E - Sorted and Sorted
Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 1024MB
Score : 600 points
Problem Statement
There are 2N balls, N white and N black, arranged in a row. The integers from 1 through N are written on the white balls, one on each ball, and they are also written on the black balls, one on each ball. The integer written on the i-th ball from the left (1 ≤ i ≤ 2N) is ai, and the color of this ball is represented by a letter ci. ci = W
represents the ball is white; ci = B
represents the ball is black.
Takahashi the human wants to achieve the following objective:
- For every pair of integers (i,j) such that 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N, the white ball with i written on it is to the left of the white ball with j written on it.
- For every pair of integers (i,j) such that 1 ≤ i < j ≤ N, the black ball with i written on it is to the left of the black ball with j written on it.
In order to achieve this, he can perform the following operation:
- Swap two adjacent balls.
Find the minimum number of operations required to achieve the objective.
- 1 ≤ N ≤ 2000
- 1 ≤ ai ≤ N
- ci =
or ci =B
. - If i ≠ j, (ai,ci) ≠ (aj,cj).
Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:
N c1 a1 c2 a2 : c2N a2N
Print the minimum number of operations required to achieve the objective.
Sample Input 1
3 B 1 W 2 B 3 W 1 W 3 B 2
Sample Output 1
The objective can be achieved in four operations, for example, as follows:
- Swap the black 3 and white 1.
- Swap the white 1 and white 2.
- Swap the black 3 and white 3.
- Swap the black 3 and black 2.
Sample Input 2
4 B 4 W 4 B 3 W 3 B 2 W 2 B 1 W 1
Sample Output 2
Sample Input 3
9 W 3 B 1 B 4 W 1 B 5 W 9 W 2 B 6 W 5 B 3 W 8 B 9 W 7 B 2 B 8 W 4 W 6 B 7
Sample Output 3
dp[i][j]表示前(i + j)个有 i 个白的,j 个黑的,都已经排好序的代价
dpi,j = min(dp[ i − 1 ][ j ] + cost,dp[ i ][ j - 1 ] + cost)
cost是原来位置移到第(i + j)个的代价,即这段中的逆序对个数,树状数组维护即可
1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 typedef long long ll ; 3 #define rep(i, a, b) for (int i = a; i <= b; ++i) 4 using namespace std; 5 6 const int MAXN = 2333; 7 const ll INF = 2e9; 8 int n; 9 int dp[MAXN][MAXN]; 10 int a[MAXN + MAXN], c[MAXN + MAXN]; 11 int p1[MAXN], p0[MAXN]; 12 int t[MAXN + MAXN]; 13 14 void add (int k, int d) { while (k <= n + n) { t[k] += d; k += k & -k; } } 15 int sum (int k) { int s = 0; while (k > 0) { s += t[k]; k -= k & -k; } return s; } 16 17 int main() { 18 cin >> n; 19 rep(i, 1, n + n) { 20 char ch; 21 cin >> ch >> a[i]; 22 if (ch == 'W') { 23 p0[a[i]] = i; 24 c[i] = 0; 25 } 26 else { 27 p1[a[i]] = i; 28 c[i] = 1; 29 } 30 add(i, 1); 31 } 32 p1[0] = n + n + 1; 33 p0[0] = n + n + 1; 34 dp[0][0] = 0; 35 rep(j, 1, n) { 36 add(p1[j], -1); 37 dp[0][j] = dp[0][j - 1] + sum(p1[j] - 1); 38 } 39 rep(j, 0, n) add(p1[j], 1); 40 rep(i, 1, n) { 41 add(p0[i], -1); 42 rep(j, 0, n) { 43 add(p1[j], -1); 44 dp[i][j] = INF; 45 if (i) dp[i][j] = min(dp[i][j], dp[i - 1][j] + sum(p0[i] - 1)); 46 if (j) dp[i][j] = min(dp[i][j], dp[i][j - 1] + sum(p1[j] - 1)); 47 } 48 rep(j, 0, n) add(p1[j], 1); 49 } 50 cout << dp[n][n] << "\n"; 51 return 0; 52 }