bool VisualOdometry::checkEstimatedPose()
// check if the estimated pose is good
if ( num_inliers_ < min_inliers_ )
cout<<"reject because inlier is too small: "<<num_inliers_<<endl;
return false;
// if the motion is too large, it is probably wrong
Sophus::Vector6d d = T_c_r_estimated_.log();
if ( d.norm() > 5.0 )
cout<<"reject because motion is too large: "<<d.norm()<<endl;
return false;
return true;



Sophus::Vector6d d = T_c_r_estimated_.log();

d.norm() > 5.0


posted on 2018-06-06 19:48  凰浴浴的CodingBlog  阅读(93)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报