env.resources=src/main/resources/common #配置resource文件所在目录,如.loc定位文件
resources.load.subdirs=2 #配置加载子目录层次
scenario.file.loc=src/main/resources/scenarios #配置场景.feature文件目录
step.provider.pkg=com.quantum.steps #配置自定义关键字包
driver.name=chromeDriver #配置driver的名称
webdriver.chrome.driver=D:/xx/xx/chromedriver.exe #配置diver位置
driver.pluginType=intellij #指定IDE
driver.init.retry.timeout=60 #指定timeout
selenium.wait.timeout=15000 #指定wait.timeout
selenium.success.screenshots=0 #指定成功是否截图
wd.command.listeners=com.quantum.listeners.PerfectoDriverListener #指定监听器
teststep.listeners=com.quantum.listeners.QuantumReportiumListener #指定监听器
##When enabled your test will be retried from the start
##customizations can be made to your own personal retry analyzer - please see the documentation on our github wiki page
##user proxy for API calls - enable this and set you proxy details
##if you encounter unexpected errors when downloading perfecto reports
##enable to turn on parallel data providers
##you must also define in testNg.xml the data provider thread count
##<suite name=....... data-provider-thread-count="10">
##set true to fill bean randomly from set of test-data
##set 1 to suppress success log, when 0 it will also show verification success message
##Use this key to add test data in the scenario names for Reportium results
##Use this key to pass the skipped tests, by default all the skipped tests will be marked as fail in reportium
##generate the security token using this document - https://developers.perfectomobile.com/display/PD/Security+Token
##switch download reports true/false to download reports.
#perfecto.report.location= perfectoReports
#perfecto.offlineToken= <<CQ_LAB_SECURITY_TOKEN>>
@Then("I switch to \"(.*?)\" frame by element")
public static void switchToFrameByElement(String loc) {
new WebDriverTestBase().getDriver().switchTo().frame(new QAFExtendedWebElement(loc));
#input.box = xpath=//input[@id='kw']
input.box = id=kw
#search.button=["xpath=//input[@id='su']","xpath=//button[@aria-label='Baidu Search']"]
search.button = ["xpath=//input[@id='su']"]
Feature: Baidu Search
Scenario: Search CSDN
Given I open browser to webpage "https://www.baidu.com/"
Then I enter "CSDN" to "input.box"
Then I click on "search.button"
Then I wait for "5" seconds
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
<suite name="Baidu Search Demo Suite" verbose="0" parallel="tests"
<listener class-name="com.quantum.listeners.QuantumReportiumListener"/>
<test name="Web Scenarios Test" enabled="true" thread-count="10">
<parameter name="env.resources" value="src/main/resources/baidu"/>
<include name="@BaiduSearch"/>
<class name="com.qmetry.qaf.automation.step.client.gherkin.GherkinScenarioFactory"/>