#ifndef QUEUE_H_ #define QUEUE_H_ typedef int ElementType; #ifndef _QUEUE_LIST_ #define _QUEUE_LIST_ struct QNode; typedef struct QNode * QNodePtr; struct QNode { ElementType Element; QNodePtr Next; }QNode; typedef struct Node { QNodePtr Front; QNodePtr Rear; }Node,*PtrToNode; typedef PtrToNode Queue; int IsEmpty(Queue Q); //判断队列是否为空Q->Rear == Q->Front; Queue CreateQueue(); //构造队列 void DisposeQueue(Queue Q); //删除整个队列,回收空间 void MakeEmpty(Queue Q); //释放队列空间,将其置为空 void EnQueue(ElementType X, Queue Q); //在队列尾端插入元素 ElementType Front(Queue Q); //取出对头元素,但不删除 void Dequeue(Queue Q); //删除对头元素 ElementType FrontAndDequeue(Queue Q); // void PrintQueue(Queue Q); //打印队列 #endif #endif /* QUEUE_H_ */
#include "queue.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int IsEmpty(Queue Q) { return Q->Rear == Q->Front; } void MakeEmpty(Queue Q) { if (Q == NULL) { printf("The queue is empty! Must use CreateQueue first!\n"); return; } else { while (!IsEmpty(Q)) Dequeue(Q); } } Queue CreateQueue() { //不仅要为对头(Queue)申请空间,还要为队列元素/节点(QNode)申请空间. Queue Q; Q = (Queue) malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if (Q == NULL) { printf("Out of space!\n"); return NULL; } Q->Front = Q->Rear = (QNodePtr) malloc(sizeof(struct QNode)); if (Q->Front == NULL) { printf("Out of space!\n"); return NULL; } Q->Front->Next = NULL; return Q; } void DisposeQueue(Queue Q) { while (Q->Front != NULL) { Q->Rear = Q->Front->Next; free(Q->Front); Q->Front = Q->Rear; } } void Dequeue(Queue Q) { //删除链队列第一个元素 if (!IsEmpty(Q)) { QNodePtr P; P = Q->Front->Next; Q->Front->Next = P->Next; if (Q->Rear == P) //判断队列中是否只有一个元素 Q->Rear = Q->Front; free(P); } else { printf("The queue is empty!\n"); } } void EnQueue(ElementType X, Queue Q) { QNodePtr P = (QNodePtr) malloc(sizeof(struct QNode)); if (P == NULL) { printf("Out of space!\n"); return; } else { P->Next = NULL; P->Element = X; Q->Rear->Next = P; Q->Rear = P; } } ElementType Front(Queue Q) { return Q->Front->Next->Element; } ElementType FrontAndDequeue(Queue Q) { ElementType X = 0; if (!IsEmpty(Q)) { X = Front(Q); Dequeue(Q); } else { printf("The queue is empty!\n"); } return X; } void PrintQueue(Queue Q) { QNodePtr P = Q->Front; while (P != Q->Rear) { P = P->Next; printf("%d\n", P->Element); } }
#include<stdio.h> #include "queue.h" int main(void) { Queue Q; Q = CreateQueue(); int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { EnQueue(i, Q); } PrintQueue(Q); return 0; }
#ifndef _QUEUE_ #define _QUEUE_ typedef int ElementType; typedef struct QueueRecord { int Capacity; int Front; int Rear; int Size; ElementType *Array; }*Queue; int IsEmpty( Queue Q ); int IsFull( Queue Q ); Queue CreateQueue( int MaxElements ); void DisposeQueue( Queue Q ); void MakeEmpty( Queue Q ); void EnQueue( ElementType X, Queue Q ); ElementType Front( Queue Q ); void Dequeue( Queue Q ); ElementType FrontAndDequeue( Queue Q ); #endif
#include "queue.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int IsEmpty( Queue Q ) { return Q->Size == 0; } int IsFull( Queue Q ) { return Q->Size == Q->Capacity; } void MakeEmpty( Queue Q ) { Q->Size = 0; Q->Front = 1; Q->Rear = 0; } Queue CreateQueue( int MaxElements ) { Queue Q; Q = (Queue)malloc(sizeof(struct QueueRecord)); if (Q == NULL) { printf("Out of space!\n"); return NULL; } Q->Array = (ElementType*)malloc(sizeof(ElementType) * MaxElements); if (Q->Array == NULL) { printf("Out of space!\n"); return NULL; } Q->Capacity = MaxElements; MakeEmpty(Q); return Q; } void DisposeQueue( Queue Q ) { if (Q != NULL) { free(Q->Array); free(Q); } } static int Succ(int Value, Queue Q) { if (++Value == Q->Capacity) Value = 0; return Value; } void EnQueue( ElementType X, Queue Q ) { if (IsFull(Q)) { printf("Queue is full!\n"); return; } else { Q->Size++; Q->Rear = Succ(Q->Rear, Q); //Q->Rear = (Q->Rear + 1) % Q->Capacity ? Q->Rear + 1 : 0; Q->Array[Q->Rear] = X; } } ElementType Front( Queue Q ) { if (!IsEmpty(Q)) { return Q->Array[Q->Front]; } printf("Queue is Empty!\n"); return 0; } void Dequeue( Queue Q ) { if (!IsEmpty(Q)) { Q->Size--; Q->Front = Succ(Q->Front, Q); } else { printf("Queue is Empty!\n"); } } ElementType FrontAndDequeue( Queue Q ) { ElementType X = 0; if (!IsEmpty(Q)) { Q->Size--; X = Q->Array[Q->Front]; Q->Front = Succ(Q->Front, Q); } else { printf("Queue is Empty!\n"); } return X; }
#include<stdio.h> #include "queue.h" int main(void) { Queue Q; Q = CreateQueue(10); int i,j; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { EnQueue(i, Q); } for(i = 0;i < 10;i++){ j = FrontAndDequeue(Q); printf("%d ",j); } return 0; }
循环数组实现队列 通过size来判断队列是否为空,capacity来判断是否已满,头尾指针只关心基本操作,数组内值在入队后改变,之前值保留
转自 http://blog.csdn.net/universitycd/article/details/8862180