bool g_bFeedWatchdog = true; #include "driverlib/watchdog.h"
// Watchdog Init SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_WDOG0); // Enable the watchdog interrupt. IntEnable(INT_WATCHDOG); // set the watchdog timer frequency WatchdogReloadSet(WATCHDOG0_BASE, SysCtlClockGet()/watchdog_freq); // watchdog timer reset enable WatchdogResetEnable(WATCHDOG0_BASE); // watchdog interrupt handler register WatchdogIntRegister(WATCHDOG0_BASE, WatchdogIntHandler); // enable watchdog timer WatchdogEnable(WATCHDOG0_BASE);
// watchdog interrupt void WatchdogIntHandler(void) { // If the watchdog is not feeded timely, the watchdog timer flag will overflow, and then reset if(!g_bFeedWatchdog) return; // clear the watchdog interrupt flag WatchdogIntClear(WATCHDOG0_BASE); // When the watchdog is running, the green led will twinkle if(GPIOPinRead(GREEN_LED_GPIO, GREEN_LED_PIN)) { GPIOPinWrite(GREEN_LED_GPIO, GREEN_LED_PIN, 0<<4); } else { GPIOPinWrite(GREEN_LED_GPIO, GREEN_LED_PIN, 1<<4); } }
if (Tempvalue>Temp_Threshold_high) { g_bFeedWatchdog = false; } else if(Tempvalue<Temp_Threshold_low) { g_bFeedWatchdog = false; } else { g_bFeedWatchdog = true; }