils { ; param: ; ret: -->boolean ; desc: static IsOverGui() { WinGetPos(&guiX, &guiY, &guiW, &guiH, 'ahk_id' VK.insHwnd) MouseGetPos(&x, &y) if x < guiX || x > guiX + guiW return false if y < guiY || y > guiY + guiH return false return true } ; param: ; ret: --> ; desc: restore the position and transparent static RestoreVK() { WinMove(, A_ScreenHeight * (3 / 4), , , 'ahk_id' VK.insHwnd) Config.guiCapacity := 255 WinSetTransparent(Config.guiCapacity, 'ahk_id' VK.insHwnd) } ; static KeyWaitAny() { ; ih := InputHook() ; ih.KeyOpt("{All}", "E") ; ih.Start() ; ih.Wait() ; return ih.EndKey ; } } ; OneKey() { ; ; This method can only trigger one button at the same time, so I abandoned it ; ; but there are some redeeming features, No need to set hotkeys repeatedly ; while true { ; k := Utils.KeyWaitAny() ; if k ~= 'i)\w*' ; k := StrUpper(k) ; try { ; keySuffix := k_Characters.Get(k) ; guiCtrl := GuiCtrlFromHwnd(vkv['prg' keySuffix].Hwnd) ; guiCtrl.Opt('+Background' Config.guiProgressColor) ; KeyWait(k) ; guiCtrl.Opt('+Background' Config.guiProgressBackColor) ; guiCtrl.Redraw() ; } ; catch as e ; MsgBox e.Message ; } ; } ; set all the keys as hotkey ; from ascii 45 to 96 but skip some keys Loop 49 { k_char := Chr(A_Index + 44) if k_char ~= '[<>^``]' continue ; binding method Hotkey '~*' k_char, Flash } ~*`:: ~*Backspace:: ~*Tab:: ~*CapsLock:: ~*':: ~*Enter:: ~*LShift:: ~*,:: ~*RShift:: ~*LCtrl:: ~*LWin:: ~*LAlt:: ~*Space:: ~*RAlt:: ~*RWin:: ~*AppsKey:: ~*RCtrl:: ~*Insert:: ~*Home:: ~*PgUp:: ~*Delete:: ~*End:: ~*PgDn:: ~*Up:: ~*Left:: ~*Down:: ~*Right:: Flash() ; param: ; ret: --> ; desc: change color when holding button, redraw when releasing Flash(*) { k_ThisHotKey := StrReplace(A_ThisHotkey, '~*', '') k_ThisHotKey := StrUpper(k_ThisHotKey) try { keySuffix := k_Characters.Get(K_ThisHotkey) guiCtrl := GuiCtrlFromHwnd(vkv['prg' keySuffix].Hwnd) guiCtrl.Opt('+Background' Config.guiProgressColor) KeyWait(K_ThisHotkey) guiCtrl.Opt('+Background' Config.guiProgressBackColor) guiCtrl.Redraw() } catch as e MsgBox e.Message } ; move gui Lshift & LButton:: { if !Utils.IsOverGui() return if (A_ThisHotkey = A_PriorHotkey && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 300) { Utils.RestoreVK() return } ; move gui window MouseGetPos(&px, &py) WinGetPos(&wx, &wy, , , 'ahk_id' VK.insHwnd) dx := wx - px, dy := wy - py SetWinDelay -1 While GetKeyState("LButton", "P") { MouseGetPos(&nx, &ny) WinMove(nx + dx, ny + dy, , , 'ahk_id' VK.insHwnd) } } #HotIf !Config.EnableInput ; change the transparent via mouse whell LShift & WheelUp:: { Config.guiCapacity += 10 If Config.guiCapacity > 255 Config.guiCapacity := 255 WinSetTransparent(Config.guiCapacity, 'ahk_id' VK.insHwnd) } LShift & WheelDown:: { Config.guiCapacity -= 10 If Config.guiCapacity < 0 Config.guiCapacity := 10 WinSetTransparent(Config.guiCapacity, 'ahk_id' VK.insHwnd) } #HotIf #HotIf Config.EnableInput ; Outputs the text of the focus control ; But it's useless here ~LButton:: { if !Utils.IsOverGui() return KeyWait('LButton') ActiveBtnHwnd := ControlGetFocus('ahk_id' VK.insHwnd) MsgBox ControlGetText(ActiveBtnHwnd) } #HotIf
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