#include <Constants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> GUICreate("通讯测试-mjywxy.xin", 400, 280) GUICtrlCreateLabel("开始ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", 30, 20) $okbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("确定", 170, 200, 80, 40) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;Sleep(2000) Sleep(200) GUICtrlCreateLabel(myping("xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"), 30, 40) Sleep(200) GUICtrlCreateLabel("开始检测mjywxy.xin是否xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", 30, 70) Sleep(100) ;$run = Run(@ComSpec & ' /k ping mjywxy.xin', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) ;ProcessWaitClose($run) ;MsgBox(0,"",StdoutRead($run)) TCPStartup() If TcpNameToIp("mjywxy.xin")=="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" Then GUICtrlCreateLabel("mjywxy.xin 的IP地址 [ 是 ] " & TcpNameToIp("mjywxy.xin"), 30, 90) Else GUICtrlCreateLabel("mjywxy.xin [ 不是 ] xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, 而是" & TcpNameToIp("mjywxy.xin"), 30, 90) EndIf Sleep(100) GUICtrlCreateLabel("开始写入hosts文件", 30, 120) ;GUICtrlCreateLabel(FileReadLine('C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts', -1), 30, 240) If FileExists("C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts") Then ; If FileExists("hosts") Then GUICtrlCreateLabel("hosts文件已存在", 30, 140) If FileReadLine('C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts', -1) == "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx mjywxy.xin" Then GUICtrlCreateLabel("hosts文件已经有数据", 30, 160) Else FileWriteLine('C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts','xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx mjywxy.xin') Sleep(200) GUICtrlCreateLabel("写入hosts文件完成", 30, 160) EndIf Else GUICtrlCreateLabel("hosts文件不存在,开始新建并写入原生hosts文件", 30, 140) $myfile = "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" ; $myfile = "hosts" ; FileDelete($myfile) FileWriteLine($myfile,"# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.") FileWriteLine($myfile, "#") FileWriteLine($myfile, "# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.") FileWriteLine($myfile, "#") FileWriteLine($myfile, "# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each") FileWriteLine($myfile, "# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should") FileWriteLine($myfile, "# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.") FileWriteLine($myfile, "# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one") FileWriteLine($myfile, "# space.") FileWriteLine($myfile, "#") FileWriteLine($myfile, "# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual") FileWriteLine($myfile, "# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.") FileWriteLine($myfile, "#") FileWriteLine($myfile, "# For example:") FileWriteLine($myfile, "#") FileWriteLine($myfile, "# rhino.acme.com # source server") FileWriteLine($myfile, "# x.acme.com # x client host") FileWriteLine($myfile, "") FileWriteLine($myfile, "# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.") FileWriteLine($myfile, "# localhost") FileWriteLine($myfile, "# ::1 localhost") FileWriteLine($myfile, "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx mjywxy.xin") FileClose($myfile) GUICtrlCreateLabel("写入hosts文件完成", 30, 160) EndIf While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $okbutton ;MsgBox(0, "GUI 事件", "您按下了[确定]按钮!") ExitLoop Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ; MsgBox(0, "GUI 事件", "您选择了关闭!正在退出...") ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd Func myping($str) ; Ping 网站,超时时间为 1000 毫秒. Local $iPing = Ping($str, 1000) If $iPing Then ; MsgBox(4096, "", "Ping "& $str &" 收发时间间隔: " & $iPing & "毫秒.") Return "Ping "& $str &" 收发时间间隔: " & $iPing & "毫秒." Else ;MsgBox(4096, "", "发生了一个错误, @error 值为: " & @error) ;当函数执行失败时(返回 0)@error 包含数值的具体信息: If @error == 1 Then Return "目标主机离线" ElseIf @error == 2 Then Return "目标主机无法到达" ElseIf @error == 3 Then Return "目标错误" ElseIf @error == 4 Then Return "其他错误-连接超时" Else Return "连接超时" EndIf ; 1 = 目标主机离线 ; 2 = 目标主机无法到达 ; 3 = 目标错误 ; 4 = 其它错误 EndIf EndFunc ;==>Example
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 表示mjywxy.xin对应 ip