- JavaScript实现canvas动画的基本原理
- 如何创建一个简单的动画控制器
首先,通过var ctx = document.getElementById(“canvas”).getContext(“2d”)获取canvas的2d上下文对象,可以把ctx看做是一只神奇的画笔,如果你想绘制一个实体矩形,那么调用它的fillRect(x,y,width,height)方法,如果你想绘制一条直线,可以调用lineTo(x, y)……
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var context = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
//Set location coordinates var x = 100; var y = 50; //Set size var width = 50; var height = 80; //Set colors var backColor = "Red"; var edgeColor = "Black"; ctx.fillStyle = backColor; //Set backColor as pen color ctx.fillRect(x,y,width,height); //Draws a filled rectangle ctx.strokeStyle = edgeColor; //Set edgeColor as pen color ctx.strokeRect(x,y,width,height); //Draws a rectangular outline |
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Rectangle = function(cfg) //cfg is a object of customize parameters
{ //Set default parameters this.width = 50; this.height = 80; this.x = 100; this.y = 50; this.backColor = "Red"; this.edgeColor = "Black"; //Set customize parameters this.setArguments(cfg); } Rectangle.prototype.setArguments = function(cfg) //Set customize parameters { for(var x in cfg) this[x] = cfg[x]; } Rectangle.prototype.draw = function() //Draw method { ctx.fillStyle = this.backColor; //Set backColor as pen color ctx.fillRect(this.x,this.y,this.width,this.height); //Draws a filled rectangle ctx.strokeStyle = this.edgeColor; //Set edgeColor as pen color ctx.strokeRect(this.x,this.y,this.width,this.height); //Draws a rectangular outline } |
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function move()
{ moveShape.animationStatus["Move"] = "new"; timer = setInterval(function() //Run once every 24ms { if(moveShape.animationStatus["Move"] == "new") { ctx.clearRect(0,0,600,400); //Clear the canvas moveShape.nextPosition(); //Set new (x,y) moveShape.draw(); //Draw the rectangle } else clearInterval(timer); //Stop setInterval() when it arrives }, 24); } |
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for(var i=0;i<ShapeOnCanvas.length;i++)
ShapeOnCanvas[i].draw(); //Draw all shapes that on canvas |
函数调用接口:cmd ({ a1,b1,c1, a2,b2,c2, a3,b3,c3, … });
- a* is a string such as “Move”,”Draw”
- b* is an object of shape
- c* is an object of animation parameters such as {aim_x:10,aim_y:10,moveSpeed:2}
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cmd = function()
{ command = arguments; //"command" is a long array that save animation commands //"command[i]" is a string such as "Move","Draw" //"command[i+1]" is an object of shape //"command[i+2]" is an object of animation parameters such as {aim_x:10,aim_y:10,moveSpeed:2} for(var i=0; i<command.length; i+=3) //Do the preparation before start animation(refresh canvas) { command[i+1].animationStatus[command[i]] = "new"; //init all animation status as "new" command[i+1].setArguments(command[i+2]); //Set animation parameters ShapeOnCanvas.push(command[i+1]); //Push it into the stack } timer = setInterval(function() //Run once every 24ms { var j = 0; var allStop = true; //"allStop" is the flag of all animations have been stopped for(var j=0; j<command.length; j+=3) if(command[j+1].animationStatus[command[j]] == "new") { switch(command[j]) { case "Draw": command[j+1].draw(); break; case "Move": command[j+1].nextPosition(); break; } allStop = false; } ctx.clearRect(0,0,600,400); //Clear the canvas for(var i=0;i<ShapeOnCanvas.length;i++) ShapeOnCanvas[i].draw(); //Draw all shapes that on canvas if(allStop) clearInterval(timer); //Stop setInterval() when all animations have been stopped }, 24); } |
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case "Rotate":
command[j+1].rotate(); //rotate()应该是根据旋转参数设置图形新的坐标位置 break; |
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cmd ( "Draw",staticShape,{}, "Move",moveShape,{aim_x:400,aim_y:300,moveSpeed:3}, "Move",fastMoveShape,{aim_x:100,aim_y:300,moveSpeed:6} ); cmd("Move",staticShape,{aim_x:300,aim_y:100,moveSpeed:5}); cmd("End"); |
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cmd = function()
{ if(arguments[0] == "Setup") //setup animation { this.cmdQueue = new Array(); //"cmdQueue" is a queue to save animation commands //init the rear and front of the cmdQueue this.rear = 0; this.front = 0; cmdRun = false; var me = this; cmdTimer = setInterval(function() //run once every 10ms { //All previous animation commands have been stopped and there are remaining animation commands if(me.cmdRun == false && me.front < me.rear) { if(me.cmdQueue[me.front][0] == "End") clearInterval(cmdTimer); //Stop cmdTimer else { refresh(me.cmdQueue[me.front]); //Run one animation command that dequeue from cmdQueue me.front++; } } }, 10); } else this.cmdQueue[this.rear++] = arguments; //Enqueue animation commands to cmdQueue } refresh = function(command) { cmdRun = true; for(var i=0; i<command.length; i+=3) //Do the preparation before start animation(refresh canvas) { command[i+1].animationStatus[command[i]] = "new"; //init all animation status as "new" command[i+1].setArguments(command[i+2]); //Set animation parameters ShapeOnCanvas.push(command[i+1]); //Push it into the stack } timer = setInterval(function() //Run once every 24ms { var j = 0; var allStop = true; //"allStop" is the flag of all animations have been stopped for(var j=0; j<command.length; j+=3) if(command[j+1].animationStatus[command[j]] == "new") { switch(command[j]) { case "Draw": command[j+1].draw(); break; case "Move": command[j+1].nextPosition(); break; } allStop = false; } ctx.clearRect(0,0,600,400); //Clear the canvas for(var i=0;i<ShapeOnCanvas.length;i++) ShapeOnCanvas[i].draw(); //Draw all shapes that on canvas if(allStop) { cmdRun = false; clearInterval(timer); //Stop setInterval() when all animations have been stopped } }, 24); } |