.NET4.0 Beta2中提供了新的System.Numerics命名空间,对应于System.Numerics.dll。该命名空间下就两个类BigInteger和Complex,我们来简单了解下
1.Int64, SByte, UInt16, UInt32, and UInt64这些都有一个MinValue和MaxValue属性。而BigInteger没有这两个属性,因为它没有大小限制。
BigInteger bigIntFromDouble = new BigInteger(179032.6541);//会截取小点前的 BigInteger bigIntFromInt64 = new BigInteger(934157136952);
byte[] bytes = { 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; BigInteger number = new BigInteger(bytes); Console.WriteLine("The value of number is {0} (or 0x{0:x}).", number); //The value of number is 4328719365 (or 0x102030405). 字节数组的第一个元素为16进制的最低位,依次升高.
3.可以使用Parse或 TryParse方法将string的实例化为BigInteger:
string positiveString = "91389681247993671255432112000000"; string negativeString = "-90315837410896312071002088037140000"; BigInteger posBigInt = 0; BigInteger negBigInt = 0; posBigInt = BigInteger.Parse(positiveString); Console.WriteLine(posBigInt); BigInteger.TryParse(negativeString, out negBigInt); Console.WriteLine(negBigInt);
4. 还可以使用静态方法Pow如下:
BigInteger number = BigInteger.Pow(Int64.MaxValue, 3);
1.var z1 = new Complex(); // this creates complex zero (0, 0) var z2 = new Complex(2, 4); var z3 = new Complex(3, 5); Console.WriteLine("Complex zero: " + z1); Console.WriteLine(z2 + " + " + z3 + " = " + (z2 + z3)); Console.WriteLine("|z2| = " + z2.Magnitude); Console.WriteLine("Phase of z2 = " + z2.Phase);
using System; using System.Numerics; public class ComplexFormatter :IFormatProvider, ICustomFormatter { public object GetFormat(Type formatType) { if (formatType == typeof(ICustomFormatter)) return this; else return null; } public string Format(string format, object arg, IFormatProvider provider) { if (arg is Complex) { Complex c1 = (Complex) arg; // Check if the format string has a precision specifier. int precision; string fmtString = String.Empty; if (format.Length > 1) { try { precision = Int32.Parse(format.Substring(1)); } catch (FormatException) { precision = 0; } fmtString = "N" + precision.ToString(); } if (format.Substring(0, 1).Equals("I", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return c1.Real.ToString("N2") + " + " + c1.Imaginary.ToString("N2") + "i"; else if (format.Substring(0, 1).Equals("J", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return c1.Real.ToString("N2") + " + " + c1.Imaginary.ToString("N2") + "j"; else return c1.ToString(format, provider); } else { if (arg is IFormattable) return ((IFormattable) arg).ToString(format, provider); else if (arg != null) return arg.ToString(); else return String.Empty; } } } 3.使用如下:
Complex c1 = new Complex(12.1, 15.4); Console.WriteLine("Formatting with ToString():" + c1.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Formatting with ToString(format): " + c1.ToString("N2")); Console.WriteLine("Custom formatting with I0:" + String.Format(new ComplexFormatter(), "{0:I0}", c1)); Console.WriteLine("Custom formatting with J3:" + String.Format(new ComplexFormatter(), "{0:J3}", c1));