
1) Force input1 to 0 at the current simulator time.

  force  input1  0

2) Force the fourth element of the array bus1 to 1 at the current simulator time.

  force  bus1(4)   1

3) Force bus1 to 01XZ at 100 ns after the current simulator time.

  force   bus1   01XZ   100 ns

4) Force bus1 to 16#F at the absolute time 200 measured in the resolution units selected at simulation start-up.

  force   bus1   16#f   @200

5) Force input1 to 1 at 10 time units after the current simulation time and to 0 at 20 time units after current. Repeat this cycle every 100 time   units after current. If the current simulation time is 100 ns, the next transition is to 1 at 110 ns and 0 at 120 ns, this pattern to start           repeating at 200 ns.

  force   input1  1  10,  0  20  -r  100

6) Similar to the previous example, but also specifies the time units.

  force   input1  1   10 ns,  0  20 ns    -r  100 ns

7) Force signal s to alternate between values 1 and 0 every 100 time units until 1000 time units have occurred, starting from time Now.               Cancellation occurs at the last simulation delta cycle of a time unit.

    force  s  1  0,  0  100  -repeat  200   -cancel   1000

    force    s  1  0   -cancel 0

  will force signal s to 1 for the duration of the current time period.

8) Force siga to decimal value 85 whenever the value on the signal is 1.

  when {/mydut/siga = 10#1} {

   force  -deposit   /mydut/siga   10#85

9)  Force one bit of a record containing an array.

  force   struct1.bus1(4)    1

10) Force a slice of an array.

   force   {bus1[2:5]}   'hF

posted on 2015-05-20 17:24  mengdie  阅读(146)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报